Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hardware issues...

Have a few questions in regards to hardware issues I've been having.

1. Is there anything needed to be done, besides have the BT config switch on, to enable Bluetooth? I have had a Pi 3 for a while now, and have never been able to find the BT with my phone. Wondering if I have broken hardware on this Pi...

2. Recently, after finding out my fancy new case couldn't be fully assembled with a SD card in the socket, and then putting the SD card in when fully assembled would require tweezers... I removed a side panel to make it easier. This involved my laziness and some moderate force on said SD card in it's socket. Now, I have a flakey system that freezes, or is unresponsive. Have I damaged the SD card or socket? Got out the microscope and small soldering iron tip and reflowed the socket pins, but no joy. Will try other things, boards etc, later. Question here, is it possible to partially boot the system up, i.e. have the card lose its connection during boot, and have a mostly functioning player? Till you need to hit some part of the system that never got loaded? Trying to explain some of the behavior I'm seeing...


Your item 1 has already been addressed. As an aside, I'd say breaking only the integrated BT functionality would be pretty hard to do.

As for item 2, I'd want to try some basic diagnostic tests before I reached for a soldering iron. No clue what "moderate force" means but it seems more likely you've damaged the uSD card. Can you burn plain Raspbian to a different uSD card, boot, and run programs? If so, your RPi is probably OK and you can install moOde on this card. As always, name-brand cards from a known source are highly recommended.

I've been abusing various models of RPi for years. My only hardware failure has been an Ethernet port which went dead on an RPi2B some years ago; no clue why. As for uSD card sockets, my particular problem used to be forgetting if it was the older push-push socket and yanking out the card. Didn't turn out to be fatal but I suppose one could damage the socket mechanically.

Software issues...

Have a few questions regarding behavior in the interface, to let know and to ask if they are expected in current Moode 4.0

1. I see a difference in the file player and volume control interfaces when my Android phone is in portrait or sideways positions. This I understand. I see behavioral differences between my desktop browser and the phone.

I think what you are seeing here is the result of the responsive/adaptive design of the UI rather than differences between browsers. Tim and his boon companions (yay, @swizzle) are trying to shoehorn a lot of information into limited real estate on mobile devices and make it readable. Try selecting "Desktop site" in Android Chrome to see what I mean. In the past, I've mentioned a few quirks in PMs to Tim but I don't find them objectionable. Going between portrait and landscape modes is particularly vexsome given that the aspect ratios are different on different devices. (Take my old Nexus 7...please!)
2. I have seen some kind of hidden bar or something in the lower half of the sideways/landscape orientation on the Android running Chrome. ...
I don't see a "lower half" artifact on my Nexus 6P phone or my Nexus 7 and Nexus 9 tablets.
3. There are minor display scaling issues, like the Audio Info panel coming out just a bit larger than fitting on the screen, so you have to scroll a few lines, and similar. Will look to see if it's phone display size, think I'm on mid not full resolution, not sure if this changes the aspect ratio on my Galaxy 8... will experiment.
I think there will always be minor issues because of the wide variations in screens on mobile devices. Think about the new generation of devices with "notched" displays. Another nightmare for app designers.

Thank you for your help, however I cannot find the cause of this, will try again when 4.1 is out.


Ok, but keep in mind that building 4.1 will require the same steps as building 4.0 so you'll have to master the process regardless. As well, Tim has said that "4.0 --> 4.1 will be an in-place update" so building 4.0 now is not wasted motion.

I highly recommend using the automated moOdeOS image builder.

@jonners' post just below yours ( gives links to great instructions. Ignore the fact that both links are labeled "Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi"; just click on them.

Hardware issues...

Have a few questions in regards to hardware issues I've been having.

1. Is there anything needed to be done, besides have the BT config switch on, to enable Bluetooth? I have had a Pi 3 for a while now, and have never been able to find the BT with my phone. Wondering if I have broken hardware on this Pi...

2. Recently, after finding out my fancy new case couldn't be fully assembled with a SD card in the socket, and then putting the SD card in when fully assembled would require tweezers... I removed a side panel to make it easier. This involved my laziness and some moderate force on said SD card in it's socket. Now, I have a flakey system that freezes, or is unresponsive. Have I damaged the SD card or socket? Got out the microscope and small soldering iron tip and reflowed the socket pins, but no joy. Will try other things, boards etc, later. Question here, is it possible to partially boot the system up, i.e. have the card lose its connection during boot, and have a mostly functioning player? Till you need to hit some part of the system that never got loaded? Trying to explain some of the behavior I'm seeing...

Software issues...

