Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

On my Pi Zero I needed to create a swap file and turn swap on to be able to get past this step.

nano /etc/dphys-swapfile and set



dphys-swapfile setup
dphys-swapfile swapon

do the build, then

dphys-swapfile swapoff



Hi Phil,

In Recipe 1.6 two additional dev libs are added to COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli

libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

AND the dev for MechanicalSoup fixed a bug in the package yesterday that was causing error. @TheOldPresbyope figured this one out :)

What's unique about the Zero that it needs swap? There was earlier post from @Bigbear2003 who built moOde on an ancient A+ :-0

Trying moOde recipe on OrangePi PC with armbian xenial. I got error here and there, but finally i can hear music. Thank Tim :D


This is good news for the DietPi port of moOde. [edit: speaking of which, Fourdee has pushed his first moOde-related commit to the dietpi testing branch.]

I didn't start hacking on my old Odroid C1 because I couldn't find debian stretch for it. Since armbian xenial is based on ubuntu xenial based on debian jessie, I'm encouraged by your success. Did you try armbian debian jessie directly?

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Hi Phil,

In Recipe 1.6 two additional dev libs are added to COMPONENT 6 - Upmpdcli

libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

AND the dev for MechanicalSoup fixed a bug in the package yesterday that was causing error. @TheOldPresbyope figured this one out :)

What's unique about the Zero that it needs swap? There was earlier post from @Bigbear2003 who built moOde on an ancient A+ :-0


Hi Tim,

I'd done all that, raised the issue with the MechanicalSoup people to get their PyPi module fixed, and then...

I'd done every step up to the build of Upmpdcli, except I hadn't used squashfs and I had rebooted, configured, and tested Moode 4 Beta 8 before continuing.

My ssh sessions into my Pi Zero W kept being killed off during the build and the compile failed with an obscure gcc error, which I suspect was an out-of-RAM problem.

Adding swap space fixed this.

Not sure how much swap was needed, but I used 600MB as Kent had said the build used 600MB on his Pi 3, and rather safe than waste time on more failed builds.

I'd even tried killing off processes and trying to rebuild without success until the swap was added.


Last edited:
Hi Tim,

I'd done all that, raised the issue with the MechanicalSoup people to get their PyPi module fixed, and then...

I'd done every step up to the build of Upmpdcli, except I hadn't used squashfs and I had rebooted, configured, and tested Moode 4 Beta 8 before continuing.

My ssh sessions into my Pi Zero W kept being killed off during the build and the compile failed with an obscure gcc error, which I suspect was an out-of-RAM problem.

Adding swap space fixed this.

Not sure how much swap was needed, but I used 600MB as Kent had said the build used 600MB on his Pi 3, and rather safe than waste time on more failed builds.

I'd even tried killing off processes and trying to rebuild without success until the swap was added.



Hi Phil,

Ok, makes sense. I'll have a look at moving the "disable swap" cmds from SETP 4 number 1 to the very end. Something like that...

Hi Phil,

Ok, makes sense. I'll have a look at moving the "disable swap" cmds from SETP 4 number 1 to the very end. Something like that...


That probably makes sense. You might need to add a caveat that swap might need increasing from the default.

I'll try to test Moode in the weekend with swap enabled, to see how much swap is used in normal use, and whether I can discern any difference in sound quality.

My experience with modern Linux kernels is that swap is not aggressively used anyway and that it's probably safe to leave it turned on.

But I'll check anyway.



my Moode awaiting the final release and playing the
Radio Paradise Slideshow while waiting.



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stuttering on hi res files

Hi - just noticed stuttering when changing tracks and when moode is downloading the album cover art to show on the playback panel when playing hi-res files. Anyone else noticing a problem? Using version 4b8 on a pi0w with simple ess9028 i2s dac. Not had this problem before - almost like it is getting starved of data. Tried on integrated wifi and then reverted to ethernet but still same problem. Tried 24 192 and 24 96 files that played fine on version 3.8.4 using same hardware and networks. Tried playing with buffer sizes and % fill but no improvement. Regards Adrian
Hi - just noticed stuttering when changing tracks and when moode is downloading the album cover art to show on the playback panel when playing hi-res files. Anyone else noticing a problem? Using version 4b8 on a pi0w with simple ess9028 i2s dac. Not had this problem before - almost like it is getting starved of data. Tried on integrated wifi and then reverted to ethernet but still same problem. Tried 24 192 and 24 96 files that played fine on version 3.8.4 using same hardware and networks. Tried playing with buffer sizes and % fill but no improvement. Regards Adrian

Sounds like the same problem I had with the advanced kernels in earlier Stretch-based Moode 4 betas.

