Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

You need to set the higher rate to get that rate, which I always do. It will make no difference to whether you get sound or not. How have you defined your dac in the config file? I normally get the device name from aplay -l and in the config file add a line OPTIONS=“—device plughw:name” where name is your dac name. Remember it is case sensitive and the — in front of device is two of the - character despite how it looks in this font.

Hi all... Am finally getting back to getting Raspotify working on my Moode. (so much for "It Just Works!") :rolleyes: I guess maybe not if you have a USB DAC?

Have been looking at the config file, and have followed your suggestion with getting names with aplay -l. My DAC of the moment is the CL X-Fi HD, USB.

I seem to be having trouble interpreting what I see, into a command. Here's what I get with aplay -l:

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA]
Subdevices: 8/8
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Subdevice #1: subdevice #1
Subdevice #2: subdevice #2
Subdevice #3: subdevice #3
Subdevice #4: subdevice #4
Subdevice #5: subdevice #5
Subdevice #6: subdevice #6
Subdevice #7: subdevice #7
card 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], device 1: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: HD [USB Sound Blaster HD], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: HD [USB Sound Blaster HD], device 1: USB Audio [USB Audio #1]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: HD [USB Sound Blaster HD], device 2: USB Audio [USB Audio #2]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Card 0 is the Pi 3.5mm jack and HDMI outputs, obviously, and Card 1 is the X-fi. So far, so good, but I'm unclear what the proper names are in that list.

From the example in the Raspotify Git site, I've tried something like below:
# To choose a different output device (ie a USB audio dongle or HDMI audio out),
# use `--device` with something like `--device hw:0,1`. Your mileage may vary.
OPTIONS="--device hw:1,0"

And there no longer is a raspotify device showing up in my Spotify app.

So what permutation of naming from the above do I need to do, rather than "1,0" indicating Card 1, device 0?

OK.... After all that, 5 more minutes of futzing around and I got Spotify playing out my DAC!!

Command looks like this:
OPTIONS="--device plughw:HD"

I guess it takes the first device on the list if you don't explicitly call them out, and that's the right one for my case? Would it be better to give the device number? Anyway, woohoo, I have sound!

Secondary issue, uncommenting and changing the BITRATE="360" line, seems to kill it again. I don't see the Moode Spotify device anymore, haven't figured that out yet..
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Tim, I finally upgraded to Moode 4. Everything went just fine (Pi2, HifiBerry DAC). I tested wifi, and it had no problem connecting to my wifi network. A day later however moode is no longer showing up as connected, and I can't access. If I've turned off the 'wait for Eth0' option, am I SOL? Do I have to format the card and start setup again?
Well, if you play around long enough while editing a post, you time out! And then, you can't edit out your silly typo mistake! :rolleyes: Basically, I discovered if you type an invalid bitrate, you break it. Results of the correct bitrate command follows...

Was trying to see what difference changing the BITRATE="320" line made, but looks like it's bypasses the normal MPD pathways, the Audio Info tab shows nothing for decoded bitrate, and I always see 16bit x 48khz output, whether I set BITRATE="160" or 320, or even if I set SOX to resample it. Guess it can't see the input to indicate bitrate. I'll assume it gets me an improvement...
Tim, an update: I plugged the PI into my LAN via ethernet and with USB wireless adapter disconnected. Booted up just fine, was able to access the moode interface. Plugged in wireless adapter, rebooted with ethernet disconnected, and again was able to connect just fine. Shut the device down, moved it to another room, then booted it up. Back to where I started: can't access moode. It's not a range issue--I've been using 4.0 beta 12 for weeks before this with the router and pi in the same position.
Tim, an update: I plugged the PI into my LAN via ethernet and with USB wireless adapter disconnected. Booted up just fine, was able to access the moode interface. Plugged in wireless adapter, rebooted with ethernet disconnected, and again was able to connect just fine. Shut the device down, moved it to another room, then booted it up. Back to where I started: can't access moode. It's not a range issue--I've been using 4.0 beta 12 for weeks before this with the router and pi in the same position.

I just had essentially the same thing happen (running 4.0 2018-01-26). I've been using the same wifi adapter on my setup for ages and it suddenly stopped working yesterday when I rebooted after a system update. The system was accessible for about 20-30 seconds and then wifi cuts out. Tried multiple reboots, same every time. Switched to ethernet, works fine. Switched to another usb 802.11n adapter and it's working fine again and doesn't cut out.

Tim if you're interested to troubleshoot just let me know what logs you want or anything else that might help.
Extra bit of info, OPTIONS="--device plughw:1,0" also works.

I have no idea why the example on the Raspotify Git site of OPTIONS="--device hw:1,0" does not. This is good to know for people trying to use Raspotify with different configurations.

The problem with using the card number rather than the device name is that sometimes the cards are assigned different numbers after a reboot and in that case sound is lost because the wrong card is being used.

Also you may wish to do some reading on the differences between hw and plughw, just for your own edification.
Windows 10 - NAS Mount Error 112

Hello guys,
my CustomWorks DAC1 USB is working well with Rpi3, upsampling as well (Radio streaming only). Unfortunately I´m not able to access my FLAC files stored on my PC (Win10), red cross in the NAS sources. I read something about SMB version 3.0 problem but not familiar with that so much. Can you please help me to solve it?
Mood log says: wrk_sourcemount(): Mount error: (mount error(112): Host is down.
Thank you!

On Windows 10 Prof. for me it worked to add in advanced options, Mount flags:

On Windows 7 Ult. it it not necessary.
Squeezelite settings

Hi Tim,
moode 4- great work! Thank you for that!
its now like a swiss army knife.
one question.
I use a meridian explorer2 usb DAC. All workes like a charme. Hardware volume control for bitperfect mqa streaming-great!
When using squeezelite, what to put in "other options" to activate hardware volume control?
I just had essentially the same thing happen (running 4.0 2018-01-26). I've been using the same wifi adapter on my setup for ages and it suddenly stopped working yesterday when I rebooted after a system update. The system was accessible for about 20-30 seconds and then wifi cuts out. Tried multiple reboots, same every time. Switched to ethernet, works fine. Switched to another usb 802.11n adapter and it's working fine again and doesn't cut out.

Tim if you're interested to troubleshoot just let me know what logs you want or anything else that might help.

"...after a system update..."

What type of update?
Hi All,

I seem to be having soundcard detection issues with my 502dac i2s with rpi3 B. This happens intermittently when the 502dac is connected to it's own power supply. Sometimes the aplay -l shows no soundcard detected, sometimes it does and sometimes it shows a long list of subdevices, but not the soundcard. I tried to ensure that i always power on the 502dac first before the pi, but it can still happen. Then i need to poweroff and on the 502dac and reboot the pi and that usually solves the issue. Anyone using a dac hat with separate power supply encounter similar issue? I'm on moode 4.0 btw.

Anybody using separate power supplies for their DAC hat?
Hi @freeplay,

I use an Anker LiON battery to provide 2 x 5V feeds to a rig consisting of Pi-3B, Kali Reclocker, and Piano 2.1 DAC. One of the feeds powers the Pi and the second is connected to the Reclocker which also powers the DAC.

Interesting. Haven't thought of powering the Pi/DAC using batteries. Would you mind pointing to URL with more details? All I have seen in Anker site are batteries for Samsung mobiles? Thank you!
Hello friends!

I haven't been here in a while, really glad that 4.x is gaining track.

I am still at 3.7, I'll wait till advanced kernels are available to dive into 4.x, as my beta tryouts where not all that successful.

I have an issue I was hoping someone here will help me with:
- I switched the card to a new RPi3 and when I started the system it did not recognize my external USB card (this was using the Advanced-LL kernel).
- I changed to standard kernel and the card is shown.
- I changed to advanced-RT kernel and the card is also present and working.
- When I switch back to Advanced-LL kernel (which is the one I found out to be the best sounding with my equipment) there is no card other than on-board (even through aplay -L where I also see HDMI).
- I put the card back in the original RPi3 (which is now to be used as a retropi gaming device) and it does not recognizes the card either in the advanced-ll kernel.

Is there a way to make the system 'rescan', or re-find the card in the advanced-ll kernel? Any idea what to try?

Thanks, best regards,

Hi, Rafa. Welcome back:)

I can't comment on the advanced kernels in prior version of moOde since I never tried them. (Maybe it's just my aging equipment and ears, but I'm perfectly happy with the stock kernel.)

Why not grab a spare uSD card, build 4.0 and give it a try? You can always switch back to your 3.7 card if 4.0 doesn't meet your needs.

Interesting. Haven't thought of powering the Pi/DAC using batteries. Would you mind pointing to URL with more details? All I have seen in Anker site are batteries for Samsung mobiles? Thank you!


Try "anker 2-port portable charger" in your favorite Internet search engine.

I have a no-name equivalent. Dual USB-A outputs and 1 microUSB input. 4-LED charge-level indicator. Works a treat on all sorts of gear but I haven't the electronic instrumentation to measure how much noise it may be passing through.
