Exstroyer x Amplifier...Ex amp...my amplifier

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The subtle message was: PMA had no trouble in fooling you into thinking that something actually having less than 10uH inductance had 100uH :D

BTW: The latest generations of Spanish girls won't hesitate to hit you where it hurts most if you are arrogant to them. Things have changed a lot in the past 30 years :D
I see... time has passed.

I understood.... interesting that some folks see me as arrogant...you're not the first..so..something i use to do or to say must be the clue that generates that idea... that point of view.

Maybe arrogants see me this way....maybe not...maybe i really am.

I will look at myself, trying to self analise that (despite self analisis is almost impossible), and will try to avoid to behave some way, or to understand where are my actions that make people think this way.

Sometimes, when people accuse us, they are just transfering their own characteristic to us to see if we accept..things they do not like they transfer.... then, if we accept, they are rid of those things.

I will accept, because i like you...to let your free of that.

Will not enter that debate...endless one... transference and projection are not a easy chapter to discussion.... as we are normally unable, to watch ourselves from an external point of view.

In a such kind or group dinamics, we need a psychologist as a moderator and we have to be present..not one in Spain and other in Brasil... so, to discuss this subject having all that distance is waste of time.

My brother is arrogant..well...everything he moves to make results fine..he is extremelly competent, absolutelly clever, all his hand touches produces result...my brother shines alike a star.....my small daugther the same...always first place in the school, have learned english in 6 monthes.... in the school all "A" in her rate..... she is arrogant because her competence...she also help me to calculate amplifiers.. she is more precise than i am..less errors...she is faster than i am... she has only 12 years old... maybe i am arrogant too, despite i have not their brigth results to support myself.

Maybe you're rigth...maybe you said so, just to explain the kick between the bells, modern girls use to give them, when they are not kind enougth.

Boys and girls behaving the same will loose all charm... well... the planet really needs to reduce population.

This picture shows some arrogance... it looks alike..in the reality i was very pride of my wife, so kind she was with my nephew and his wife, that came from England to visit me... the cup had a juice of a local fruit she has prepared for them to taste the exotic brazilian fruit flavor.... happyness and PRIDE to be with them is the feeling....hehehe..but looks arrogant too.

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keep it like that !!!!

often here in the forum i was also acused of arrogance ,,,,yeap may be i got some ....but also most of the times this so called arrogance ''comes out" when i feel that something i read is very wrong or very insulting

my boss acused me for being arrogant .... and ruthless as he described it ....

i get the job done though !!!!

so keep it like that uncle charly you look more pretty like that

best regards sakis maria and baby !!!!
Hi Carlos,

I don't think you are arrogant. You are provocative and probably like to tease. Qualities I recognize, I like to these too.

Maybe especialy with people who take themself to serious.

The funny thing with teasing people is that after you did that or when you are doing so you usually have a more lively contact with them so to me teasing and provocation can be a great thing and very healthly in human relationships.

On the otherside teasing via email is much more difficult.
The recipiant has no other information than your text and has to destill if you are serious or not or provocative or just teasing.

Have you ever visited Brasilia?

With regards, Roy
Yep man..... provocation breaks the barriers...we turn fast intimate

Eva started to think on me...with some angry..but thinking on me..this is what matters.... she will be back....called me arrogant, but offered me her schematic.... kein problem frau Eva... our misunderstanding will be the short cut for a nice and strong friendship, based in respect, confidence e admiração mútua (mutual admiration)

Hate and love are close partners..it is hard to see the frontier..we love our wife and also we hate..because we lost our freedom because of her...and we love her because she lost her freedom because of us..... that's the real game...and other things too..not proper to forum.

Let's say we must know how to replace the transistor... and all the accomplice, complicity, that is the most important thing..confidence and complicity.

How many girls i had to date... i just told them they would be with me, watching a movie at a cinema next saturday nigth...they use to say i was arrogant and that they had boy friend..i use to say that i am not jellows...and the cinema was guaranteed.

Well..this is hystory..now i am old and have to take care of my future grandchildrens.Thank you my friend..also dear Sakis...the one and only that enter to combat at my side..so deceptive i felt.... many coward friends, or not really friends, got hide under the bad not to enter a figth against a poor forum.... well, others receive mails where i called them chicken and Ostriches.... do not enter a fair combat Sakis, or i will be there with you..just call me.... and must be fair and decent too.... also Dudainc had helped a little.... also TAJ..those warriors will have my friendship.... real friends.... will tollerate their bad mood and bad moments, will forgive, as they are real friends.

Others tried to push my carpet..to remove it from under my feet.... Judas Scariodes.... will remember on them during the Aphocalipsis

I really do not mind...humans are that way.... some are Alfa Centaurius Colonizer descendents, of a planet that friendship is not a must..... you know...the flames into the bibble...talks from the heavens..all flying sauces... Orion and Alfa Centauri double sun place with 2 planets alike earth.... removal of Jesus stone from the grave and other things....but do not believe me...i am kidding.

Hello Thomas Jennings...i am capturing your transmission..thanks!