As yet, no idea what is causing it.

I have recently set up Moode and on some music I can hear a faint crackle. I have experienced this before when running Rune with a different DAC and just went to the alsamixer to turn it down from there and the problems went away.

I have an rpi3 with an allo piano 2.1 running in dual mono mode so when I goto the alsamixer I have a choice of master volume to turn both left and right channels down or use digital volume for left channel and subwoofer for right channel.

Does lowering the volume in alsamixer reduce audio quality?

I got a problem with mpd, downloading and compiling went fine.
pi@moode:~ $ which mpd
pi@moode:~ $ mpd --version
Music Player Daemon 0.20.11

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <>
Copyright 2008-2017 Max Kellermann <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Database plugins:
 simple proxy

Storage plugins:

Decoders plugins:
 [mad] mp3 mp2
 [mpg123] mp3
 [vorbis] ogg oga
 [oggflac] ogg oga
 [flac] flac
 [dsdiff] dff
 [dsf] dsf
 [faad] aac
 [wavpack] wv
 [ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 adx afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim apc ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts dv dvd dxa eac3 film flac flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a m4b m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpeg mpg mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg opus psp pva qcp qt r3d ra ram rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tak tgi tgq tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav webm wma wmv wsaud wsvga wv wve


Tag plugins:

Output plugins:
 shout null fifo pipe alsa httpd recorder

Encoder plugins:
 null vorbis lame wave flac

Archive plugins:
 [iso] iso

Input plugins:
 file alsa archive curl ffmpeg cdio_paranoia

Playlist plugins:
 extm3u m3u pls soundcloud flac cue embcue

 file:// http:// https:// gopher:// rtp:// rtsp:// rtmp:// rtmpt:// rtmps:// cdda:// alsa://

Other features:
 avahi epoll icu inotify systemd tcp un
But there is no mpd.service
pi@moode:~ $ systemctl status mpd
Unit mpd.service could not be found.
pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode.log 
20171108 185307 worker: - Start
20171108 185308 worker: Successfully daemonized
20171108 185308 worker: - Init
20171108 185308 worker: Session loaded
20171108 185308 worker: Debug logging (off)
20171108 185309 worker: Host (moode)
20171108 185309 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
20171108 185309 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20171108 185309 worker: Kver (4.9.59-v7+)
20171108 185309 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20171108 185309 worker: Gov  (performance)
20171108 185309 worker: Rel  (Moode 4.0 2017-MM-DD)
20171108 185309 worker: Upd  (None)
20171108 185309 worker: MPD  (0.20.11)
20171108 185309 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
20171108 185309 worker: File system expanded
20171108 185309 worker: HDMI port on
20171108 185310 worker: File check ok
20171108 185310 worker: - Network
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 exists
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 (
20171108 185310 worker: wlan0 exists
20171108 185310 worker: wlan0 SSID is blank
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 address exists so AP mode not started
20171108 185311 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20171108 185311 worker: - Audio
20171108 185312 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20171108 185312 worker: Audio output (On-board audio device)
20171108 185312 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20171108 185312 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20171108 185312 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20171108 185312 worker: - Services
20171108 185314 worker: MPD started
20171108 185314 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20171108 185316 worker: - Last
20171108 185316 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20171108 185316 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20171108 185316 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20171108 185316 worker: Watchdog started
20171108 185316 worker: Ready
20171108 185316 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185322 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185336 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185342 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185348 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185354 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185400 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185406 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185412 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185418 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185424 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185430 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185436 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185442 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185448 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185455 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185501 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185507 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185513 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185519 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185525 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185531 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185537 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185543 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185549 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185555 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185601 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185607 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185613 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185619 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185626 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185632 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185638 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185644 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185650 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185656 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185702 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185708 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185714 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185720 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185726 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185732 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185738 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
/var/log/mpd/mpd.log is empty.

Any idea?
Hi Tim,
Many thanks for moOde 4, Beta 8, which I have set up. Its up and running and I am listening to music streaming from it right now, I am very happy as I was with MoOde 3.1 and its subsequent releases.

