problem: project vellman!!

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dear friends

( i consider both of you as my friends nico and uncle charly )

it seems that in your titan batle ( he he ) you are missing one small detail

Dear nico it is very nice of you to spend time read specs, evaluate, circuit and soa of the transistors and circuit.

in real life though there is one limmitation : this can only apply if the semis are the same brand family and batch cause is its cleraly stated in the thread a darling...ton story

one amplifier that uses a 2N 3055 from st and one from toshiba will stand a chance ,the above circuit with one tip142 from ST and tip147 from fairchild is a ticking bomb

darligtons of this family and related cousins suffer from production issues since depenting on the costumer and the order there may ba variations in the internal circuits

similar kit to velleman exist for over 25 yeras in greece ( which actually is a advanved velleman version since uses 2 ccs more ) the story with this is that company stated 100w max power @ 40+40 rails some kid blow it in a party and then went to any sjop to get a tip 142 or 147 ...after that blowing the amp was a never ending story ....

this device has an option only with proper transistors

( and by the way someone please comment my thought regarding the NElson Pass Α40 since its the only "comercial" circuit i have seen that uses more than one pair of tip 142 147 paralleled but works without any modern techs like ccs though biassed @200ma per device and having NO caps in the base of the transistors a well known sonic killer . I belive that if biassed that hi darligtons are too busy doing this and will not oscilate )
I feel good watching you with all that courage... i will help gladly, support you and

will produce my traditional "noise".

I am biased and centered into the bootstrapped three stages amplifier...i found that it was on of the earliest amplifiers i have, and sounded very good...was a turntable with a ceramic cartridge and TIP3 and TIP4 transistors inside... maybe something alike TIP41 and TIP42..... sounded wonderfull....was modified to use a dinamic cartridge.... Shure V15 i think....motor received a very interesting shield and a Phillips RIAA preamplifier kit was used too..levels matched and sound became better..also i have included more 10000uf when those earlier days they used 2200uf..sometimes 1000uf into the supply (ahahahah).....and the lovely power amplifier was there , nice treble and pumping lovely deep bass too... i was already starting to build several amplifiers, but i never could find that warm an nice sonics that were present into the bootstrap three stages amplifiers.... that earlier one i have listened.... when day i produced the Project 61 (the erased amplifier, made by Hugh, that was earlier published at Rodd Elliot ESP pages)..then i feel myself happy....listening the same sonics once again.

Those simple ones..differencial as first stage, VAS as second, and emitter follower, that output darlington often used.... Doctor Self use it too...well...everybody use it.

Graham came with nice design...bootstrapped...some interesting ideas he brougth to us... suing 2200uf and 4700uf in positions we have never used so big ones..and other design solutions...earlier , in this same forum, we have something green amplifier, developed into our forum... a cooperative amplifier that never take off...and more amplifiers came.... Hugh published the Aksa simplified, i have made mine..and all them bootstrapped...small differences, other biasing, other voltages, different details...other conceptions or conceived ideas.... also Sisteek made his one..different a little, i do not remember but had not bootstrapp...not so good in sonics..but excelent to measurements....MJL21193 made himself a nice one.... Bigun, also Ostripper and some others....the amplifiers was deeply explored, having variations and several versions...even mine HRII, Precision 1, and DHR Turbo..all them variations around the same theme....nice units that turns forum boring...only that stuff..the same old song played once and once again, several times..a torture!..the forum became representative of that simple topologie, and nothing really different, nothing creative appeared... was a three stages, ancient design invading our forum...different names..the same old story.

I hope you have some interesting ideas...single stages already explored, deeply by Papa Nelson Pass....he did excelent job and there's no more space inside the single or dual stage amplifiers room to explore.

I will be reading, and helping if i find something interesting to post in your thread.

I really think, it is time to fashion things...Triple differential inputs having fets, BGTS, chips and so on.... crazy VAS.... exotic multiple stage VAS....error correction, incredible output hiper semi quase full complementary, having fets, combined with tubes and all that stuff...things to make folks dream with audio purity that we both know it is not reachable while the speakers remains the old stupid air pump.

Then they may be excited, they may feel a hope on those things..using the best parts into the selected places for them...including multiple ideas together..all technology, CCS, current mirrors, voltage and current regulators, current sinks, references, correcting chips, automatic bias, automatic offset, bias shifting devices, Class A, B and AB into the same amplifier.... they want to dream..and we should give them hope......... interesting...the hope we have lost.... we have to provide them... we are old and skilled...we have to inject them hope.... very interesting sittuation.

If not made dense, complicated, big, heavy..... the young guys will not give attention..will say the "grandfathers" are once again spreading ancient dust into our forum.




