Jean Michel on LeCleac'h horns

Excel Workbook Request

Hi David,
Please send me a copy of the MS/Excel Workbook for LeC/HF. I want to have at the math you are using.

Hi Everyone,

I recently had a close look at the Le Cléac'h horn flare - I was particularly interested in checking the accuracy of the constructed profile against the actual hyperbolic-exponential expansion rate upon which it is based.

For the purposes of my investigations I considered a Le Cléac'h horn having the following parameters:

Throat diameter = 2.54 cm
Cutoff frequency = 320 hertz
T = 0.8

I first compared Jean-Michel’s original and improved (2007) profiles against the actual hyperbolic-exponential expansion rate, with the wavefront area equivalent radius being plotted against axial length. See Lec_Original.png and Lec_Improved.png attached.

I then realised that it should be possible to construct an even more accurate Le Cléac'h profile. See the results in Lec_New.png attached. The Hyp and Lec curve values are identical to 11 decimal places.

The three horn profiles are shown together in Lec_Compare.png attached. It is interesting that the new profile makes the Le Cléac'h horn even slightly more compact.

Hornresp currently simulates Le Cléac'h horns using Jean-Michel’s "improved profile". Because the difference in performance between the improved profile and new profile is likely to be insignificant, the Hornresp model will not be changed. An option will however be added in the next release to allow raw data for the new profile to be exported, so that constructors can build the perfect axisymmetric Le Cléac'h horn, if so desired.

Jean-Michel has been given details of the method used to construct the new profile.

Kind regards,

Please send me a copy of the MS/Excel Workbook for LeC/HF. I want to have at the math you are using.

I would love to have that as well.

Hi Bill and soongsc,

Even though the results of my investigations were presented using Excel charts, all the calculations were done in a development version of Hornresp, with the data being exported to Excel in *.csv files. To implement the new method in Excel would require a VBA macro to be incorporated into the Workbook. I have not done this - the routine was simply added directly into Hornresp.

A copy of the Hornresp VB6 code relating to the new method is attached. The variable names may seem a bit strange - I will leave it to you to work out what it all means :).

Kind regards,



  • Code.txt
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Will Wrap

Hi David,
Thanks for sharing your code,
Will send it back in an Excel wrapper (.xlam)

Hi Bill and soongsc,

Even though the results of my investigations were presented using Excel charts, all the calculations were done in a development version of Hornresp, with the data being exported to Excel in *.csv files. To implement the new method in Excel would require a VBA macro to be incorporated into the Workbook. I have not done this - the routine was simply added directly into Hornresp.

A copy of the Hornresp VB6 code relating to the new method is attached. The variable names may seem a bit strange - I will leave it to you to work out what it all means :).

Kind regards,

Hi Bill and soongsc,

Even though the results of my investigations were presented using Excel charts, all the calculations were done in a development version of Hornresp, with the data being exported to Excel in *.csv files. To implement the new method in Excel would require a VBA macro to be incorporated into the Workbook. I have not done this - the routine was simply added directly into Hornresp.

A copy of the Hornresp VB6 code relating to the new method is attached. The variable names may seem a bit strange - I will leave it to you to work out what it all means :).

Kind regards,

An option will however be added in the next release to allow raw data for the new profile to be exported, so that constructors can build the perfect axisymmetric Le Cléac'h horn, if so desired.

Hi Everyone,

Hornresp Version 28.50 has just been released. It includes the Le Cléac'h horn "perfect axisymmetric profile" option.

Kind regards,



  • Option.png
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  • Profile.png
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Just a few questions.

Hi Bill,

A couple of additional comments regarding the code:

1. To simplify things, the two statements R1 = Sqr(S1 / Pi) and ER(0) = R1 can be replaced by the single statement ER(0) = Sqr(S1 / Pi).

(In Visual Basic Sqr rather than Sqrt is the square root function).

2. EA(0) = AT / 180 * Pi (given as EA(0) = frmMain.txtHp(15) / 180 * Pi) is not really required.

The Hornresp exported data shows X and Y coordinates and flare tangent angle Fta. The AT value rather than zero is given for Fta at X = 0 simply for the sake of completeness.

Fta values are included so that the user can truncate the horn mouth at the angle they desire, usually somewhere around 180 degrees. Values up to 360 degrees are listed - see lec.txt attached.

Kind regards,



  • lec.txt
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Function Preliminaries

Hi Bill,

A couple of additional comments regarding the code:

1. To simplify things, the two statements R1 = Sqr(S1 / Pi) and ER(0) = R1 can be replaced by the single statement ER(0) = Sqr(S1 / Pi).

