More engineering humor

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Civil Engineering --NMJ

"NMJ" = not my job


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jackinnj said:

been hittin' the Elsinore , eh?


Not sure you got my deeper meaning Jack. It isn't about Bob and Doug drinking although it is certainly about drunkard level spending. Think about how much is left after paying massive principal plus interest to keep from going officiallly bankrupt after mortgaging the entire farm and continuing hemmorage level spending.

So my 'joke' was apparently not understood by all, "What is the capitol of the United States? About 75 cents."

I think Dick Cheney gets it.
poobah said:
Hey RCA,

Go easy dude... we are either saving the world or bombing it... either way, it's expensive...



My joke USED to be a Polish joke. What's the capitol of Warsaw, about a buck and a half. Ha Ha. I just saw an opportunity to modify it slightly and re-issue it. I thought it was funny because I knew that there was meaningful foundation in the new version. That is why jokes work. Adding Cheney as the recipient of the 75 cents that's left was just double entendre explained by saying the Cheney "gets it" my joke I mean.

I really was NOT trying to offend my American friends here. It seemed more comical before I had to explain it in a feature length documentary.

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