Hello dear Sakis

I use to read, with attention, your posts...thank you.

regards to little Sakis (have already a name?... and Maria)

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Are there folks interested to learn how to make basic design...say, to calculate

stage by stage, using ohms formula..simple things.... and them those stages constituting a working amplifier?

Post if you have interest...i want subscriptions to start something alike that.

Having more than 10 i will open a thread of that.... then we gonna have two interesting ones..the Nico's amplifier and the calculate simple ones...or even to join into one thread if Nico agree.

Yeah..down here... write, post, that you have interest, that you want need basic Mathematics... very simple calculations daugther does that since she had 9 years old.


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Hi Sakis,

I will not argue with you on your point of different manufacturers of TIP141/147, we use the On-Semi parts in control gear (previously Motorola). I have used them in amplifiers designs and I have not experienced problem much problems, but you are in an industry of repairing commercial things and I must take your word if you say that you have seen problems in commercial equipment using them.

Darlingtons are notorious for thermal runnaway and if I may suggest that one uses a darlington as Vbe multiplier as well.

Kindest regards

Well ...

Hi Sakis,

I will not argue with you on your point of different manufacturers of TIP141/147, we use the On-Semi parts in control gear (previously Motorola). I have used them in amplifiers designs and I have not experienced problem much problems, but you are in an industry of repairing commercial things and I must take your word if you say that you have seen problems in commercial equipment using them.

Darlingtons are notorious for thermal runnaway and if I may suggest that one uses a darlington as Vbe multiplier as well.

Kindest regards


its not a word nico .... its a fact .... you may wana take a look at specs between fairchild and philips for example and you will notice that the resistor connecting the driver and the output transistor have a diferent value between the two companies

( now this also might be a subject on which data sheet you are reading cause except the first one for sure there is revisions )

as about the second part ther is got to be something wrong with your statement regarding the vbe since BC 547 is not a darlington neither the configuration there works as a darligton

happy regards sakis
( good to see you arround nico ...its been a while since we talked . hope the best for you and family !!!! )

I do not want to start a competition, that is not my intension. There exists no best of anything in this world, only different things. Regarding DIY obviously ones own ideas are always the best.

The problem in DIY you normally design for your own preference in perception of sound, in a commercial environment you design for the preference of the masses and the designs can often be too colourful for the audio enthusiast.

Some designers will throw many components into the design to achieve a goal, some designers will use as few components as possible to achieve another goal which may be totally different but as important as those of the first designer.

I would be of the opinion that this thread should not kick of with a design at all, but with a specification. In other words we inviste everyone an opportunity to include one or another factor that he/she feels that would make a system that he/she would like to have.

Once we achieved a general specification that is most suitable to everyone that cares to join, amongst us we could try to fit the most suitable topology to achieve this.

I can see many arguments for and against certain topologies. Now we all know what we want and how we want to do it. I think there may be a lot of interesting ideas that will come forth.

Then satge by stage we design the most suitable amp and the guys on the forum can try some ideas practically and report what they hear and what they think and we take it step by step until an amplifier is born that would satisfy most tastes on the forum.

I found that it is highly unlikely to sit down and design an amplifier on paper and simulator alone that will sound great from the outset - Hugh as made me very aware of this fact.

I have designed my last amplifier, exactly as I wanted it, added CCS listened, took it out listened, does it apeal to me more or less, etc. This is what I would like to happen in this thread of yours Carlos. The results must eveolve from practical findings rather that theoretical issues.

I think one of the easiest things is to publish a desing and if it is not liked then try another, and another. Few of us has the resources of the group of us on the forum, I think we have about 3 000 members, maybe more - I do not think that a single amplifier producing company has the combined resources that exist in this forum.

Kindest regards


By the way I think we have totally hi-jacked this thread.
Yes.... we are sorry...we hyjacked..for sure.

We will stop with that conversation here.

I do not think you want competition (Sakis words...Titan Battle was very unhappy choice of words..seems figth and competition and i hate that ...and you too.)..i do not want too.... also i do not want to open thread... too much hard work.

Short form and clear.

Sorry the off topic..ending now.


uncle charly ..... you very well know that i write things like that mostly as a joke ( you may also see the he he he next to the word ) and this is what i ment in the first place .

often when titans like you or nico bless us with their presence in a thread no mater if they dont agree or having a serious batle or funny batle ( as i described it above mostly ment as a joke ) then younger people like us have the chance to learn something ...

under this prism abit of threadjacking shouldnt be a problem

thank you !!!
There's no problem Sakis...i know you very well..i know had not bad intentions

because of that i said (unhappy choice of words) as maybe made Nico understand that i was taken the sittuation as a competition.

There's no problems dear Sakis.

Have a hug and let's go because tomorrow we gonna have more conversations.