Have a few questions regarding behavior in the interface, to let know and to ask if they are expected in current Moode 4.0

1. I see a difference in the file player and volume control interfaces when my Android phone is in portrait or sideways positions. This I understand. I see behavioral differences between my desktop browser and the phone. Hmmm, Chrome on the phone, Firefox on the desktop. Maybe that's it? Big thing is, unlike discussions mentioned here earlier with the bar that does not update a number, or the sideways round knob bar that only changes with buttons, the desktop version will still slide the knob manually, volume adjusts continuously and the number adjusts smoothly as well. I thought that was gone in 4.0! Just browser dependant? Is the lack of these features a Chrome issue?

2. I have seen some kind of hidden bar or something in the lower half of the sideways/landscape orientation on the Android running Chrome. If I am in a config menu, and drop a drop menu, and the drop portion is in the lower third of the screen, the menu items are not visible. If you slide the screen up, so the drop menu is farther up the screen you will see the menu items appear as they get above the invisible border. Portrait mode does not have this problem, possibly because you don't have a display that's much longer than the screen. The invisible whatever seems to slide up and down a bit as you slide the screen up and down, but not by a large amount. The threshold where things appear or dissapear will move as you drag things up or down. I first noticed this with the Chip Selection menu since I got the Allo Boss, and was viewing the filter settings menu.

Will try to observe these things tomorrow, on Firefox for Android. Wondering if this might have to do with the earlier Chrome issues.

3. There are minor display scaling issues, like the Audio Info panel coming out just a bit larger than fitting on the screen, so you have to scroll a few lines, and similar. Will look to see if it's phone display size, think I'm on mid not full resolution, not sure if this changes the aspect ratio on my Galaxy 8... will experiment.


Assuming that the moOde 4.0 build that you made was successful i.e., on a fresh unmodified image the mosbrief log output showed END and the output of System info is error free, then below are some basic troubleshooting approaches:


1. Using a fresh, unmodified image on a known good SDCard boot up a bare Pi-3B connected via Ethernet and not in an enclosure.
2. If it boots up and Nymeria, moode.local or ip_address brings up the UI then proceed to #3 below.
3. Menu, Configure, BLU to open the Bluetooth config screen and then just follow steps 1 and 2 in the instructions listed on the screen.


In order to troubleshoot UI anomalies on devices I need (a) the screen height and width in pixels and (b) the exact device model. I can then recreate the resolution in a Safari viewport simulator and see how UI looks.

Firefox has been problematic in my experience so YMMV.

Hi Kent, Tim,

the scrollbar starts oscillating when the songtext below the station logo is too long to fit in one line.


I'm not sure what screen you are using but I'm not able to repro this on Pi Touch with Chrome overlay scrollbars enabled and running the new de-zoomed Pi Touch UI that will be part of upcoming moOde 4.1 release.
Which specific file are you referring to?

I have several dsd64 and 128 files in my test collection and no issues with playback.

Basically all. I’ve had no luck with dsf. I’m using a 502dac hat. Could it be my sound card needs to run in master mode or something? I noticed the pi cpu will heat up to 80+deg when playing dsf. Perhaps there’s some setting I can use to tame the beast?
Software issues...

1. Big thing is, unlike discussions mentioned here earlier with the bar that does not update a number, or the sideways round knob bar that only changes with buttons, the desktop version will still slide the knob manually, volume adjusts continuously and the number adjusts smoothly as well. I thought that was gone in 4.0! Just browser dependant? Is the lack of these features a Chrome issue?
There are unfortunately behavioral differences among the different browsers, and even between desktop and mobile versions of the same browser. Safari and Chrome are your best bets as far as compatibility though if there’s a reproducible bug we’ll definitely try to fix any problems regardless.

2. I have seen some kind of hidden bar or something in the lower half of the sideways/landscape orientation on the Android running Chrome. If I am in a config menu, and drop a drop menu, and the drop portion is in the lower third of the screen, the menu items are not visible. If you slide the screen up, so the drop menu is farther up the screen you will see the menu items appear as they get above the invisible border. Portrait mode does not have this problem, possibly because you don't have a display that's much longer than the screen. The invisible whatever seems to slide up and down a bit as you slide the screen up and down, but not by a large amount. The threshold where things appear or dissapear will move as you drag things up or down. I first noticed this with the Chip Selection menu since I got the Allo Boss, and was viewing the filter settings menu.
I haven’t seen that specifically but some weirdness undoubtedly happened with enabling .75 zoom on landscape mode for mobile devices, and while it lets more things fit on screen without much effort there are a lot of browser bugs that crop up. That experiment is over. There will eventually be new css checked into moode to accomplish basically the same thing, then we can get back to dealing with normal browser related “quirks”. ;)

3. There are minor display scaling issues, like the Audio Info panel coming out just a bit larger than fitting on the screen, so you have to scroll a few lines, and similar. Will look to see if it's phone display size, think I'm on mid not full resolution, not sure if this changes the aspect ratio on my Galaxy 8... will experiment.
The landscape interface wasn’t ever really designed for a mobile screen size but the switch to responsive design made it possible. There are some hard coded values for things like modal heights that might cause problems if you use your phone in landscape mode exclusively. I have code somewhere that fixes the modal height on mobile landscape thing but I’m not sure that ever made it to Tim (reconciling differences between different versions of the code is non-trivial for Tim as he has to review everything to make sure nothing else breaks, etc.)

