Flat Earthers

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Pano said:
If he did, then what did people believe in before that? WHhy did things fall?
I think the pre-gravity idea was that things return to where they came from. As everything we see on earth came from the earth (in some sense, some more literally than others) it seems obvious that everything wants to return to the earth. Why they want to return straight down to a different piece of earth than the one they came from is less clear. For example, should not a dropped copper wire head off to a copper mine in Zambia?
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I concider myself obliged to rely on what I' ve been taught. Asking to reinvent the wheel everytime I need to use it is like canceling some thousand years of human history and civilization.
This is an argument I've heard a few times - surprisingly few - and I like it. :up:
Basically, we just don't have the time to question everything. We have to trust in something, science, superstition or something else, about how the world works. We can't have direct experience of everything, we can't test everything ourselves.

However, I think it's good to realize that, to know that you are relying on knowledge of which you have no first hand experience. Many times that is necessary, sometimes it's just lazy. Sometimes it will get you into trouble.
Yea like getting some milk at the grocer, you have to trust it's milk and not poison. Like you don't bring poison test kits to the grocer and test everything before you eat it. You trust the labels.

Scott, I will ask why. From memory he feels it his duty to educate the poor souls that have been lied to this whole time. At least that's what I think he said. I think he said he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid and now hates NASA for lying to the public about this. I had a theory that if the earth was flat, he would be the type to say it is round and go on a crusade against the flat earthers.
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I think the pre-gravity idea was that things return to where they came from.
I wish I knew more about this, and have done some reading on the subject. But the idea of gravity is so ingrained in my psyche that the pre Newton concepts are difficult for me to grasp. Some of it is just expressed as "common sense". If there is nothing to hold it up, of course it will fall!
This is an argument I've heard a few times - surprisingly few - and I like it. :up:
Basically, we just don't have the time to question everything. We have to trust in something, science, superstition or something else, about how the world works. We can't have direct experience of everything, we can't test everything ourselves.

However, I think it's good to realize that, to know that you are relying on knowledge of which you have no first hand experience. Many times that is necessary, sometimes it's just lazy. Sometimes it will get you into trouble.
Well, if it's all about how trustful the scientific community is, I think it is immune to conspiracy and apocryphicity.

His answer to GPS working out in the middle of the ocean is the US NAVY has ships that triangulate your position.

Dude is persistent as hell.

I think your friend is relying on a belief system (similar to religious faith) which can not be dissuaded from due to the simple fact that his belief system is not based on physical evidence. Any physical evidence you provide which counters his belief will be brushed aside with made up excuses no matter how illogical they are to you.
I wish I knew more about this, and have done some reading on the subject. But the idea of gravity is so ingrained in my psyche that the pre Newton concepts are difficult for me to grasp. Some of it is just expressed as "common sense". If there is nothing to hold it up, of course it will fall!

Light comes out of your eyes and illuminates what you are looking at. Emission Theory. It's hard to believe the enlightenment ever happened looking round the world today
Yea like getting some milk at the grocer, you have to trust it's milk and not poison. Like you don't bring poison test kits to the grocer and test everything before you eat it. You trust the labels.

Scott, I will ask why. From memory he feels it his duty to educate the poor souls that have been lied to this whole time. At least that's what I think he said. I think he said he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid and now hates NASA for lying to the public about this. I had a theory that if the earth was flat, he would be the type to say it is round and go on a crusade against the flat earthers.
Find out if he's dating someone who is flat earther. If so, meet him to someone she's not:D
George, I've notice that phones, at least iPhones, claim better location accuracy when WiFi is on. I know that Google has mapped a lot of WiFi signals, even got in trouble for some of it, but are they using Wifi to help locate your phone?

Now that LORAN is gone, we have to rely on those pesky satellites.

Android phones have a "battery saving" mode where wifi/cell phone towers are used and "high resolution" where wifi/cell phone tower triangulation is composited to provide location. The former works quite well when not driving.

So, yes.
BTW none of this is faith based in the larger sense to agree that the earth is a globe and round, as we've had multiple video evidence of such from a vantage point many miles above the earth some 50 years or so now.

If some (the flat earther's) are to proclaim because we do not do our own experiments to prove what these multitudes of people are telling us who have been in 'space', and who say, show, and teach us that the earth is round from that vantage point. So we are just putting our faith in them because we accept it, and they are all lying to the world???

The only way to believe the earth is flat is to discount all the many people in the industry of space, and the video evidence that we've had for many years. Also this hasn't really been a big thing until the internet (as with much bs).