Boys..will let the thread to the one has opened..using my front page, but he did...not he as to take care of his business..this thread is his business.

Will abandon that thread..it is transistor's business... will assemb le amplifier that is much more productive..but thanks the fun we had all together.

Bye folks!
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Carlos, frankly speaking, you are usually teased because you are too proud of very elementary old-fashioned electronics and speakers.

I attached these files (first public release, despite many people has asked for them in the past, both in the forum and privately through mail) because I would like to see you doing more complex things and being proud of something that can really impress people, something that only few people can do and understand.

Too bad that you took my last comment too serious.
I have already said good bye to this thread

But will say thanks by the attention.

About pride?....how to avoid?... several friends built and felt the amplifier very good, several guys are copying...how not to feel pride?... only a dead man would not feel pride of that.... compared to modern or old fashion amplifiers, it sounds so good as the modern ones, and more than that, use to beat several units, including the Class D i have.

And about inductances, i found a better method than evaluate values watching what others do, the try and error basis.

Of course the best is to buy a measurement instrument..but there are other resources... creative ones.

this is the method:

"Get a sine wave oscillator, and put the inductor and a resistor in series across the output. I generally start with about 100 ohms. Adjust the oscillator frequency until the voltage across the inductor and the resistor is equal. Since they are 90 degrees out of phase, each will be 0.707 times the oscillator voltage. At this frequency, the inductor has an impedance of 100 ohms, and the inductance can be calculated from Z = 2 * pi * f * L."

Will let this thread to the thread opener.

Good by Eva and all folks.


Eva said:
Carlos, frankly speaking, you are usually teased because you are too proud of very elementary old-fashioned electronics and speakers.

I attached these files (first public release, despite many people has asked for them in the past, both in the forum and privately through mail) because I would like to see you doing more complex things and being proud of something that can really impress people, something that only few people can do and understand.

Too bad that you took my last comment too serious.

Eva ...most of the times you have seen that i simply agree with you ...most of the things said by you have meaning ,point, are direct to the subject , and full of very usefull info ....

here i will dissagree ....in the age of 43 been constructing and repair amplifiers since i was 16

just a few years ago i discovered the qualities of a humble P3A amplifier by Rod .... i started tweaking adding removing a bit here and a bit there and the result is what i really like ...others that listen to it too said that realy plays very nice....

neither schematic construction or pcb made perfect ( perfect= to my standards) only one thing made perfect TIME !!!!

i spent almost a couple of years evaluating this and that transistors, drivers, diferent bias , input caps , dual monos , listening tests .... and bla bla bla

did the amplifier worth that effort ???? big time NO !!!!! i just simply like to do that

for a thing like that ..... and a 2year effort a bit of braging ..... a bit of arrogance .... and a lot of proud .... might be just ok for a thing like that ....

this is what we dont have ....time ...this is what we pay for ...time ....Destroyer X gave us plenty of this !!!! ( many others too ofcourse ) and also he gave it absolutely free ... so never mind ...be happy ... and let him be proud ....he earn it ...

happy regards sakis

<<<<< it is obvious to me that you eva have the ability to provide help to many of the forum designers amatures and professional both ...BUT YOU DONT !!!! is this cause you are a bad person ???? NO !!!! is this cause you dont like to help people ??? NO !!! you simply dont have the time for it ..... >>>>>
Friends..the really ones..comes when someone trows a big one on us

Thank you Sakis.

Those last weeks, or a couple of monthes i have been paid for all the dedication and work ... but the ones are paying with lack of gratitude are not the ones had the advantages...the ones have built and used my amplifiers are gratefull and had thank me a lot..and that gave me sweet moments inside my heart...others felt fury about that... those ones have not built, have not listened and decided the circuit is no good... alike childrens..that does not taste food and refuses in advance to try.

The ones behave selfish, taking care of their own egoes during all that long run, are now attacking me as i tried to bring some decense to our forum.... management fast removed the support when was criticised Sakis...and not to be another halojoy i get back.... and big charlie, despite a figther, is now weak and wounded..then the wolves came.

No problem about that...i felt that as envy.... and all the friends i made makes me happy and compensates me... also the chapter shown me the real friends i have and show me some cowards and some snakes too...was good to know.

Once again Sakis... all others, known as friends are hidden under the bed, afraid to open their mouthes...you are the one that comes to help.

Some had decence, alike Ostripper and bigun...had conscience and moved to new ideas..not exaclty a withdrawal or retreat..but they reduce the activity on that stuff i have criticised..they behave fair an decent.. and had a half break in all that stuff..other try to play with a very serious subject...decense...... and the lack of decense, as an example, is destroying US health insurance.... so...they know those things are destructive.

The nice, glorious and wonderfull nation, now a days in pain, because they left the decense scape between their fingers.

We really do not need a paper, a certificate, or a document, or a copyrigth guarantee to have a good behavior...moral and some little inteligence is all we need to use to see the truth.