It would, but I'd have a long, dongally thing hanging off my case. Idea getting the slick Allo case was to have a nice compact package. In real life it does look slick, but with the flanges is bigger than it has to be, then there's the assembly/tweezers SD card thing. I was spoiled by the one thumbnail removal process on my original standard case. Grump mode off...

OTOH, thanks for letting me know about that cable extended socket. For embedded projects, I'd probably want to have a slot somewhere accessible for the card, without taking things apart, that's a nice option to know about.

finally i got it work.....
now i want to add my nas it has ip address
nas synology the music in on the map public
no user id or password

please help me out

NAS Source
REMOVE this NAS source

MPD database update starts automatically after saving.

Settings SAVE Cancel
Mount error: Click to view moode.log for message text.
Source name


Fileshare protocol
Host or IP address

Remote directory


User id


UTF8 (default)




Mount flags

Tidal Playlists

I raised a ticket with the developer, I can repeat the error but the logging on my install seems to have an issue. (running latest git code). Uploaded some stuff from syslog.

For those suffering with the Tidal playlists issue with upmpdcli there is a fix.

There will be a new release coming out but in the meantime I have attached the diff file that JF sent me.

Remove the .txt from the end and scp to /home/pi.

Then from a terminal session try.

cd /usr/share/upmpdcli 
sudo patch -p3 < ~/upmpdcli-tidal-and-qobuz-playlists.diff

This seemed to work for me, however had already git cloned the source tree.

if you want to be a bit more secure and you are more comfortable with git then from /home/pi

git clone [url][/url] upmpdcli-code

there is no need to compile just copy


May be my ignorance but I have had too many funnies downloading downloading code outside of git to publish the url to the file for a simple wget or curl.

NB The developer made the same change for Tidal as well which I have not yet tested.


  • upmpdcli-tidal-and-qobuz-playlists.diff.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 58
In anticipation of 4.1, I purchased an RPi3 plus and have been unable to get it to boot on either:

1)the 3.8.4 image (known good SD card that worked in my RPi2 before and after the attempt with RPi3 plus).

2) a 4.0 image from the Moode download site loaded with Win32Diskimager with the ssh file added.

in both cases the red light comes up first, then the green, which shortly enters a repetitive flashing pattern: four flashes at about a flash every half second followed by four flashes about every .25 seconds. This eight-flash cycle repeats until the unit is powered down.

The RPi2 with an Allo Bossdac on 3.8.4 sails along fine.

I thinking that it isn't fully booting as the repititions begin in less than 15 seconds from power-up. If it really does boot that fast, it could well be a networking issue. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Skip
In anticipation of 4.1, I purchased an RPi3 plus and have been unable to get it to boot on either:

1)the 3.8.4 image (known good SD card that worked in my RPi2 before and after the attempt with RPi3 plus).

2) a 4.0 image from the Moode download site loaded with Win32Diskimager with the ssh file added.

in both cases the red light comes up first, then the green, which shortly enters a repetitive flashing pattern: four flashes at about a flash every half second followed by four flashes about every .25 seconds. This eight-flash cycle repeats until the unit is powered down.

The RPi2 with an Allo Bossdac on 3.8.4 sails along fine.

I thinking that it isn't fully booting as the repititions begin in less than 15 seconds from power-up. If it really does boot that fast, it could well be a networking issue. Any thoughts?

Thanks, Skip

Hi, Skip.

See R-Pi Troubleshooting - for a discussion of blinky lights during boot. According to this page, a repeating cycle of 8 flashes means you need newer firmware files (bootcode.bin/start.elf).

Have you tried burning the latest release of raspbian (which was released at the same time as the RPi3B+) to a uSD card and booting it?

(And, as always, make sure you have an adequate 5v supply.)

For those suffering with the Tidal playlists issue with upmpdcli there is a fix.

There will be a new release coming out but in the meantime I have attached the diff file that JF sent me.

Remove the .txt from the end and scp to /home/pi.

Then from a terminal session try.

cd /usr/share/upmpdcli 
sudo patch -p3 < ~/upmpdcli-tidal-and-qobuz-playlists.diff

This seemed to work for me, however had already git cloned the source tree.

if you want to be a bit more secure and you are more comfortable with git then from /home/pi

git clone [url][/url] upmpdcli-code

there is no need to compile just copy


May be my ignorance but I have had too many funnies downloading downloading code outside of git to publish the url to the file for a simple wget or curl.

NB The developer made the same change for Tidal as well which I have not yet tested.


Thanks for this. It worked a treat against my stock r4.0.