(In Visual Basic Sqr rather than Sqrt is the square root function).

2. EA(0) = AT / 180 * Pi (given as EA(0) = frmMain.txtHp(15) / 180 * Pi) is not really required.

The Hornresp exported data shows X and Y coordinates and flare tangent angle Fta. The AT value rather than zero is given for Fta at X = 0 simply for the sake of completeness.

Fta values are included so that the user can truncate the horn mouth at the angle they desire, usually somewhere around 180 degrees. Values up to 360 degrees are listed - see lec.txt attached.

Kind regards,


Thanks David,

Some preliminaries follow:



' Declare Compile Options
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Option Compare Text
' Declare Constants
Public Const pid4 As Double = Pi / 4 'Quarter Pi
Public Const pim2 As Double = 2 * Pi 'Double Pi
Public Const c_cm As Double = 34399 'Sound Velocity in Air: cm/sec in air @ 20 °C & 50% RH
Public Const c_in As Double = c_cm / 2.54 'Sound Velocity in Air: in/sec in air @ 68 °F & 50% RH
Public Const cmS As String = "cm" ' CentiMeter Unit of Measure used
Public Const inS As String = "in" ' Inch Unit of Measure used
' Argument List
Public T As Double 'Salmon's Shape Parameter
Public Fc As Double 'Cut-Off Frequency (Hz)
Public Rt As Double 'Throat Radius (cm or in)
Public dL As Double 'Length Increment
Public UM As String * 2 'Unit of Measure "cm" or "in"

' Nomenclature/Variable Changes
' R1 -> Rt
' S1 -> St
' Incr -> dL
' F12 -> Fc

Public Function McBLeC(T, Fc, Rt, dL, UM) As Range ' Returns Vectors EL(N), ER(N) & EA(N)
' (more later)

End Function
Le Cleach/Salmon Horns

Hi Bill,

A couple of additional comments regarding the code:

1. To simplify things, the two statements R1 = Sqr(S1 / Pi) and ER(0) = R1 can be replaced by the single statement ER(0) = Sqr(S1 / Pi).

(In Visual Basic Sqr rather than Sqrt is the square root function).

2. EA(0) = AT / 180 * Pi (given as EA(0) = frmMain.txtHp(15) / 180 * Pi) is not really required.

The Hornresp exported data shows X and Y coordinates and flare tangent angle Fta. The AT value rather than zero is given for Fta at X = 0 simply for the sake of completeness.

Fta values are included so that the user can truncate the horn mouth at the angle they desire, usually somewhere around 180 degrees. Values up to 360 degrees are listed - see lec.txt attached.

Kind regards,


Hi David

See Attachments




  • Lec1.pdf
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  • ParamSalLec.doc
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Hi Bill,

I am particularly intrigued by your Note 3 - "For circular horns, wave front element area need not be calculated, just wave front length Rs. This approach will reduce calculation time."

Given horn cutoff frequency fc, flare parameter T, throat radius Rt, and assuming a plane wavefront at the throat (Art = 0) how is the isophase wavefront length Rs calculated at distance Ls along the horn?

Have you perhaps assumed in making your comment that the surface area of a plane circular disk of diameter CL is the same as the surface area of a convex circular disk (ie isophase wavefront) having a total convex curve length of CL? Unfortunately this is not the case.

Thanks and kind regards,

Will submit corrections soon.

Thanks Bill.

I have made a slight refinement to the new method. It makes no practical difference to the results, but does replace an approximation with an exact solution.

Previously with the new method, the revolved surface area of the outer element of the isophase wavefront was determined by multiplying the length of the outer element circular arc by the circumference of a circle having a radius equal to the perpendicular distance from the horn axis to the MID-POINT of the outer element circular arc.

Now the revolved surface area of the outer element of the isophase wavefront is determined by multiplying the length of the outer element circular arc by the circumference of a circle having a radius equal to the perpendicular distance from the horn axis to the geometric centre or CENTROID of the outer element circular arc.

The new refinement means that the calculated revolved surface area of the outer element is now exactly correct. Previously it was just a good approximation - because the arc angle was small, the error was not significant.

The centroid of a circular arc of radius R and central angle 2 * A (radians) is located on the bisecting radius at a distance R * Sin(A) / A from the centre of the circle.

I have attached a copy of my latest code for your information. Assuming that it is not possible to directly solve for the outer element, I think that the results generated by this new code are probably as accurate as can reasonably be achieved, since all other simplifying approximations have now been removed.

Jean-Michel has been sent a copy of the latest code. The refinement has been added to Hornresp.

Kind regards,



  • Code1.txt
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