When I was 10 circa 1975 the big news was about the coming Ice Age, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, The Bermuda Triangle, and that Killer Bees were making their way to the States. No one ever talked of a flat earth conspiracy en masse ever.. Not when I was a kid, not when I was a teen, not in my 20's, 30's and into my 40's. Hmm?? No more news anymore on any of the worries of the 1970's oddity's..

The amount of people involved in space research all these years, and all the corrupt and crazy governments of the world would all have to be in on the so called "cover up". Why hide that the earth is flat if that were the case? Treasure??.. Because it would melt our minds??.. We can't handle the truth?...

If the earth was flat it couldn't be hidden all these years, fact.. Add in the video evidence and science from all the different nations and peoples that show a round earth, and then declare they're all supposed to be in some sort of agreement to deceive the masses of a flat world, and I rest my case.

The conspiracy of silence and deception that's proclaimed by the 'flat earther's' between all the nations, would not work on something of this level, end of story... Fun though to live on the 'edge' at times.. I'll take my round world and wonder why I haven't fallen off yet :)
I've notice that phones, at least iPhones, claim better location accuracy when WiFi is on.

The technology certainly exists, and is likely used. My 5 year old Samsung Android phone has an intermittent GPS unit. It can locate me approximately, sometimes. I an a Comcast subscriber and an AT&T cell phone user. Both companies have Hot Spots that my phone will grab since both passwords are active in my phone. If you have a Comcast internet modem with WiFi in your house, unless you specifically turned it off, your house IS a Comcast Hot Spot, and yes Google knows where they are. When My phone's GPS is acting up, but I am in range of a Comcast Hot Spot, Google Maps will place me in that house! McDonalds restaurants used to be AT&T Hot Spots, at least in Florida, but Google Maps does not place me in Mickey D's. Usually a good smack in the back of the phone restores GPS function.

Essentially, GPS requires WiFi, Cellular Towers, and Internet backbone to pinpoint your location.

Not true. A properly functioning GPS will work completely stand alone with no other signals present.

I have a Fitbit Surge smart watch. It has GPS built in. There is no cellular modem, or WiFi receiver, yet it can track me within a few feet for a 10 mile hike through the wilderness, of the where there are no signals other than satellite. Here is a picture of the Fitbit displaying elapsed time at a Tough Mudder event in Pennsylvania. I downloaded the GPS history of the 4 hours it took me to complete the event, and it overlaid quite well with the published course map and recorded my progress at 1 second intervals with altitude information.......big brother can access the Fitbit information through your phone via a Bluetooth connection......they know where you are, even without a Fitbit, there is a GPS in your phone. I did not take my phone on the TM course. It would not have survived.

A modern high end "GPS" device and most current smart phones use the US GPS satellites, the Russian Glonass satellites, the Chinese satellite location system and any terrestrial location system available to it, including cell towers, WiFi signals and any other high frequency signals that it has location data for. The more "known positions" the unit has, the greater the accuracy.

The technology exists for location using radio and TV stations, marine and aviation location beacons, and public safety radio transmitters. During the last 12 years of my career at Motorola I worked in a research group developing public safety equipment. GPS is great outdoors. It does not work well inside a large multi story concrete building since the high frequency signals do not penetrate well, and internal reflections from steel create multiple path for the same signal destroying the timing needed for accurate location. We looked into the other mentioned signals for indoor location, but since most of them are ground based, elevation data can not be obtained. (what floor of a burning building is that fireman on?) That is still a hot issue.

Costa Rica jungle that would allow for a land based GPS. Not the middle of the ocean, but the middle of the jungle.

GPS will work anywhere on Earth that it has enough unobstructed view of the sky to "see" 5 or so satellites in the sky, the broader the area or sky it "sees" the better it's accuracy will be. GPS is line of sight, some foliage is permissible but concrete, steel and even wet wood will kill the signal. Modern GPS units can use Russian satellites, and WiFi to improve accuracy especially when the sky view is partially obstructed (like inside a metal roofed car), but their access is not needed for operation.

You can download an app for Android called GPS test, that will display a map or list of all the satellites it is using to determine your location. My 5 year old phone only uses US GPS satellites, and that's all GPS test displays, so I don't know what it will show on a new phone. It also has a speedometer feature to calibrate your cars spedo.

“hyperbolic radio navigation system which allowed ships and and aircraft to determine their position by receiving radio signals from fixed navigational beacons. The system used low frequencies from 70 to 129 KHz.

The last time (1973) I sailed a big boat (34 feet) that's what we used. The system relied on a directional antenna to null out the signal you were using and thus determine it's direction. The stations continuously transmitted their ID with Morse code. I remember ZBB in Bimini, and a Miami based station whose letters I can not remember. My small boat, a 14 foot Hobie Cat used the George navigation system!


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