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Hiface USB -> I2S 24bit/192Khz

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- did he have approval to publish the datasheet? they have sent me the datasheet without any note, if this was private they must told me

- did he tell M2tech that he intended to sell these boards on a forum to individuals? before to open the forum I have asked for it and they told me that if I find 50 person they send the modules

- what exactly were his arrangements with M2Tech regarding these OEM boards? none, because they told me only yesterday that this module alredy exist, At the begin this modules was custom only for this forum

please, I am very sick of this story

I am considering buying a media player and modify it

A dedicated system is better than a shared pc
At this time I think that the best soultion to play hi-resolution material is modify a media player like this one:

Xtreamer Pro

The cost is not more high of a M2Tech spdif ainterface and there are many benefit to get a complete dedicated environment

I am asking to Xstreamer the right specification to make the modifications

Tell me If someone have other media player playing 192Khz 24bit flac

John Swenson (posts on AudioAsylum, and I believe he is here as well) has posted that the Squeezebox Touch has the hardware capability to play 24/192, but that the software will not allow it right now. He said he is working on the software (I believe it is all open source) to get 24/192 out of the squeezebox touch. Perhaps if there are some skilled coders around, they could get together an work it out and get it up and running at 24/192. I don't have the skills or knowledge to help. John has also said that he has gotten USB to SPDIF to work out of the squeezebox, so when the Linux drivers for the M2Tech HiFace come out, it might be possible to use that with the Squeezebox (but who knows if it would be better than the native SPDIF output, maybe to I2S would be better).

I debated between getting a HiFace and a Squeezebox Touch. I went with the Squeezebox, because of what John Swenson had written about it, and because I had only read one negative comment about it on line. I also wanted to simplify playing music on my system, both for myself, and so that my girlfriend would be able to use the system (which is important since she puts up with having so much space taken up for audio).

I've only had it a few days, but I am very impressed with it. It is a little Linux computer with custom software just for audio, which is what many people try to build with off the shelf hardware designed to be all purpose. I think that the Squeezebox might be a better transport than a universal media player, since the squeezebox is a dedicated audio computer.

Check it out, it might be exactly what you're looking for.

well there goes that, does sound to me that it was M2Tech that made arrangements that they couldnt keep. probably they didnt see it blowing up to these proportions either, although I think posting an OEM datasheet that (by name only) implies it is confidential, on a public forum was a little naive, though it does seem it was as innocent as just that... naive. have to say there were several of us that saw this coming, but not much that could be done once the cat was out of the bag.

I suppose it depends on exactly how much of the intellectual property belongs to M2TECH, if its a matter of this board being under contract which is binding on both sides. it should be as simple as changing the design enough that the contract doesnt apply anymore.

I have no interest in modifying a player and neither the time to research it all over again, so I think i'll just forget about USB on these builds.

there was another thread I saw just yesterday though that had a USB->I2S device using the tenor chip but was only 24/96 and didnt mention asynch on the ebay site. it was just a board as well, selling for 80usd or something. i'll see if I can find it again

ah thats right, it was on Vintage Audio Lab, this implementation was native usb though, so no special driver. dont know how that works. perhaps was a different tenor chip. though I have to say the 'x 2' in the name worries me a little. maybe nothing
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Are those devices you mentioned guys are AYSNCHRONOUS? The biggest advantage of HiFace and this OEM I2S isn't only bit exect and 24/192 but mainly ASYNCH mode - so output jitter is comparable to jitter of used XOs. This is the biggest advantage over other 24/96 or 24/192 devices.

this M2Tech OEM I2S was my almost ideal solution...
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Damn! I spent a night figuring out about async usb and then reaching this thread :( I thought I have found something very interesting to play around with.

I have an xtreamer, and I would be excited it it can be used. Even the hdd slot may be used for batteries/ installing dac inside. However, it doesn't have any UI and would be difficult to make it usable as a single unit, unless you keep a monitor/ tv attached to it. To me SB touch seems a better option.
I am looking at things from the perspective of semi portable, and to be used with headphones.

At this time I think that the best soultion to play hi-resolution material is modify a media player like this one:

Xtreamer Pro

The cost is not more high of a M2Tech spdif ainterface and there are many benefit to get a complete dedicated environment

I am asking to Xstreamer the right specification to make the modifications

Tell me If someone have other media player playing 192Khz 24bit flac
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