I will be back to my amplifiers... a class AB and a digital are over the workbench...i hope i have no more the need to come here...i could not avoid to thank you Sakis.
No direct mail..througth forum, allowed by you

This is not opened into your profile..so, i could not answer you directly...to stop be feeding this thread.

The thread opener must take care of his baby.... i have already helped a lot him to publish his stuff.

My presence helps, as i have a lot of friends and they come to read all those foolishes i use to publish..some has big value..others not...only social things to have good meetings..good comunittary behavior.

Some will say i am arrogant to say people will come to read..... well... observe hits and you gonna see i have friends.

btw Stuey....idiomatic expressions, local words, are hard to understand..eu sou brasileiro ... you descabelado!

You see...no translation possible to descabelado..means someone that has messy hairs, that have not used some brush on the hairs, not aligned, messy...but the therm means not exactly that..seems someone loves to confuse other, or someone a little bit crazy, annoying, or funny.... some educated way...to minimize other guy character defect... giving it just a small and secondary, in value, tittle.... maybe "little boring" can translate...no dictionaire can do that...you expression was only understood by your people.... so...it is english..but not Universal.

Descabelado, as talk about hairs..have nothing about hair..but about someone's behavior.

des cabelado may mean "without hair"...or "bald"...but we do not use it this way...we never use it this way..so..google translator is entirelly unable to catch idiomatic expressions, or local cultural words.... even 3 thousand kilometers south, people will not understand what is that.

This makes me think if you really want me to understand, or to make your pairs (aussies only) to understand you.

Man...not to allow us to write to you is very strange thing to my culture..alike a hermit....straaaaaange that.

regards dear Stuey,



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Please folks...i want to leave that thread to have more free time

to build my stuff.

Mum said to me, when i was a little boy:

Answer to everybody..watching them directly into the eyes, never with pride or arrogance...you are not better nor worse than others..listen them with attention and never let them trying to talk with you without have your attention and respect.

If you feel that is need to defend or attack, do it and let them defend themselves...try a good conversation once and twice..third time apply a good punch directly into the nose.

Watch them directly.... ahead of them...if a President or the most simple guy...having the some respect, as both of them, the President or the simple man, will have the same smell at the WC..and both will die and will return to the land alike me and you.

So folks...do not provocate conversation here anymore...as mum said me to answer...not to fair to fish Charlie this way.....i have a direct mail opened...forum communication is free and wide open througth the system...and also:





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a small detail more

dont know what others do but for me except pleasure in the audio ....this is also my work ....i make money of sound ...this is my occupation ...

so often i think comercialwise ....i can understand that often this might be against DIY but lets say i get something from it i give something to it .... so i am happy with that ...

The question
Does any of the simple or the zuper designers that hung arround the forum know what it takes to make even a TDA 2030 amplifier from schematic to product ?????

The answer

you will say to me that """Ohhh this was never the target""" well i would say that even sidewise this "should" be the target ....meaning that a designers work is not done with a simulation , a schematic , and a prototype ....there is more to it

And this "more" is what we get from carlos

i can bring in mind a few threads that started with trompones and fireworks arround them and now are very forgoten do you know why ????

cause the designer has no contact with the construction issues that are related to his schematic ....

ayta .....
Hi carlos,

I want to make a small comment on the cabletalk earlier on in this thread.

Why not simply make the distance between the two conductors greater? Say like 5 cm or so. A cap is no cap anymore if the plates are to far from eachother and a inductor is no inductor anymore if the windings are to far from eachother.

So in practical how to make such a cable. I would take a flexible plastic hose from say 5 cm in diameter and tape the conductors opposite from eachother on the whose and hear what happens.

It would dampen the cable also mechanically.

Or am I wrong. Your comments please

With regards, Roy
Someone said when you put distance you increase inductance

Or i understood that wrong way, or this may be the problem...this is the way i am using.... five centimeters distance.....man.... outside the wall this is very ugly!

Or i will break the brick walls to put something to hide those cables inside the wall or i will go back to my thin old wiring.

Really....if you wanna know... really, really, really..i could not perceive difference...the same stuff.

Or not really the same stuff..by room is very ugly now with those cables there...




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Hi Carlos,

I don't think with distance inductance gets greater, I don't know how larger the field is produced by electrons flowing through a conductor but it cannot be that large.

Maybe there's some egineer on the forum who knows? you often see those pictures with concentric circles around a cables but there is never explained what currents create how large an magnetic field.

With regards roy
I see..you don't let me go..thank you by your appreciation on uncle charlie.

But now Andrew entered..also Tinitus..and those had different ideas in many other threads..now we have you too dear Roy Algra with some different ideas compared to the other two..


This sounds to me alike a television advertising...coming soon in this channel:

- "Coming to you very soon on Pay-per-View the clash of the century: AndrewT 'n' Tinitus.
Call your operator and ask for TnT."

enjoy the next program... keep this channel "on"!

Man!...in this forum we do not earn money..but we have a real fun.



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Well Gentlemen how about this approach?

It works really great with certain types of music the furbies with their irritating chit chat enhance the musical pleasure.
For instance Wagner becomes really listenable.

With regards Roy


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