Nico...if you decide to open a thread ...then i will be there.


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You can set the quescient current werever you like depending on were you want the turn-over point from class A to class B operation and how much power you want to dissipate in idle mode. In my opinion four TIP142/147 is a little overkill, but then I have seen amplifiers with no less than 24 transistors per rail.

There is one simple check that would be necessary to ensure that the Vbe multiplier is doing its job correctly. Set the quescient where you want it and run the amp for half an hour or so and measure the emitter current. Then use a heat gun and heat up the heat sink and you must see a drop in quescient current not an increase.

Anyone else for a practical solution?


The BC639 shown would not be able to drive 4 pairs of transistors well. You would need a larger device as VAS, and to increase the Class A current through the VAS. Personally I think that a current source would be better for this than the bootstrap circuit.

AS i said before, this is no longer a quick mod, this is a whole amplifier redesign. Pick an amplifier circuit already designed for this task, rather than trying to hack up this one.
the problem with the tip 142-147 will remain that in the slightest signal spike or overdrive one will drive more than the other and eventually explode ....

i will agree with jay cee regarding the vas stage

my recomendation is to use just one pair of MJ11015-16 as tested in the greek version of this the circuit was able to work easily up to 56+56 volts ....

as i said before the greek version features 2 ccs more

but with 45+45 volts you may get away with it
Here you have one...this is the one i use... hardly tested

super reliable......but.... into our forum we have several amplifiers..all them are one is perfect, no one can be considered the best... some are special alike Krill..others are normal and common alike mine ones..others are overcomplicated and others are fashion... some are time bombs...problems creators.

This is one tested....Nico Ras have many good ones too.

You should read a little...and back to 2002 in our may have many options.

You can use the transistors you said...power transistor are power transistors and nothing more than power transistors..they have maximum voltage, maximum current, maximum power dissipation, gain and prefered voltage to work..also they have cut frequencies (-3db) and there's no one that cannot work in audio.

Drivers are smaller power transistors, and nothing more than that..to220 and smaller case, smaller dissipation..they have maximum voltage, maximum current, gain, prefered voltage to work (1/3 to 1/4 the maximum colector to emitter voltage having base connected)... the rest is myth and foolishes.

Small transistor are small transistors, they have huge gain (all them), they can be PNP or NPN as all wide world transistors, they can be fashion, smaller, beautifull, black or ligth gray or even dark gray..can be metalic, rounded or squared..they have maximum voltage, they have huge gain, nice frequency response, maximum current, maximum power dissipation....well..alike all others.

Observe those things...(observe means obbey), read datasheet and use the ones you have.... there are thousands that can work into the input...thousands that can work alike VAS, thousands that can work alike drivers and thousands that can work alike output power... transistors do not get married..they do not constitute family..they have no race and prejudices..they can mix without problems...mixing brands, colours and how they look.

You can use my schematic (tested) and other thousands you can find into the internet and hundreds (much more reliable ones) you can have in this forum.

I do not mind you use mine is a suggestion thing to be used..just that...better to use Nico Ras amplifiers, as you seem not to be good with language and this will turn confused our Nico understand you better than me..i am old and stupid..... and a little bit tired also.

This one shown, is the DHR Turbo (there's an entire thread about) is the son of the Dx Amplifier (there's an enormous thread about)...and you have a home page about it and Chinese have home pages about it too.

The chinese home page:

Type destroyersoueu into the youtube and you will see more than hundred videos, some of them are from Dx amplifiers playing..under testing.

Here you have the Dx Amplifier main thread:

there's more threads about Dx Amplifiers...HRII, Precision 1, DHR Turbo and Trust

- Dx amplifiers, if well made, if well constructed, if well adjusted result very reliable, they may blow your ears, your supply, or your speakers..but the amplifier will not blow..will rest for your whole life and you will give it to your childrens and they may give it to their own childrens....and so on.

Hundreds have one have complained... they are spread into the whole world..playing from Alaska to the Argentine Patagônia.

By the way.... this unit puts out 225 watts RMS into 4 ohms loads (speakers).. and can work using 6 ohms and also can work using 8 ohms.... to use 2 ohms you have to include more output transistors.

Transistor do not sounds...there's not the good sounding ones...also cow do not fly!




  • Standard bootstrapped.jpg
    Standard bootstrapped.jpg
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  • DHR Turbo 45V home edition.pdf
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If you wanna know!...really if you wanna know!..what to make with your Velleman,

my dear Orcad.... take the one alike that.... use the real metalic one..the one is black anodised...put two cartridges on it...point the board and booom!

Or..if you think will be better..put under my little car wheels...hehehe... will be nice (náisssss!)

will make a favor to yourself.




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    Use the real one...the double 12 gauge.jpg
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