The Catt Question- Is science being suppressed

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I sense the tentacles of the Elders of Zion. As well as the Operating Thetans.

Well, the Secret Protocols of the Elders of Sion are interesting in that detractors are quick in their yells proclaiming forgory as if such details somehow dismiss the ramifications implied by the detailed forecast of events that somehow seem to have been implemented during the course of the 20th century.

But, that actually wasn't a topic of discussion I had in mind in reference to my statement given.

I was thinking along the lines shown by the following exposed fraudulant scientific model, as it provides a sterling example of how our present day global institution of scientific establishments actually work in perpetrating fraudulant science working towards the apparant goals sought by secret agenda by those of a higher echelon social structure than that enjoyed by the handful of influential scientists who are able to control what scientific data the remaining scientists of the world have access to:

Connecting the Dots: Global Warming Gaffe, Flukraine's Folly, Mossad Mendacity -- Signs of the Times News

Now, before someone here jumps in here with a rebuttal based upon the so called "Lord Oxburgh's inquiry" and causes me to laugh myself silly they may wish to read Climategate: CRU whiter than – er – whitewash, as world laughs at AGW scam apologists – Telegraph Blogs

I have no access to articles at home, but please this is no hand waving.

Temperature dependence of low-frequency excess noise in junction-gate FET's
This paper appears in: Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on
Publication Date: Aug 1972
Haslett, J.W. Kendall, E.J.M.
The low-frequency noise in silicon JFET's was measured continuously for temperatures varying from 30 to 300 K. Distinct peaks in the noise were observed for all transistors tested, suggesting the presence of distinct trapping levels in the forbidden gap. An attempt to match theory with experiment indicates that one of the peaks can be explained by the presence of gold in the silicon as expected. However, a discrete trapping level cannot explain the second peak observed in the noise, as unrealistic capture cross sections for the traps would be required. It appears that the mechanism causing this second peak also contributes to the noise level at higher frequencies, and more work must be done to determine the exact nature of the processes involved. A third peak at lower temperatures cannot be explained with present theory. Possible causes of the noise appear to be dislocations in the crystal lattice, gold acceptors, and a splitting of the gold level due to strain.
Heydey, to respond to your question, what kind of ruling would it be to fiddle with a bunch of amoebas that are taught wrong from elementary school up, busting up the planet all along? My point is the cost would outweigh the benefit. UNDOUBTEDLY this is politics, but you rule billions of people because you need them, doing what is possible.

I'll admit that my second post contains a concept that splits two ways. The physicists that are supposedly holding all the cards may really not care about anyone or anything else and pull a scam on the level of what you're suggesting, but they'd get bored of that pretty fast if a game changing, life altering technology were available. Look at Hawking. You think he knows something that would allow him to play tennis?

I never meant to imply that all scientific progress is being suppressed, as scientific progress will always be encouraged provided that gobs of money can be made by the right people. But, on the other hand, if you or I were to discover an absolute cure of cancer by using the proper mixture of table salt and baking soda that discovery would surely be ruthlessly suppressed by all available tactics useful in information suppression, and we would surely be imprisoned on some type of trumped up charge if we persisted in making the information public in such a way as to actually be effective against the suppression.

Anyone who does not agree with this assessment is being bamboozled by their failure to hunt out the facts readily available to the persistant truth seeker.
Well, the Secret Protocols of the Elders of Sion are interesting in that detractors are quick in their yells proclaiming forgory as if such details somehow dismiss the ramifications implied by the detailed forecast of events that somehow seem to have been implemented during the course of the 20th century.

The important thing in trolling, much like chess, is the opening game. That sets the course for the rest of it. Well played, sir!
Let me quote, SY: "Now, gold in silicon is a well-known amphoteric centre, with an acceptor level very close to the intrinsic Fermi level at the middle of the bandgap and a donor level about 0.4 eV above the valence band edge H & K suggest that the gold acceptor level is responsible for the peak in the noise at temperatures in the vicinity of 300K. ... The peak between 100K and 200K is more difficult to explain though it is safe to assert that it is NOT DUE to the gold donor level because this is too far below the middle of the bandgap to produce noise comparable in magnitude with that of the gold acceptor level." 'Noise in Electronic Devices and Systems' Buckingham pp. 130-131
Thank you SY for getting me to re-read the statement carefully.
The bandgap must then be in the silicon material.
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History of the science of wave energy

I would look at all the projects that Nikola Telsa did.

