EnABL How-To for Fostex FE127e and other speakers

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Hi guys,
after building the fonkens with my good old FE127s i am very pleased with the speakers. They sound really well, only the 7k raise kills me. It lets my fingernails rotate upwards :(. I know that this is the typical FE127 cone sounds, that occur if untreated. Living in germany makes things problematic, because its hard to find the right fluids. I found ModPodge at a local store now and will apply the trifoil pattern. Where can i find exact dimensions ? Where on the cone should the first ring be and where the second ? How wide should the line be ?
And what paint do you use for the polkadots ? The brands you describe are not available in europe. What are they intended for? Perhaps i can find some replacements.
Last question is: my FE127 has a hole in the middle of the cone, most described here do not. Is it another revision ?
I am very surprised with the FE127 sound so far, hope the 7k problem is cureable without a coil/resistor, because i love the pure unfiltered sound.
What exactly is damar ? I cant find it anywhere, is there a suitable replacement ?
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The trifoil pattern is done with damar varnish (try a fine art ssupply store), i’ll have to dig out my template and measure to give dimension (althou they might be buried somewhere earlier in this thread). Then thinned modPodge over the whole cone.

Spots are done with non-metallic acrylic train paint. After the spots 2 coats of 50% gloss and 1 on the dustcap (another acrylic used to coat decals on models & model trains).

The trifoil pattern is done with damar varnish (try a fine art ssupply store), i’ll have to dig out my template and measure to give dimension (althou they might be buried somewhere earlier in this thread). Then thinned modPodge over the whole cone.

Spots are done with non-metallic acrylic train paint. After the spots 2 coats of 50% gloss and 1 on the dustcap (another acrylic used to coat decals on models & model trains).


Thank you very much dave. I found the dimensions of the rings in the thread, was blind before. Its 9mm and 17mm.
Also big thanks for the fonken design. I still need to make the 45degrees cuts, but even without they sound very big for such small speakers :)
What about the FE127? Is mine a different revision ?


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My experience with some basic damar treatment was no improvement in the treble shriek but the sound lost some of its magic so rather than ruin any more of them with coatings I sold them. Trying a line level notch filter first is at least reversible and perhaps tunable.

I already tried the filter, it destroys the sound. At 8ohm the peak was still there and the magic was already gone :( Filtering was my first attempt.
Active filters did help a bit, but in my opinion its better to solve mechanical problems with mechanical approaches.
Its the new basket (post 2000) but i’ve never seen one with the hole in the dustup.


Its not only a hole, the hole is covered by some kind of fiber, that you can hardly see. The magnet is shielded, i think the hole is for venting purposes, can that be right ?
Do you think still same rules apply to this one?
I found some specs to exactly my model here :
Do you perhaps have a link to the damar ? Is it a paint or what kind of fluid ?
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Joined 2001
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My experience with some basic damar treatment was no improvement in the treble shriek but the sound lost some of its magic so rather than ruin any more of them with coatings I sold them. Trying a line level notch filter first is at least reversible and perhaps tunable.

You only did the trifoil? It works in conjunction with the modPodge coating. You need both.

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I can dig out the templates and give you the dimensions i use. The FE127 uses the same templates as the FE126. 3 separate ringsets plus the dustcap.


Because of the nature of the paint that is being applied a stencil will not work. Each of the some 310 spots needs to be applied by hand using a calligraphy tip. One puts the template of the cone, use it to apply the outer ring, carefully remove the template (it is VERY easy to smear the paint on removal), and then use the just applied ring as a template for the inner half of the ringset. Let it dry and then do the next ringset down. Repeat until done. A4, A5, #56 calligraphy nibs.

Read posts 13-17 in this thread for Bud’s basic tutorial: EnABL - Listening impressions & techniques


Thank you 1000 times dave. At this moment the dammar is drying, i think i will apply the mod podge tommorow.
I will read the thread you pointed to first, but at the moment i do not really understand how to use the template for the dots. Being a computer science guy, sometimes im a little slow on mechanical stuff ;)
Do you have a picture how i should hold the template ? This would help a lot.
I can dig out the templates and give you the dimensions i use. The FE127 uses the same templates as the FE126. 3 separate ringsets plus the dustcap.


Because of the nature of the paint that is being applied a stencil will not work. Each of the some 310 spots needs to be applied by hand using a calligraphy tip. One puts the template of the cone, use it to apply the outer ring, carefully remove the template (it is VERY easy to smear the paint on removal), and then use the just applied ring as a template for the inner half of the ringset. Let it dry and then do the next ringset down. Repeat until done. A4, A5, #56 calligraphy nibs.


The dimensions would be very nice, i cant find them anywhere.

That will come. I have yet to share them.

I also have a more versatile template to put together and release.


Thanks, i thought way too complex. Of course, this way it functions best.
Although the driver is very old and also the 126e is not build anymore, i hope you will release the templates.
This driver rocks, and after hearing the fe166 enabled and stock, i know that this treatment can make a driver go through the roof. For my taste, the fe127 stock has too many dips in the hights. I hope to get this tamed with trifoil and enable.
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Although the driver is very old and also the 126e is not build anymore, i hope you will release the templates.

The templates have not changed for the current FE126En. The template i will release is generic. You can then take the dimensions — i just need to dig out the templates and measure them — and cut appropriately.

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