Indian equivalents of the following DIY items.

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I suggest that you call me at home 5478460/5473007 to confirm, during the next couple of days so that we can set things up.

I will have two power amps-a 35 wpc valve push pull and a solid state 55 wpc AKSA, with a solid state preamp, with a 12 inch powered sub driven by a 250 watts amp. The speakers will be a ported two way using Focal drivers and Raven ribbon tweeters. This is my audio system. If I can do it, we can try and audition the system that my sons use, a ported two way with Scanspeak
drivers. This is also an excellent system. (I have another powered sub, a 12 inch in a sealed box, but lugging it back and forth may not be easy.)

I will have some reference music on hand- female vocals(Diana Krall, Patricia Barber, Eva Cassidy, etc) bluegrass, rock, special effects stuff. My sons and I have a fair collection of CDs, so if you guys have any specific preferences let me know, it is possible that I have it, or bring it along! And before I forget, beer is on the house..

I would guess we can have a session from about 11 to 12.30 on Sunday?


P.S. Ashok, for your visit here I will bring out the other asli aur purana maal!
ashok/george, would like to know about the 35W push pull. BTW how does the ASKA compare to the Aelph. Also I would like to know why George used solid state for preamp and tubes for power and not the other way around. does is make any difference?

enjoy your selves lads. one day i'll find my self in bang and i promise to be packing some mal too.

Welcome any time (with or without maal!), just give me adequate notice.

The solid state preamp was bought a while ago-Now I'm looking for a tube preamp:confused: ! I have researched various tube preamp kits, and am homing in on a few possibilities. I may plan to bring kit back with me when I visit the US next year. Question is whether to bring a golf set or preamp.. (Bringing both back may attract undue attention from Customs)

Dont know enough about the Aleph, so I cant comment, but the 35 wpc push pull is nice. It uses very high quality components like Mangequest OPTs, KimberKable, etc etc..It's a design similar to the old Dynaco ST-70, but a variation with some tweaks.I havent upgraded it with the Caddock resisters and Multicap caps, was told by Ron Welborne that they improve the sound, so I bought the upgrade along with some DH Labs cable for my interconnects. The AKSA kit came with the Nirvana upgrade first time around, it is also good, though sonically a bit different.

Let the others give their comments after our Sunday session!

Hi Ajju & Sunil

Good having you guys over yesterday, sorry I couldnt get my sub working in the listening room-it does make a huge difference.. I hope you enjoyed the Welborne Labs amp (yes a little fine tuning will remove some of the background sound coming from the left channel, I think) and the AriaR speaker system as well as the Patricia Barber/Eva Cassidy/Diana Krall.

Thanks for the music Sunil, I enjoyed listening to it after you left. Do give me your call and let me have your phone number, we will meet up again..Ajju, look forward to your email, offlist.

Good having you guys over yesterday...

Thanks George..for the session...It was nice...Only issue was all of us were in a hurry and we listened less and talked more..:)

But it was nice...Unfortunately Lambda sub dint like the visitors i believe... But whatever listening session we had, was quite good...
and i think i've become a fan of Eva cassidy already...

Interestingly...the music was on and we were chatting away to glory...and there was panic...there seemed to be a whistling sound coming from somewhere...all of us were puzzled as to what happened...George started for his setup...we started pulling out our an attempt to identify what the hell was the sound...soon we realised that it was nothing but a part of the music beeing played...:D

So that explains the quailty of the sound...! the welbornes and the focal/raven combination managed to fool us..!!

Then George showed us his ongoing HT project...cabinets for his surround + a finished centre channel...

Next time, George & Sunil, strictly all music and no talk...:D


Thanx for having us over. It was the first time I was listening to a tube-amp. I miss the dynamics of a solid-state. Got to check out your A55's sometime. Also, the Aria/Sub combo.

Next time we'll have a proper ****-up & listening session. Let's meet up again.

Hope you liked the "Jacques Loussier".

tel: 51383464 (O) / 5495268 (R)

Hi Sunil & Ajju

I will get the sub working over the weekend, since my elder son will be here by Friday for his Christmas holidays. he is more interested in these things. I will let you know when the sub-sat combo is up and running. You need to listen to my sealed sub as well, to get the flavour of the PR enclosure a little better-it is really punchy! Also the Scanspeak driven Eire system. As Sunil said, we will do it properly next time, with some good lubricant-preferably 12 year old!

Sunil, just let me know when you want to listen to the A55 at your place with your speakers, you can borrow it for a weekend, when my sons arent listening to it-I will rig up my Onkyo AV receiver for them during that period..

We need to swap some fo the stuff that we talked about, when we meet up. I'd like to come over to your place and see your ste up and your music as well. J. Loussier is different and good..

