The Phonoclone and VSPS PCB Help Desk

They have not thought about scothy higher speed diodes and inthe PSU.
But I'm reading this post from the pricipio (I recently read page 200 !!!!!!!), and I saw that Richard no legustan high speed diodes (although Lehmann Black Cube uses) nor liked adding capacitors in the PSU. I will do everything as indicated Richard, then I will hear the result, which I hope will be very good since reading in this post I saw that this preamplifier has been praised in European Triode Festival.
(See Question 176)
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They have not thought about scothy higher speed diodes and inthe PSU.
But I'm reading this post from the pricipio (I recently read page 200 !!!!!!!), and I saw that Richard no legustan high speed diodes (although Lehmann Black Cube uses) nor liked adding capacitors in the PSU. I will do everything as indicated Richard, then I will hear the result, which I hope will be very good since reading in this post I saw that this preamplifier has been praised in European Triode Festival.
(See Question 176)
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No offence but... Why do people keep trying exotic opamps in this circuit? I think Richard and others here have made it pretty clear that the circuit is adapted to nicely behaved opamps, with moderate bandwidth, such as the recommended ne5532, or the opa2134. I did try the ad797 too (hey, too hard to resist, right?...) but found it noisier, a "sweeping" buzz kind of noise, faint but clear. I don't have the means to measure it, but I'm pretty sure it was oscillating like crazy. It did get pretty warm too, at around 75 C... My choice of opamp for my VSPS is JRC's 8820 (muses series), which looking at the specs is very 5532-like. Sometimes, depending on the mood, I swap it for an opa2227 though...

No offence but... Why do people keep trying exotic opamps in this circuit? I think Richard and others here have made it pretty clear that the circuit is adapted to nicely behaved opamps, with moderate bandwidth, such as the recommended ne5532, or the opa2134. I did try the ad797 too (hey, too hard to resist, right?...) but found it noisier, a "sweeping" buzz kind of noise, faint but clear. I don't have the means to measure it, but I'm pretty sure it was oscillating like crazy. It did get pretty warm too, at around 75 C... My choice of opamp for my VSPS is JRC's 8820 (muses series), which looking at the specs is very 5532-like. Sometimes, depending on the mood, I swap it for an opa2227 though...


Ummm, is this a trick question? You tried the same op-amp. Why shouldn't others experiment? I tried the opa2604 (along with several others I had on hand) and found I like it better than the ne5532 or opa2134 in my system. The difference is subtle but I felt I could hear tighter bass and a little bit less noise. It was worth the change for me, but if I hadn't tried it, how would I know?
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Hello, I think the same thing CHiroshi.
This post on VSPS Phonoclone and already has more than 10 years, commenting and editing improvements to the above circuits.
I've taken the time to read everything twice and have learned a lot about the circuit, but what I've learned is to trust the experience that has been accumulated in these 10 years.
The circuit performs best with components that are currently recommended.
It has been much discussion about what operating system to use; Minimum power transformer to be used; whether it is better or voltage regulators x-reg, etc.
Nevertheless publisher of the circuit on which you ask, has endeavored to contradict everything that the post is published as positive.
You try this circuit and we have had that result.
Regards, Joseph.
Ummm, is this a trick question? You tried the same op-amp. Why shouldn't others experiment? I tried the opa2604 (along with several others I had on hand) and found I like it better than the ne5532 or opa2134 in my system. The difference is subtle but I felt I could hear tighter bass and a little bit less noise. It was worth the change for me, but if I hadn't tried it, how would I know?
Haha... Yeah it is tricky, isn't it? Sorry about that! Of course, everybody should feel free to experiment.
I did try the opa2604 too, it has reasonable bandwidth, but for me, it was also noisier. If I remember correctly from my experiments, all the fet amps were noisier than bipolars. Even cheapos like 33078 and 4580 were quieter to my ears.
I did try the ad797 too (hey, too hard to resist, right?...) but found it noisier, a "sweeping" buzz kind of noise, faint but clear. I don't have the means to measure it, but I'm pretty sure it was oscillating like crazy. It did get pretty warm too, at around 75 C..
Which PSU?
I use it on old VSPS board with LM317/337, without oscilations..
Best sounding opamp for phono..
Question for RJM.
I am assembling the components in the PCB of VSPS 300 in much careful to avoid mistakes.
Looking at the circuit in the instruction sheet, I see that in the field of X-reg, R2 and R3 have 30k1 value.
Out of curiosity I look at the x-reg circuit of RJM page and see that according to the value of these resistors, the value of volts is obtained.
I see that with 30k, 10 volts are obtained.
The question is, the circuit VSPS 300 works with + -12 volts or work with + - 10 volts?
Greetings Jose.
Haha... Yeah it is tricky, isn't it? Sorry about that! Of course, everybody should feel free to experiment.
I did try the opa2604 too, it has reasonable bandwidth, but for me, it was also noisier. If I remember correctly from my experiments, all the fet amps were noisier than bipolars. Even cheapos like 33078 and 4580 were quieter to my ears.

Odd. I may re-test a few just to see. I know the bipolar vs fet input opamps have different optimal requirements, and that a fet input design may not function well (one issue, I think, is hf interference). Hagerman of Bugle phono stage fame talks about this. Presumably a circuit designed for a bipolar input opamp may not work as well for fet input. But what do I know? Cheers!


Joined 2004
Paid Member
Haha... Yeah it is tricky, isn't it? Sorry about that! Of course, everybody should feel free to experiment.
I did try the opa2604 too, it has reasonable bandwidth, but for me, it was also noisier. If I remember correctly from my experiments, all the fet amps were noisier than bipolars. Even cheapos like 33078 and 4580 were quieter to my ears.

There is a world of difference between vulejov using an AD797 in the VSPS circuit modified to run as a high-gain moving coil phono stage and people popping different op amps at random into the unmodified VSPS circuit to "see which one sounds better".

The AD797 can be made to work but it is in no way a drop in replacement for the usual VSPS op amps like the 5532/5534.

The VSPS, and phono input stages generally, favor bipolars insofar as they give lower noise. There is no magic, just noise = e_n + i_n*Z_in.
There is a world of difference between vulejov using an AD797 in the VSPS circuit modified to run as a high-gain moving coil phono stage and people popping different op amps at random into the unmodified VSPS circuit to "see which one sounds better".

The AD797 can be made to work but it is in no way a drop in replacement for the usual VSPS op amps like the 5532/5534.

The VSPS, and phono input stages generally, favor bipolars insofar as they give lower noise.

You must get tired of repeating this... ;)
Actually, me trying out different chips was mostly because I was interested in noise performance, and because I had parts lying around.
Honestly, I couldn't spot any tonal differences between different opamps (and I wasn't listening for that either). But noise was a different story, very clear, interesting.
You must get tired of repeating this... ;)
Actually, me trying out different chips was mostly because I was interested in noise performance, and because I had parts lying around.
Honestly, I couldn't spot any tonal differences between different opamps (and I wasn't listening for that either). But noise was a different story, very clear, interesting.
You got fake opamp then, or you have problem with PSU..
AD797 and LT1028 are two chips with smallest noise in the universe..
There is clear tonal difference between different opamps, AD797 sounds best..
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