NEW projector from INDIA

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New projector from India !

COMPLETE!!!!Yes finally my New PJ is finished and i have pics to follow Thanks goes out to MAKS 0001 you have truly inspired me with your build and guess what i am using my old slide bulb with a condenser 6 fans so it stays really cool i made up a zoom mechanism and the davis power beam lens already had a focus built into it using a split design 220mm and the 330 mm the projected pic is incredible!!Ilove it when the old bulb goes i will then replace with the new one and the balast.I also need to find a computer power supply to run the fans as i am just using a 16 volt power supply.To many pugs to deal with and there is no switches hooked up yet either .Here is a pic of the Simpsons.Check it out!!!It's hard to hold the camera still .
Re: New projector from India !

cool 1 said:
COMPLETE!!!!Yes finally my New PJ is finished...........Thanks goes out to MAKS 0001 you have truly inspired me with your build .............It's hard to hold the camera still.

Hey Cool_1.... three cheers on your success. Talking abt inspiration, I feel that it just goes passed on... as Budhi inspired me. Use a tripod to get those pics. It is infact hard to hold the camera still, especially if you set your cam for long time exposure. I have a professional tripod, so the job was easy for me.

Well, finally yesterday I made the screen. It's made up of PVC poly-cloth... the one that we see used for big hoardings on traffic signals. It's not very high-contrast thing, but the image quality has improved to much better than the white bedsheet that I was using earlier. Will upload some pics tomm.
mastero said:
Hello all,

Fresnel lens 220mm and Fresnel 330mm size 285mm x 285 mm

Triplet lens 74mm Dia.

Shipped anywhere in India for INR 3000.00

If anyone requires let me know.

I have arranged one for myself and Maks.


Hi Mastero,
I would be grateful if you could arrange one of those for me. I stay in Noida and local market here is so bad that its not possible to get this stuff here. Please let me know the payment method.


Best regards,
Nitin Kumar Garg
Maks0001 said:

Hey, buddy... where did U disappear man..???? We had started on the project together.... no update from you yet..!!!

Hey Marks had a huge project going on for Reliance was giving 100% there :(

No time to watch a Simple TV leave alone projector hehehhe ...

now back to the sabatical mode so should finish the projector this week.

How u been ? hope all good at ur end :)

Yes, cool1, I was very cautious, and I took out the Lcd only at the last moment. But while fixing it in the frame I think I would have pulled the ffc a little harder! and bong! my 3rd lcd gone!!
By the way, friends, Lumenlab has started selling their own projectors (very neat looking) for $500. Have a look at it. I came across it while trying to find out if they have the 32 pin ffc. The store link is taking us directly to the new projector page, and the spare parts page is not there!! Now where to go for the FFC?!!!
pollok said:
Yes, cool1, I was very cautious, and I took out the Lcd only at the last moment. But while fixing it in the frame I think I would have pulled the ffc a little harder! and bong! my 3rd lcd gone!!
By the way, friends, Lumenlab has started selling their own projectors (very neat looking) for $500. Have a look at it. I came across it while trying to find out if they have the 32 pin ffc. The store link is taking us directly to the new projector page, and the spare parts page is not there!! Now where to go for the FFC?!!!

Try this for FFC

and for store

- Nitin.
New projector from India !

Pollok the evo 1.1 is not half as good as a good DIY!! Lamp life 6000 hrs my lamp life for my PJ BT 37 400 watt 4200 kelvin MH 20,000 HRS no comparison price comparison yes $30.00 in US funds my bulb $24.99 difference of $20.00 by the time i send money in US funds.Also have seen on other forums that it is crappy.Screen door effect big time on my DIY PJ no screen door at all.Mine is just alot bigger in size. Bottom line mine is better.And it has not even cost me $300.00 in total!! it is in black and white !!
Well, I screwed up 2 lcds -3rd one I could not use, as it was connected to the panel on 3 sides. So that lcd is safe. The other 2, yes, they might work only with new FFCs I think.
Yes Maks, I too am thinking that I should have gone for a low-cost PJ, but the thrill of making your own is still pulling me. But no new lcds! Only if I can repair the existing ones. Now where can I get this FFC? I need a 32 pin one. Can somebody help?

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