I am not Linux savvy, so I read through the recipe v 1.6 and followed the guide parrot fashion on my win10 laptop and using windows explorer. I used Etcher to write the image file and putty for the first time to communicate with the Pi. I have a few questions that may help others like me get up and running with the current Beta's.

From the recipe, at option (2) lines 6 and 7.a you have to create files. For line 6 you need to create a file called "ssh" what file type should this be? I guessed and made it ssh.txt can you please clarify, the same goes for the file in 7a again I saved it as wpa_supplicant.conf.txt. If you and a few others are in tears of laughter at point, I'm happy if it makes you smile, I can handle it.

A major point that my wife suggested, and you have highlighted once that others should use, is that if you have the recipe displayed in wordpad and minimised to one half of your screen, on the other half of your screen you can have putty up and running, you can very easily copy and paste from the recipe into putty, which stops no end of typos and is a massive help to steady progress. This definitely allowed me to get moOde 4 up and running today.

Finally, I haven't as yet carried out the Appendix A stuff for Squashfs procedures. Should I carry out the procedure. What does it do?
Once appendix A is completed from within moOde should I now finally select expand file system.
I will look at the new addons when this is all completed, there seems to be a lot of interesting things in there.
Thank you once again.

I got a problem with mpd, downloading and compiling went fine.
pi@moode:~ $ which mpd
pi@moode:~ $ mpd --version
Music Player Daemon 0.20.11

Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <>
Copyright 2008-2017 Max Kellermann <>
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

Database plugins:
 simple proxy

Storage plugins:

Decoders plugins:
 [mad] mp3 mp2
 [mpg123] mp3
 [vorbis] ogg oga
 [oggflac] ogg oga
 [flac] flac
 [dsdiff] dff
 [dsf] dsf
 [faad] aac
 [wavpack] wv
 [ffmpeg] 16sv 3g2 3gp 4xm 8svx aa3 aac ac3 adx afc aif aifc aiff al alaw amr anim apc ape asf atrac au aud avi avm2 avs bap bfi c93 cak cin cmv cpk daud dct divx dts dv dvd dxa eac3 film flac flc fli fll flx flv g726 gsm gxf iss m1v m2v m2t m2ts m4a m4b m4v mad mj2 mjpeg mjpg mka mkv mlp mm mmf mov mp+ mp1 mp2 mp3 mp4 mpc mpeg mpg mpga mpp mpu mve mvi mxf nc nsv nut nuv oga ogm ogv ogx oma ogg omg opus psp pva qcp qt r3d ra ram rl2 rm rmvb roq rpl rvc shn smk snd sol son spx str swf tak tgi tgq tgv thp ts tsp tta xa xvid uv uv2 vb vid vob voc vp6 vmd wav webm wma wmv wsaud wsvga wv wve


Tag plugins:

Output plugins:
 shout null fifo pipe alsa httpd recorder

Encoder plugins:
 null vorbis lame wave flac

Archive plugins:
 [iso] iso

Input plugins:
 file alsa archive curl ffmpeg cdio_paranoia

Playlist plugins:
 extm3u m3u pls soundcloud flac cue embcue

 file:// http:// https:// gopher:// rtp:// rtsp:// rtmp:// rtmpt:// rtmps:// cdda:// alsa://

