Folded cascode headphone amp

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You are right about cascoding two J-fet, that's is the one way to get high output impedance, but one might try BJT+ J-fet cascode (such as in Steven circuit or somewhat different configuration from recent Walt Jung's article about CCS). About your suggestion for BF244/245 cascoded J-fet CCS - this two devices look identical (if I remember datasheet correctly), so if that is the case, wouldn't be better to use e.g. BF244A and on top of it an BF244B/C for cascode devices?
in general: they are very sensitive, consequently, easily develop thermal distortions, therefore and for every reason should always be cascoded in common-source configuration, anyway.
As CCS: no difference, however, the advantages are massive, high dynamic impedance, wide bandwidth, fairly low noise, elegant clean biasing.


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After many practical experiments, I've come to conclusion that the best CCS, from noise, impedance, thermal stability and precision POV (all of this into a balanced blend), is the combination between a LED and a low noise BJT, cascoded with another BJT with low Cob.
The trick here is to properly use the cascoded transistor, to not turn the whole thing into a oscillator;)

Lumba Ogir said:
your circuit does not constitute as high impedance, the biasing makes a ripple injection into the base and the LED adds noise. You could disclose it without losing anything. Predictably, it cannot beat the JFET CCS neither functionally nor sonically.

A cascoded CCS is a very high impedance circuit.
What do you know about my biasing methods? Do you know how much noise a LED can produce?
Blow some air through a j-fet CCS and watch at the output current :D .
For circuits where VAS current give the bias for the output stage, this type of CCS is a total desaster, not to mention about OLG variation with temperature ...
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of j-fets, but not as a CCSs ... with only one exception, when is used as a current source for LED biasing
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