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metal said:

Why making things more difficult here, while its much more simple. I asked you for the final eagle files, not for the PDFs nor the Brd file alone, your answer was not what you have already written here....

Wait a minute...
Who designs a PCB is free to share (or not) PDFs, BRDs and/or Eagle (or any other software) files.
Give the man some time.
What if he only shares PDF files, is it bad?
You are not paying for the files, so...

Go and make your own layout, don't be lazy.:dodgy:

I see sooooo many petty little arguments on this forum...90% of them are communication issues. If we go back and actually READ what somone is saying...and not jump to the assumption that they are hurling insults and trying to start a fight we would get a LOT farther in advancing our designs. We have to understand that not everyone on this forum communicates in perfect english, which often leads to missinterpretation. God knows I am hardly comprehensible half of the time...and the other half no one can understand me ;)

Lets all make a concious effort to be better communicators!

Thats it...by the way glad to see we are getting some designs here, anyone got any real parts from National yet? :D
Hi G, Yes I have my samples they arrived today, now if I can just get my hands on those SAP16s :) BTW its very nice to hear from you! Its been too long for me. :)

This is going to be a fun project.

I apologize for snipping at metal a bit, but he did not seem to realize that contributions are freely given, but they should not be demanded. I probably misunderstood his intent.

I plan on sharing all my data and findings very openly including PCB design.

Carlos, just one word. Thanks.

Cheers and no ill feelings on my part.
Hi Russ!

Well glad to see somone has a few of these chips...at least I know they really do exist...I have some hope that mine will arive soon!

Anyway, I wasn't really reffering to anything or anyone in particular with my previous rant...just trying to keep things on track. It was more of a general comment to point out that we sometimes need to re-read things before we let out fingers start hitting the keys. :D

And yes it has been a while Russ...I've been hanging around the digital forum a bit (I have a TDA1543 design there...who doesn't) and I've been looking in on things here too. This is really the first thing that has caught my eye as something new to try. Now all I need to do is find the time to actually work on it.

Very basic layout

Here is my single sided prototype layout.

Keep in mind this is not optimized in any way it is just meant to give me something to test with.

I will post the output board later.

First here is the layout:


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Russ White said:
Hi G, Yes I have my samples they arrived today, now if I can just get my hands on those SAP16s :) BTW its very nice to hear from you! Its been too long for me. :)

This is going to be a fun project.

I apologize for snipping at metal a bit, but he did not seem to realize that contributions are freely given, but they should not be demanded. I probably misunderstood his intent.

I plan on sharing all my data and findings very openly including PCB design.

Carlos, just one word. Thanks.

Cheers and no ill feelings on my part.

Hey Russ,

No problem, this is what I usually call a rage hour, after that we all start to apologize to each other, any way, no hard feelings man, and no offence was intended, so I want you to acept my apologies too...any way, there is no problem with demanding a design from some one here on the forum :)

Here is what some guys asked for, the PCB for LM4702 alone, with no output transistors, I think its fully optimized now and single sided, I spent the rest of yesterday night on it, hope you like it guys...


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good to see no hard feelings remain, i was getting worried an argument might get in the place of constructive audio discussion.

well, Russ, the "close-as-possible" bypassing for a chip that draws a constant current of 25ma is not needed. the overbypassing does not help the sound, it helps the sound you hear. and thats the sugarpill effect you know.

making the board for a specific pair of transistors serverly limits it usefullness, if this is something you make for yourself, only sharing the work for fun, then ok, but for most people, like me, your pcb is useless.

just a notion.

Hey demogorgon

Glad to hear from you, I do really care about your opinion, and other member opinions too, as you have a nice perspective for such matters Marius.

Any way, I hope you find what you asked for in the PCB design I 've already posted :)

See ya ;)
demogorgon said:

well, Russ, the "close-as-possible" bypassing for a chip that draws a constant current of 25ma is not needed.

making the board for a specific pair of transistors serverly limits it usefullness, if this is something you make for yourself, only sharing the work for fun, then ok, but for most people, like me, your pcb is useless.


Sorry to say so, but your first point is patently false, some LM3886 circuit can draw 15ma to 25ma at idle, yet good bypassing can make all the difference in the world, it is not just sound I am after either, it is also stability. Bypassing as optimally as possible is always the best choice, not that compromises don't sometimes have to be made.

As for you second point, any suitable power transistor you choose could be used. I don't make any assumptions on that.
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