Other features:
 avahi epoll icu inotify systemd tcp un
But there is no mpd.service
pi@moode:~ $ systemctl status mpd
Unit mpd.service could not be found.
pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode.log 
20171108 185307 worker: - Start
20171108 185308 worker: Successfully daemonized
20171108 185308 worker: - Init
20171108 185308 worker: Session loaded
20171108 185308 worker: Debug logging (off)
20171108 185309 worker: Host (moode)
20171108 185309 worker: Hdwr (Pi-3B 1GB v1.2)
20171108 185309 worker: Arch (armv7l)
20171108 185309 worker: Kver (4.9.59-v7+)
20171108 185309 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20171108 185309 worker: Gov  (performance)
20171108 185309 worker: Rel  (Moode 4.0 2017-MM-DD)
20171108 185309 worker: Upd  (None)
20171108 185309 worker: MPD  (0.20.11)
20171108 185309 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
20171108 185309 worker: File system expanded
20171108 185309 worker: HDMI port on
20171108 185310 worker: File check ok
20171108 185310 worker: - Network
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 exists
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 (
20171108 185310 worker: wlan0 exists
20171108 185310 worker: wlan0 SSID is blank
20171108 185310 worker: eth0 address exists so AP mode not started
20171108 185311 worker: wlan0 address not assigned
20171108 185311 worker: - Audio
20171108 185312 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20171108 185312 worker: Audio output (On-board audio device)
20171108 185312 worker: ALSA mixer name (PCM)
20171108 185312 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20171108 185312 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20171108 185312 worker: - Services
20171108 185314 worker: MPD started
20171108 185314 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: 
20171108 185316 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20171108 185316 worker: - Last
20171108 185316 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20171108 185316 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20171108 185316 worker: Volume level (0) restored
20171108 185316 worker: Watchdog started
20171108 185316 worker: Ready
20171108 185316 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185322 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185336 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185342 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185348 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185354 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185400 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185406 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185412 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185418 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185424 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185430 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185436 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185442 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185448 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185455 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185501 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185507 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185513 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185519 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185525 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185531 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185537 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185543 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185549 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185555 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185601 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185607 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185613 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185619 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185626 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185632 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185638 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185644 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185650 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185656 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185702 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185708 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185714 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185720 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185726 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185732 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
20171108 185738 watchdog: MPD restarted (check syslog for MPD errors)
/var/log/mpd/mpd.log is empty.

Any idea?

The service files are installed during STEP 9. Try re-doing that step.

Hi Tim,
Many thanks for moOde 4, Beta 8, which I have set up. Its up and running and I am listening to music streaming from it right now, I am very happy as I was with MoOde 3.1 and its subsequent releases.

I am not Linux savvy, so I read through the recipe v 1.6 and followed the guide parrot fashion on my win10 laptop and using windows explorer. I used Etcher to write the image file and putty for the first time to communicate with the Pi. I have a few questions that may help others like me get up and running with the current Beta's.

From the recipe, at option (2) lines 6 and 7.a you have to create files. For line 6 you need to create a file called "ssh" what file type should this be? I guessed and made it ssh.txt can you please clarify, the same goes for the file in 7a again I saved it as wpa_supplicant.conf.txt. If you and a few others are in tears of laughter at point, I'm happy if it makes you smile, I can handle it.

A major point that my wife suggested, and you have highlighted once that others should use, is that if you have the recipe displayed in wordpad and minimised to one half of your screen, on the other half of your screen you can have putty up and running, you can very easily copy and paste from the recipe into putty, which stops no end of typos and is a massive help to steady progress. This definitely allowed me to get moOde 4 up and running today.

Finally, I haven't as yet carried out the Appendix A stuff for Squashfs procedures. Should I carry out the procedure. What does it do?
Once appendix A is completed from within moOde should I now finally select expand file system.
I will look at the new addons when this is all completed, there seems to be a lot of interesting things in there.
Thank you once again.


Glad to hear you have it running :)

The files have to be named exactly as they are written (no .txt extension) otherwise they will not be processed during boot. See below.

For example, the file named ssh will cause the ssh service to be enabled after boot. Its disabled by default in Stretch Lite. The wpa_supplicant.conf file will be automatically moved to /etc/wpa_supplicant directory where Linux can processes it to create WiFi connection.


Ah, I misinterpreted #2. The squeezelite settings are maintained in a SQL table. You can change them via Audio config, CONFIGURE squeezelite.
soo many thx again "Tim" ;-) (take a look at it)..and as said u made such a wonderful job with this moode->fantastic..!!
and the other thing: clearly u r not responsible for everything; we could be and are glad to get this moode at all..I was wondering a little bit why u have so much time and take so much effort in this "PC-/Software-Helpdesk"-forum ;-) here lately..
U didnt have to do that as u surely know..
so in this sense ;-)
Last edited:
Trying to run Beta 8 install but at sudo pip install gmusicapi

it hangs at this point Running bdist_wheel for lxml ... |
Left it for 20 m and no change. Restarted the process, same hang point. Pity it was going so well.

Sorry I was being impatient it seems.
Just check you're following the test build recipe, version 1.6 I believe. If its taking a long time, you're probably doing it right! I went through this section today and the build took a shaggy old long time... Probably about 25 minutes on my Pi 2 B.
What you can do is ssh into it a second time and run the 'top' command.
The process cc1 (the c compiler) pegged one of the cpu cores to 100% for a long time... Still played music fine though! (and resampling to 32bit 192Khz with 2 bands of parametric EQ)