Hi Ajju,
if u r somwhere near koramangala region there are a host of shops that sell plywood and glass..In fact there is a huge store on outer ring road ..they seem to have all kind of material...! And i've found nuwud at a couple of places..! Let me know if u want to check them out...!
Could you pass along the address of the Outer Ring Road store? I stay in CV Raman Nagar, so I'm guessing it should be nearby. I'm planning my first floorstander, using some Vifa drivers from Corrson. I've looked in vain for PVC laminate (like what Corrson offers, but in other patterns) and/or *real* veneer (not dyed plywood). Hope this place you mentioned has it. Thanks!

Any ideas what I can use for spacers (ie, stands) on my speakers? I dont want to use spikes (which Corrson has, btw). The plastic (nylon) stands for furniture look quite ugly.

Rod Elliott mentions "Tee-Nuts" on his site, with an apology that he doesnt know what it's real name is... anyone knows what they're called around here?
Could you pass along the address of the Outer Ring Road store? I stay in CV Raman Nagar, so I'm guessing it should be nearby
Sorry, I dont know the exact address. But i can tell u where it is..
outer ring road...ends in a T junction...left to surjapur, rt to silk board jn (u'll see mantri, shobha sun city all at this place..) proceed towards silkboard/koramangala.. Its like a double road...either side of the road is armed forces trainig/firing range..keep moving..u'll find a small junction with couple of traffic islands..(there will be a gas station on ur rt., a huge lonely tree trunk on one of the islands.) Keep left and proceed further...on ur left u'll get a hospital...further down u get the another gas station...further down u'll find a dried up lake on ur rt..
next u'll hit a traffic signal (there will be some overhead high tension wires crossing the road) proceed around 200 250 mts u'll find a huge timber mart to the rt... (its on the service road on ur u might have to go a lil further to get on to this road.)
Now if u dont find it here propable we can have a look at bomna halli there are a 100 shops there...!! there is a good chance that u'll also find tnuts there...!

(like what Corrson offers, but in other patterns) and/or *real* veneer (not dyed plywood). Hope this place you mentioned has it. Thanks!

Let me know when u plan to visit...probably we can meet up and hunt together...!

Any ideas what I can use for spacers (ie, stands) on my speakers? I dont want to use spikes (which Corrson has, btw). The plastic (nylon) stands for furniture look quite ugly.

May i ask y you dont want ot use spikes...
another alternative coulld be some small door knobs.if u find something suitable...if ur lucky you might get some nice wood ones....?? :D

"Tee-Nuts" on his site, with an apology that he doesnt know what it's real name is...

I guess its the same...basically it is a normal nut bolt combo...
only thing is that nut will have something like fins/spikes if u may call so..when tightened(or hammered down) it helps to keep the nuts in place and more importantly prevent them from rotating (without any assist) when a bolt is tightened on to it..!


ajju said:
I guess its the same...basically it is a normal nut bolt combo...
only thing is that nut will have something like fins/spikes if u may call so..when tightened(or hammered down) it helps to keep the nuts in place and more importantly prevent them from rotating (without any assist) when a bolt is tightened on to it..!
You get T-nuts in Lohar Chawl in Bombay. I'd posted something to this end. They are made of some sort of steel which will rust with time. They don't seem to have any brass T-nuts here. Dias are 5mm and 6mm; I haven't seen any slimmer. Angshu says that they become a pain to use when they rust, because you can't unscrew the bolt then.

On the spikes issue, I feel the same as Roadkill. I don't see why people should use them in Indian homes with cement or hard tiled floors. I thought the need for spikes was only to couple with wooden floors, and to cut through carpets to the floor beneath. I have seen commercial speaker manuals saying that the user should use spikes only under these circumstances; they were "optional".

Variac's modified Basszillas don't have spikes, I think. I'm in the process of building some floor-standers which, I'm afraid, will weigh 60-80Kg per enclosure. I intend to put one pair of wheels and one pair of nylon/wooden "buffers" (small, inch-high feet) below them. Comments welcome. :)

I just checked out that ring-road shop today... it's amazing! They have good quality pre-laminated MDF in 8x4 sheets, quite a wide range of patterns, too! I was really amazed by the owner, who seemed both knowledgable and helpful. My stop there was very brief, so all I did was enquire about cherry-veneered MDF.... he had a nice sample, and said it'd cost Rs. 65/sqft. He also had some veneer strips to use on the edges. Good stuff!

I will get my wood from him, even if transport costs a bit more!

EDIT: sorry, I'm not sure why my email provider sometimes eats up some of my mail. I tried sending a test message to myself from DIYAudio and it worked.
What drivers do you plan to use for your floorstander?

How is your project coming along?
Mine has ground to a halt. I have made the boxes (90 litres each. Will make two compartments as you suggested), cut the holes and mounted drivers, lined the inside with poly fibre, crossovers are ready. Need to do the testing with Speaker Workshop.

Did either of you find the T nuts?

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