The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Selfie. I wear this Holter contraption for a day or two. It records my heart activity.

My ticker is like a white man dancing. No good rhythm, no apparent reason.


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Arterial fribulation
Ventricular Ectopic
but in my case, switches back to normal within 36 hours or so.
Happens anywhere from every couple of days to once a month. I think it's called getting old.
Well at least you stylized with the Hawaiian shirt...
They are the norm for Calhoun
In all seriousness hope things are OK.
Thanks, I think this is precautionary.
It does look sexy in a roughian way. (stressfull times ?)
No, maybe a doctor with not enough to do?
Imagine middle-east looking guy entering a crowd with that. Take care Cal!
Oh man, the thoughts I have had. I was going to start out by just getting a free meal or two and then see how it went as I progressed. You really can have some twisted thoughts while wearing this thing, believe me.

Anyways, it comes off in a few hours and I'll know in a few days how things went. If this is my last post, then I guess it was more serious than I thought. :D
A man goes to the Pharmacist and says, uh, do you have a male pharmacist here? Lady says no, my sister and I own this store, we are both pharmacists and you can consult in us with full confidence. Man says ok, I have this erection problem. It simply won't go down. It's there day and night, what can you give me for it? Lady says, give me a minute I'll consult with my sister. She comes back and says, we'd like to offer you 1/3 interest in the store.