Moderators and Commerce........A Conflict of Interest?

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LOL at it all

all this political crap is amazing, you lot have a go at the moderators who have a small commercial interest whilst theres things like the pass labs and gainclone racket going - not that theres any fault in these two main areas - infact far from fault... theres alot of discussion in each, id like to see more in other areas like use of ICs other than the monolithic TDA series and a wider concept for valve & solid state amps

theres a alot more to audio than small time bickering - we are working for the same thing - improvement & better quality of audio equipment - though I believe alot of of this is spent on a few designs nonetheless its all about making your next project a simpler better sounding experience - let the sound guide you, not politics - Baily :spin:
Re: What is PM?

Fred Dieckmann said:
I actually don't get much Email from the forum. I think people are afraid of me. Even hate mail would nice, if only to hear from someone. I hear from from P-A once in awhile and he is very civil as is he on the forum.
Unfortunately I can't say the same... but Jocko :up:

Fred, why can't you be a happy and positive bloke and start something special and interesting, create a homepage and reach out with your message? Maybe phone a mate with a good CAD program?

JHFD Super Preamp
JHFD Super Power amp
JHFD Super Filter
JHFD Super Regulator

Interesting products, worth to take a closer look at :nod: is free.
Muppet show

Prune said:
That's exactly what he meant. The domain name is not taken yet, and FD could use it.
Not funny!
But thanks.
More and more the feeling creeps upon me that I got lost in the Muppet Show.
Per-Anders= Fozzie Bear
From the balcony Fred and Jocko: Stadler & Waldorf........
etc. etc.
I must try to speak with a high pitched voice now.

You know very well that even if Fred wanted to start selling
kits, which I doubt he wants, he just couldn't do it after all
complaining he has done about you and others. However,
the Fred&Jocko team has published some designs under
various fake names if you have paid close attention (no,
not under faked user names, but putting them on websites
with faked designer names on the drawings).
You sure are making a lot of assumptions

"You know very well that even if Fred wanted to start selling kits, which I doubt he wants, he just couldn't do it after all complaining he has done about you and others.

No.......... what he couldn't do is flog the forum with free advertising, provide direct links to his commercial website, or run interest surveys on the forum for what would sell what would sell. I have no problem with people selling kits. Some of my best friends sell kits. There are plenty of ways and places to sell kits without using the forum to do it. Look around, they are all over the web. Besides........... does the world really need another gainclone kit?

P-A ....... I have several CAD programs as well as simulation and PC based measurement tools. Why are you so eager to have me in the kit business? I have proposed a couple of designs and outlines of possible projects (a very detailer power supply project proposal) and have received practically no interest.
Yes Fred, you are right. That was rather what I meant. I was
merely assuming that P-A also would want you to tell the
forum you have the kits if you have them.

Edit: At least I did find your 317 improvement interesting, but
haven't had time to or haven't managed to understand it
properly to have any more remarks or questions for the moment.
Maybe some of the things you post just don't beg for any
further questions? If you do something bad or unclear, people
will harass you with remarks and questions. If you do something
good (some) people will realize it is good and forget to shout
"Bravo". That's human nature, I guess.
Re: You sure are making a lot of assumptions

Fred Dieckmann said:
Why are you so eager to have me in the kit business? I have proposed a couple of designs and outlines of possible projects (a very detailer power supply project proposal) and have received practically no interest.
Why am I so eager? Not really but it would be interesting to see what you can come up with besides a Gainclone :nod: This is not meant as irony, I mean it.

What have you proposed? Link? What is so uninteresting?

Maybe you should actually do something just for fun. Why is a huge interest required? It seems that you aren't having fun, at least not in building DIY stuff. I don't mind at all if you also offer pcb's, not necessarily kits.
Lack of interest?????


I read your posts with great interest, even though Ill have to admit that quite a few of them are out of my league.

I can only second what Crister wrote, I read your posts and they are mostly well written and leaves little to add or question. In those few cases where there might be a question, somebody who dislikes you personally (I wont say who :) ) usually seems to take great effort to prove you wrong, and usually with little result for obvious reasons.

Re: How did you come up with that one, Elso?

Jocko Homo said:
A friend's kids used to call me Oscar the Grouch.

Hi Jocko,
Oscar the Grouch
Oscar the Grouch is a Muppet character on the television program Sesame Street.
Oscar has a green body, and lives in a trash can. His favorite thing in life is trash; evidence for this include the fact that he has never been shown outside his trash can on a single episode, and the song "I Love Trash". He's known as "The Grouch" because of his typically grouchy moods, which tend to be on the whiney side, although he can also be very clever. Also, he is of the grouch species. Some say he is very smart.


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