He was into transmission of energy by tuned coils.

He had a tower that he "Broadcast" from that was able to put out enough energy to kill sheep for like 100 feet away, and various other fun stuff.

I have a pile of Sci-Fi books from the classic era.

One of them is a story by Heinlien, called "Waldo and Magic Inc".

This character who is a scientest, problem solver, lives in a orbiting condo where the gravity is very low as he has a low muscle strength problem.

Now a new wave transmission system to send power to new planes is put up and all seems well, the planes receiving their power from this transmitter.

Then one day, one of the planes settles to the ground dead. The pilot gets out and goes for a walk as they are in the country. He finds a very old man that comes to the plane and rubs his hands over the antennas.

The antennas start wiggling, and the old man tells him it will fly now.

The reluctant pilot gets in and yes it works antennas wiggling away.

The company calls Waldo, and he comes down to the old man who does the same for his muscles.

So Waldo comes back, and starts investigating spirits, magic and etc. and finally, when he answers a call from the plane company, he looks at the monitor, and says, "It's Magic!".

Great fun, if you can find a copy.

Also a book called "The Long Twilight" by Keith laumer? about immortals being kept alive by a hidden ship tramsmitting energy to them..about 1960 or so.

I have two giant books on Telephony, which is when they first started transmitting energy with tuned coils, and could see the effects with primitive sensors on the receiving end.

I had two German friends that put forth that Telsa's works were being suppressed, and that the big coil in the Griffith, (LA) observatory was a "Telsa Coil" and that the plate saying that had been covered over etc...

Worth looking into, and some very interesting stuff put forth:cool:
Well, the Secret Protocols of the Elders of Sion are interesting in that detractors are quick in their yells proclaiming forgory as if such details somehow dismiss the ramifications implied by the detailed forecast of events that somehow seem to have been implemented during the course of the 20th century.

I normally go into an attack mode when someone claims that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an historic document, but SY has already made a better point.

I had two German friends that put forth that Telsa's works were being suppressed, and that the big coil in the Griffith, (LA) observatory was a "Telsa Coil" and that the plate saying that had been covered over etc...

That idea flies in the face of reason when you consider how much profit Tesla's workable inventions has generated for large corporations. If history has taught us anything, it's that in America if an idea has any possible chance to make money, money will be made.

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I never meant to imply that all scientific progress is being suppressed, as scientific progress will always be encouraged provided that gobs of money can be made by the right people. But, on the other hand, if you or I were to discover an absolute cure of cancer by using the proper mixture of table salt and baking soda that discovery would surely be ruthlessly suppressed by all available tactics useful in information suppression, and we would surely be imprisoned on some type of trumped up charge if we persisted in making the information public in such a way as to actually be effective against the suppression.

Anyone who does not agree with this assessment is being bamboozled by their failure to hunt out the facts readily available to the persistant truth seeker.

You mean sort of the way we're not allowed to make or use soap, or get tuberculosis or tetanus vaccinations? I suppose at some point the medicine man was suspected of holding out too. You might want to spend more time reading up on leading edge technology in various fields. You don't have to understand every last detail (I sure don't) to realize that there are all sorts of real problems keeping us from being able to do anything we want, but that what Is being done is mind-bogglingly capable. Advances in internal imaging and brain signal analysis for human medicine is absolutely fascinating. They're going as far as sticking people in the lowest EM field buildings available in the world in order to test. I think it's easy to take things for granted, even though I still think we're in the stone ages compared to what will be medically possible by the time I die. I think just a few generations beyond me will have a choice whether to check out at all, in most cases. Someone will still complain.

I'm not without a bit of paranoia. I actually take medication for it. Just watch out if they go for the world government thing. I think that would wipe out some important competition, at least until humans as a race get smarter about how much work there is for us to do together.
calls into question established EM Theory]

100 or so years ago, the answer is 'the aether'.

now supressed

still is.

Aether - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


the more a 'skeptic' derides something, the more likely it will be true ...

de·ride (d-rd)
tr.v. de·rid·ed, de·rid·ing, de·rides

To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth.

See Synonyms at ridicule.

[Latin drdre : d-, de- + rdre, to laugh at.]
de·rider n.
de·riding·ly adv.

derides - definition of derides by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

I normally go into an attack mode when someone claims that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an historic document,

everything is a historical document.

the value is in the translation ...

(and how to do so)

how often is this mis-translated? -

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