The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
Paid Member


  • Blazing Saddles - Campfire clip.gif
    Blazing Saddles - Campfire clip.gif
    110.6 KB · Views: 70
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
;)Well it can be any thing really as long as is properly embarrassing

Can be bodily part like really massive ears or tiny plums but not vice versa whit photographic documentation (don't forget BIC)

Or sumtink you been caught doing by beloved

Or posting picture of big plastic fish you just landed

OR Picture of fingers you self amputated whit angle grinder

All this have been posted in the past pages by any of us so sumthink new be really welcome

You catch my drift?

Ya mean like this one???? :D:D:D:D

Note: coffee through nose warning..... - "Morning After Fart" - YouTube
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Nah never do that he is funny bloke and there ain't many around to brighten up place besides me think he did pay taxes a long time ago maybe

So good on him

I just feel sorry for poor blastards that work theyr plums off and are gone to big wazzo first time they grab fishing line and such

PS C2C my paypal info on PM
Joined 2006
Paid Member
bongs are for sissies

lava lamp ......... well - that's in range with observing washing machine at work ....... both so much more interesting than TV

( not mentioning how much more intelligent content is ... )


Sooooooo - the TV shows are just az bad behind rusty curtain az they are here huh? I watch the history and science channels and some sports if one of my teams iz playing around - that's about it. :cool:

(Despite whatever Jacco may think or say I'm not watching the porn channels - I don't even know where they are at on the menu....):rolleyes: