Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I switched browser, same thing. I switched to another computer, same thing. It seems like it is not a browser problem. It just hang there. If browser cache is going to be a problem, is it possible to send

<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /> <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />

so browser do not cache Moode's web data?
I successfully got Moode 4 on my RasPi 3-B with a IQ Audio digiamp + yesterday using the image builder. I'm having trouble with bluetooth connection. I want to connect my Samsung G7 via bluetooth to my RasPi but I keep getting a error from phone unable to connect to bluetooth device. The phone recognizes the speakers (RasPi) by name but will not connect. I made sure that buletooth was the only renderer set to on to be sure none of the other renderers were interfering with bluetooth but the phone will not connect. Any ideas??

@NuGuy Audio

As I posted some days ago, I have been able to make various BT devices, including my Nexus 6P phone, pair with moOde, but not my Amazon Echo (e.g., Alexa software). I own a Samsung S5 phone but it's on loan. I'm trying to get it back to see if Samsung's customization of Android (what version is yours?) has caused a problem with BT pairing. Hope to have it in a couple of days.

By default, the advertised name of the BT speaker function is "Moode Bluetooth". I assume that, or whatever you changed it to, is what the phone recognizes.

I finally get it to work: after clearing cache, switched two computers and one mobile phone. Finally, I decide to login using SSH and reboot Moode. It works now but very frustrating.

Clearing browser cache, using an alternative browser and powering off/on the RPi are amongst the standard test measures one should try before letting frustration creep in... This is a DIY forum after all...

Congrats for getting your MoOde RPi kit back to life!

I'm as curious as the next guy, but knowing how passionately audiophiles wax and wane over various DACs, I'd hope a separate thread would be used. Hint: I've learned to ignore any message which uses the word "soundstage".


:) Love your hint. Tho I'm curious, I don't think i'll start a separate thread. Will leave it for now.

nameserver question and mo

I have installed todays latest 4.0 release of moOde on Pi-2B 1GB with Hifiberry DAC+Pro running.

Regarding networking config I got a question.
I thought nameserver is configured in the file
For example:

# Ethernet
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

But if I change the nameserver setting in this file and restart network it fails
only google dns seems to works, so I switched back to

It seems that web frontend stores settings in file /etc/dhcpd.conf and not not in the other one.
Therefor I removed the bogus last line: dns-nameservers
and successful restart networking.

Why was only working?

Best regards,

BTW: I'm wondering that moode is now for free, since I bougt some 2 release?
Clearing browser cache, using an alternative browser and powering off/on the RPi are amongst the standard test measures one should try before letting frustration creep in... This is a DIY forum after all...

Congrats for getting your MoOde RPi kit back to life!

I am very grateful for what Tim has done to the software. Since I am not the only one with frozen UI problem, I suspect many others get the same experience as I did. My suggestion is, if Tim can add a few meta tags, like cache-control in the http header like:

<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="No-Cache">
This way, we can avoid freezing UI.
I am very grateful for what Tim has done to the software. Since I am not the only one with frozen UI problem, I suspect many others get the same experience as I did. My suggestion is, if Tim can add a few meta tags, like cache-control in the http header like:

<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="No-Cache">
This way, we can avoid freezing UI.

@Josepj Lin

That's a trivial change. You can do it yourself if you SSH into moOde and make the obvious edit to /var/local/www/header.php

On the other hand, I'm not convinced the freezing UI problem you report is due to stale cache. After all, you ended up rebooting moOde.

I am very grateful for what Tim has done to the software. Since I am not the only one with frozen UI problem, I suspect many others get the same experience as I did. My suggestion is, if Tim can add a few meta tags, like cache-control in the http header like:

<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="No-Cache">
This way, we can avoid freezing UI.
If the problem cleared up after rebooting the Pi then it wasn’t related to a stale browser cache. The issues we’ve seen with cache are mainly after updating the software; I’d be hesitant about degrading overall performance just to avoid an extra step during something that happens relatively infrequently.
I have installed todays latest 4.0 release of moOde on Pi-2B 1GB with Hifiberry DAC+Pro running.

Regarding networking config I got a question.
I thought nameserver is configured in the file
For example:

# Ethernet
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

But if I change the nameserver setting in this file and restart network it fails
only google dns seems to works, so I switched back to

It seems that web frontend stores settings in file /etc/dhcpd.conf and not not in the other one.
Therefor I removed the bogus last line: dns-nameservers
and successful restart networking.

Why was only working?

Best regards,

BTW: I'm wondering that moode is now for free, since I bougt some 2 release?


What are you trying to accomplish?

I'm trying to install Pi-Hole on top of Moode.


That explains why you're poking at DNS settings:)

I think you'll get to what you want faster by bringing up Pi-Hole on another RPi. I haven't used it but I suspect there are several places where it and moOde will be in contention over configuration settings (not just dns but webserver, for example). Certainly tinkering is possible but keeping the two "appliances" separate seems easier to this bear of very little brain. YMMV.

@NuGuy Audio

As I posted some days ago, I have been able to make various BT devices, including my Nexus 6P phone, pair with moOde, but not my Amazon Echo (e.g., Alexa software). I own a Samsung S5 phone but it's on loan. I'm trying to get it back to see if Samsung's customization of Android (what version is yours?) has caused a problem with BT pairing. Hope to have it in a couple of days.

By default, the advertised name of the BT speaker function is "Moode Bluetooth". I assume that, or whatever you changed it to, is what the phone recognizes.

Sorry Kent if I missed your previous post. I am trying to pair a Samsung S7 running on Android ver 7.

I did change the the name of the default Bluetooth name in Moode and the phone is seeing the correct name that I changed it to. It just gives me a message "unable to pair to Bluetooth device" when I attempt to pair with it.
Unable to configure Wifi dongle

I have been using Moode for a couple of years now but recently I lost some radio stations and was unable to access music on the attached USB drive. Accordingly I tired reloading the last image I had been using (version 2.6) (I have tried the latest version of Moode as building my own image looks far too complicated for my extremely limited Linux skills). I have the player working properly using an ethernet connection but when trying to get the Wifi dongle that was previosly configured and working without a problem I am unable to configure the Wifi connection. After attaching the wifi dongle the Network configuration page shows the following " - AP mode active" underneath the Wifi(wlan0) box.

If I then complete the section Apply the settings, shut down, remove the ethernet connection and reboot then I am unable to access Moode (IP scanner shows that no IP address has been assigned to the wifi network.

I am fairly sure the wifi dongle is OK as it worked perfectly before I reloaded the image file and I can still see it if I use the lsusb and lsmod commands in Putty.

Any suggestions as to a solution would be most welcome.

That explains why you're poking at DNS settings:)

I think you'll get to what you want faster by bringing up Pi-Hole on another RPi. I haven't used it but I suspect there are several places where it and moOde will be in contention over configuration settings (not just dns but webserver, for example). Certainly tinkering is possible but keeping the two "appliances" separate seems easier to this bear of very little brain. YMMV.


Yes only one web server can serve, therefore I disabled light http - that's it.
It seems that Moode & Pi_Hole can co-exists, but I need to gain more experience - still verifying...

Anyway it's better to use another host to serve both features separate - you are right, but I dislike to double cables, power and space.
@Josepj Lin

That's a trivial change. You can do it yourself if you SSH into moOde and make the obvious edit to /var/local/www/header.php

On the other hand, I'm not convinced the freezing UI problem you report is due to stale cache. After all, you ended up rebooting moOde.


Actually, after clearing cache on several machines and different kind of browsers, it kind of worked. I can change EQ settings after that. However, the problem is I no longer able to shutdown or reboot the system from menu. I have to use ssh to reboot. After reboot, it works again.

I am wondering why the server and browser has different view of state that the UI will freeze. When I tried to change settings by clicking Audio link, I can see the background flashed but no UI changes.
Hello friends!

I haven't been here in a while, really glad that 4.x is gaining track.

I am still at 3.7, I'll wait till advanced kernels are available to dive into 4.x, as my beta tryouts where not all that successful.

I have an issue I was hoping someone here will help me with:
- I switched the card to a new RPi3 and when I started the system it did not recognize my external USB card (this was using the Advanced-LL kernel).
- I changed to standard kernel and the card is shown.
- I changed to advanced-RT kernel and the card is also present and working.
- When I switch back to Advanced-LL kernel (which is the one I found out to be the best sounding with my equipment) there is no card other than on-board (even through aplay -L where I also see HDMI).
- I put the card back in the original RPi3 (which is now to be used as a retropi gaming device) and it does not recognizes the card either in the advanced-ll kernel.

Is there a way to make the system 'rescan', or re-find the card in the advanced-ll kernel? Any idea what to try?

Thanks, best regards,
I am very grateful for what Tim has done to the software. Since I am not the only one with frozen UI problem, I suspect many others get the same experience as I did. My suggestion is, if Tim can add a few meta tags, like cache-control in the http header like:

<meta http-equiv="Cache-control" content="No-Cache">
This way, we can avoid freezing UI.

If the problem cleared up after rebooting the Pi then it wasn’t related to a stale browser cache. The issues we’ve seen with cache are mainly after updating the software; I’d be hesitant about degrading overall performance just to avoid an extra step during something that happens relatively infrequently.

Hi @Josepj Lin,

As @swizzle mentioned, stale Browser cache is somewhat rare in practice and usually only occurs after updating moOde software. Browser caching is actually good and prevents unnecessary round trips between client and server.

The symptoms "frozen UI" or "system hang" suggest another underlying cause.

Hi @Josepj Lin,

As @swizzle mentioned, stale Browser cache is somewhat rare in practice and usually only occurs after updating moOde software. Browser caching is actually good and prevents unnecessary round trips between client and server.

The symptoms "frozen UI" or "system hang" suggest another underlying cause.


Can you give me some directions of how to cure it?