More engineering humor

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Understanding Engineers

An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was
better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he
enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring
relationship. The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because
the passion and mystery he found there. The engineer said, "I like
both." "Both?" "Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each
assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the
lab and get some work done."
But when Mr Hubbard got to the lab, the bench it was bare. The guys from Sales had pinched all the HD monitors and generators to use at the IBC show. Not only this, they had swiped Hubbard's only working prototype of Project Silk Purse to glue up on a display board somewhere. Test Dept staff had purloined his Tek scope, someone from Production had borrowed his soldering iron, and someone had even nicked the chair he normally sat on.

So Mr Hubbard went to the pub and got totally wasted.
Going in Circles

There´s nothing wrong with going in circles. In most companies, all designs proceed this way. It starts when Someone with Initiative has a good idea. The Boss will commence the design process by denouncing this idea as rubbish. After a circumspect number of weeks of moronic discussion, debate and blather, the Someone with Initiative will manage to extract the original idea from the morass of collective blather and inveigle it carefully into the discussion as an idea from The Boss. It then gets accepted and progress is made.

This is a process well known to Those with Initiative.


Joined 2003
Re: Going in Circles

John Hope said:
This is a process well known to Those with Initiative.

I think I recognise the process. Once upon a time, a TV studio centre was based on the idea that if its pulses were locked to a rubidium oscillator, and Network's pulses were also locked to a rubidium oscillator, then the relative drift between them would so low that they would only need to be locked momentarily early in the morning for them to remain synchronous all day. A Someone with Initiative calculated the relative drift requirement and pointed out that this couldn't possibly be achieved by caesium, let alone rubidium. A lot of heated argument resulted, only stopped by the failure of the idea on its first day of operation. However, inspired by an idea from Someone with Even More Initiative, an elegant fix was designed and built that is still in operation 13 years after the event.

PS Got your 'scope back?
Eleven people were dangling below a helicopter on a rope.
There were ten sales people and one engineer.
Since the rope was not strong enough to hold them all,
they decided that one of them had to let go to save all
the others.
They could not decide who should be the volunteer.Finally the engineer said he would let go of the rope since
engineers are used to do everything for the company.
They forsake their family, don’t claim all of their
expenses and do a lot of over-time without getting anything
in return.
When he finished his moving speech all the sales
people began to clap...

Moral: Never underestimate the powers of the engineer.

– – –

Once upon a time three sales people were walking through
the woods and suddenly they were standing in front of a
huge,wild river.They desperately had to get to the other
side. But how,with such a raging torrent?

The first sales guy knelt down and prayed to
the Lord:”Lord,please give me the strength to cross this
river!” *pppppfffffffuuuuffffffff*

The Lord gave him long arms and strong legs.Now he
could swim across the river. It took him about two hours
and he almost drowned several times.
BUT: he was successful!

The second sales guy,who observed this, prayed
to the Lord and said: ”Lord,please give me
the strength AND the necessary tools to cross this river!”

The Lord gave him a tub and he managed to cross the river
despite the fact that the tub almost capsized a couple of

The third sales man who observed all this kneeled
down and prayed:”Lord, please give me the strength,
the means and the intelligence to cross this river!”

The Lord converted the sales man into an engineer.
He took a quick glance on the map,walked a few meters
upstream and crossed the bridge.
Joined 2003
Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident'

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President looks up and asks..........

''How many is a Brazillion ??”

EC8010: Yes I have it back. It´s a very nice Tek DSO scope, the company has a handful of them. I´ve christened them the Wallace and Grommit Scopes´ because they´re about the size of a lunchbox and have that rather unreal, rounded look like something out of Wallace and Grommit. The name has stuck.


jacco vermeulen said:
Usually the delay is till the bosses tell Those with Initiative they've had an idea and ask them what they think of it.

I remember a boss doing exactly that at a meeting. I told him, in front of everyone else:
"That's a pretty good idea, almost as good as when I came up with it three weeks ago."

My career there lasted another four months.

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