If you think Class D is not HiFi...you are fool

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Hi Mastertech,

Dont get me wrong i dont want to say that i am the only one on the earth who want to switch to class-D in next coming years [not a cheap solution but a good solution], but in India, yes i am the only one, but not in the world..there are many such guys who have recently switched to class-d such as www.ashly.com, www.ecler.com etc..
pro-audio is not a cheap bussiness its a serious consideration involoving in terms of quality as well as reliability and it is now moving towards the HI-FI not a piece of junk sound anymore...

so please dont get me wrong...

K a n w a r:)
The only class D amps I've lisened to are a few watts, but with these few watts they certainly produce a good sound. As with other types of amps there are designs that are not so good. So it's best to try before buy.

So I think for those whom like amps that generate heat to keep you warm, by all means use those types. If you like energy effeciency, then use class D. If you like changing with season. You're a good consumer.:D
Thanks to all to partecipate to this thread...
Carlos, you' re simply incredible :clown:
There are few news about class d expecially about tripath IC, I' ve ordered some TA 2020-020 and TA2022 cause I want to supply them with batteries, but seems that there are quite a lot differents (in sound) each other.
Need to investigate more.
Someone have tried this ICS?
All this thread guys are very nice, and it is a fun to be here, in special the

One that use to read (alike i do) sitting over the bathroom king's trone!...ahahahaha.

And the air there is healthy for our brain...ahahahha.

Very good thread...and you my dear Gladiator, you are a very courageous man... a real warrior.

Kanwar is a wonderfull guy..hey guys, do not disturb Kanwar..he is nice.

related all the others, the funny things and the kiddings....very good to see that kind of mood.

And as Carlos said..... C'a Marche!

au revoìr.

C'a Marche..let's go!..keep the thing rolling.


The damn reality, we cannot dennie...we are all Snuberiziertzed!




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"Those small japanese cars will never be accepted in US!"

"Russian guys are bad and eat childrens!"

They promised that CDs will give us 'perfect sound forever'.:)

I think that what often gets overlooked when evaluating digital technologies (or new audio formats in general) is how likely is it to sound lousy when it's implemented to a bottom dollar price point for the mass market. Look at MP3 - it's hardly a reflection of digital audio's capabilities in general but it's often misrepresented as being much higher quality than it is when it is actually near the bottom of the barrel in the sound quality sweepstakes for digital or analog. I might give consideration to an argument that MP3 above 128kb/s for stereo beats out those old 8 track tapes from the '60's & 70's.

I'm ok with Class D for workhorse and applications where high efficiency is paramount, but I don't see it obsoleting conventional analog for the highest sound quality.
If somebody would have told me a few years ago that I would sell my brit-audio combi, go to a normal electro market and buy something for 350 Euro which is just several classes better I would have called him a fool.

Thanks a lot to the TacT people for cooperating with TI and Panasonic to get something going in this price class.
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Joined 2005
Hello Chris,

I am affraid that someone will claim your discrete class D for commercial purpose. Because your schematic is complete with all aspect, startup, bootstap, gain, feedback, balanced input etc,In other word it is perfect for the tiny device.

Except for protection, of course!

I use linear AB for several years for our PA. I did not like the big heatsink and the cost of complementary pairs of output.

Now I am on proccess for discrete class D for PA up to 500W-1kW.

I agreed that for PA, yes..! Linear AB is still the leader, but soon the leader will be replaced.
kartino said:
Hello Chris,

I am affraid that someone will claim your discrete class D for commercial purpose. Because your schematic is complete with all aspect, startup, bootstap, gain, feedback, balanced input etc,In other word it is perfect for the tiny device.

Except for protection, of course!

I use linear AB for several years for our PA. I did not like the big heatsink and the cost of complementary pairs of output.

Now I am on proccess for discrete class D for PA up to 500W-1kW.

I agreed that for PA, yes..! Linear AB is still the leader, but soon the leader will be replaced.


You might be right. I've actually gotten a few emails from some of them too.

Maybe for them it's also a learning experience and put to good use or maybe their intentions aren't that honest... they'll just have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

They always ask for more power too. I'm fairly confident they can't just take what I've provided and produce a 500W to 1000W commercial product, it would take alot more effort than that on their part, and cost them a good chunk of coin in R&D too.

You know in the end they'll opt to pay for pre built modules just like anyone else, maybe even before Philips sues them.

For PA use I'd thought class d had a strong foothold for awhile now?

thoriated said:

I'm ok with Class D for workhorse and applications where high efficiency is paramount, but I don't see it obsoleting conventional analog for the highest sound quality.

Have you ever listened to a decently implemented Class-D amp? If you have, what`s wrong with it?

Lots of people on this board do not want to go back to conventional AB amps because they (including myself) find the Class-D amps sounding superior. OK, I have to admit, I have never heard 100k$ amps in my system, maybe they would perform a bit better than my few hundred$ UcD amps, however, I strongly doubt it as they easily beat my Accuphase E407 that is now already more than a year jobless, talking about a bad investment.

Best regards


Here the same, bought a Nad C272+C162 in jan.2005 and I think it was febr. or March when I bought the UCD's. @$#$#@$ how I regretted the purchase of the Nad's which was over a 1000 euro's.
Well, that's a bit the kick D class gives. Too bad, but ah well...that's progress, innovation. And the Nads are jobless here too. Selling them won't be satisfactory because the drop in value.
Same sad story!

Guys I can easily top that! How would you feel if the amp that was beat out was your own design that had been highly tweaked and compared very favorably to amps costing 10's of thousands of dollars? This hurt! Hats off to Bruno for a magnificent design!!
Bgt said:
Here the same, bought a Nad C272+C162 in jan.2005 and I think it was febr. or March when I bought the UCD's. @$#$#@$ how I regretted the purchase of the Nad's which was over a 1000 euro's.

It is very easy to make much better than those Nad pre and power amps (I know them).
Class D or not, it's easy as pie.

1000€ doesn't shock me at all.
I had a Krell KAV-300iL (~6000€ when new) at home and it was much inferior to my LM3886 amp and AD815 pre.
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