DIY Speaker Binding Post

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Hi navin & sangram,

Just a quick note. You guys can see me today on TV. It’s a CII interaction with management guru C. K. Prahalad on manufacturing competitiveness vis a vis India and China. Prahlad will be in Calcutta, while I and a few others will be in CII local office at jsr. Some 6 or 7 different cities will be interacting with him. This is a full day programme , I think the TV part will be around 3PM. Tune into CNBC India. It will be easy to spot me. I will be proffering the most stupid thoughts.
I had some protos made of MS. So here we are


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indeed..the proto does have a hole. Just that the hole has not been milled for a slot that will allow better solder. In this proto even the Nut doesnt have a hex.I should have a Copper sample ready today. It will be fully finished.


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dhanyavad. once i get my lot should I offer it to local manufacterrs and see if they bite? do you want to extend this into a business (albeit a very small one).

china makes some really cheap stuff that i see in europe. in fact some european brands are fully made in china. the prices i saw were ridiculous. for the cost of cabietery in India china was able to delvier a complete 6" 2 way system with drivers, grill, etc..

however i can show the samples to friends in germany and your bro can follow up if they bite.
i don't think making these on a commercial basis would make much of sense. Ok on a purely DIY angle. Selling to a customer brings a lot of other hassels. I have my hands full with them and know the pain fully. But then I'm not a Sindhi :)

My idea is to finally machine these posts on a CNC m/c. That way they will rival cardas. We usually have some spare CNC capacity around the year.

China is a different ball game. Last December I toured China for 10 day as part of ACMA CEO's delegation. Amazing place. I was surprised to note that the stuff they sell within China is of a very high quality and exepnsive too. I bought a TCL HT receiver for 500 RMB (3500 Rs). Beats the Yamaha that I was using earlier.

But then we retain some major advantages over them - which should continue for at least a few years. We can discuss it off-line if you desire.
I am a sindhi. well i say no pain no gain. if you intend to commercialize this let me know i will give you my contacts. I have no commercial interest in audio. or else i would have by now got agencies of quite a few companies and dirver manufactuers.

reasons I did not getinto audio commercially.
1. The pie in India is very small
2. There is quite a bit of underinvoicing in the Indian market
3. I dont have a strong retail knowledge of the indian market

undervoicing is the most diffcult to counter. almost everyone does it even some big brands.

Yes it does.


I have the highest regards for Sindhi's. Truly enterprising community. India owes a lot to them.

Our main business is auto components. I also feel that just speaker binding posts wont do. To commercialise this line of business you need to have a complete range of other interfacing devices - Speaker Post, RCA Jacks, Sockets, Spades and other such things. Secondly, manufacturing such small parts needs a high order of precision machining. You need to have a dedicated CNC capacity, robust QC systems and R&D facility.

So a simple lathe workshop will not suffice. The good news is that I have very advanced machining facility. Alternatively, I can ask one of my pre-machining vendors to take up manufacturing these posts on a commercial basis.

For a limited batch run I don’t see any problems in manufacturing these posts on a tool room basis at my plant. But then we will need to divert skilled people from their main line of activities to do this. Currently, we are having a ball with the increased demand from almost all of our customers. So these Posts are taking just a wee bit of backseat.

And yes. No pain, no gain. My wife just confirmed that.
Joined 2002
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Well, Ashok, looks great.

Some posts I have seen have a hole which is along the diameter of the rod, as opposed to the axis as you have made it (maybe I am very poor in geometry so do excuse if I have messed up the terms). I believe that would weaken it, though.

Have you considered an irregularity on the two final mating surfaces to create gas-tight connections?

Spade lugs to me sound a slightly better idea than through holes but there will be an additional solder joint.

I'm on for 20 pcs. Waiting impatiently now, I have a project that crying for 8 pcs immediately...

I may find a small market myself. Let me talk around.
corbato said:

For a limited batch run I don’t see any problems in manufacturing these posts on a tool room basis at my plant. But then we will need to divert skilled people from their main line of activities to do this. Currently, we are having a ball with the increased demand from almost all of our customers. So these Posts are taking just a wee bit of backseat.

And yes. No pain, no gain. My wife just confirmed that.

you are lucky. we are far below our production capacity. enquiries are few and far between. orders are even rarer. we have seen some improvement in the market of late but nothing like the late 90s.
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