rockford fosgate BD1500 stopped working

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well when we tested the amp yesterday i had a nice -9.6V/9.6V everywhere so i guess there is something related to the missing U6 maybe...
is there a way to further check the optocouplers ?

when i directly check at the right FET's pin 1 and 3 as we did earlier i get +7.6V instead of 5.x something at U10 ... could it be cause the battery is getting lower in voltage ? i am now at 11.19V
and since there is no "load" from the left side FETs the voltage is higher than on the right side FET's wich as all of the 8 FET's applying load on U10 and U9 lowering the voltage a bit ??
just a theory
good news
i will install those parts and before powering up and remove the resistor between gate and source i will confirm that U6 sends a good signal and measure all of the FETs again to be shure there is none leaking and then i will remove the resistor and see what do i have between gate and source on the left and right bank of FETs and if i have any voltage on the speaker terminals and let you know the results to see what will be next... does it sound good to you?
allright i will remove the resistor when replacing the FETs
would you suggest only replacing the 2 FETs that failed for testing purposes and when everything looks in working order i could replace all of the other FET on the left bank ?? this way if something happens i wont waste all of the new FETs again!!
I would try it without adding any new FETs but there's always the chance that the FETs are damaged in a way that doesn't show on the meter. If they fail when you power it up, you won't really know why they failed. If they survive, you'll know that everything else is probably OK. Double-check the gate resistors before you apply power.
of course! i understand... specially with me and Sean being abusive on you all night long :D
you should have told me earlier...
I dont want you to get tired of me cause its hard to read my posts.
I dont really notice those things when typing, but you make me remember that i often read post of people not using puncuation at all and i have to read 2-3 times to understand what they are saying exactly. I will be more carefull on this.
first of all thanks Sean Kane for sending me the parts they are all looking good

I just installed them and checked them for continuity before and after install and its good to go
double checked the gate resistors and its all good to
about to power it up to see if all the gates have -9V/+9V and if the speaker terminal has DC on them
will let you know the results
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