diy bybee quantum purifiers?

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The purifiers do not reduce RF but 1/F noise they say.
Nobody that is complaining here owns one ( with the exception of John Curl) ore has measured one so why are are you so upset ?
Talking bad about something you have not tested is also some kind of stupid.
John has his reputation to know what good sound is well manifested in audio history, so when he says that the purifiers have audible benefit
it deserves better analysys then simply throwing in some b.......t,
so butter by the fish as we say here. Is it the oposite of an inductor?
a deductor or transductor ?
Talking bad about something you have not tested is also some kind of stupid.

You don't have to test them to know that the claims that have been made about them is ********.

And they can't reduce 1/f noise without also reducing the signal. At best all they can do is not add any more noise of their own. But you can avoid that by not adding them in the first place.

John has his reputation to know what good sound is well manifested in audio history, so when he says that the purifiers have audible benefit
it deserves better analysys then simply throwing in some b.......t

The only ******** I've seen has been from Bybee.

And if John makes a claim of an audible benefit, he is making an objective claim and the onus is on him to substantiate his claim.

I spoke to Jack Bybee about this, earlier today. We might say that it appears to be reduction in modulation noise with a 1/f character around the signal. It is probably why it is so difficult to measure. No signal, no noise. Signal with noise averaging takes it out in the measurement, and it disappears.
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You don't have to test them to know that the claims that have been made about them is ********.

And they can't reduce 1/f noise without also reducing the signal. At best all they can do is not add any more noise of their own. But you can avoid that by not adding them in the first place.

The only ******** I've seen has been from Bybee.

And if John makes a claim of an audible benefit, he is making an objective claim and the onus is on him to substantiate his claim.


If you put any conductor in the signal path it wil have an audible effect, some will like others may not. Its pointless to suggest they have no efect on the signal.
What I think people here want to know is what is inside these and what their physical properties are.
Yes, those that only measure and those that only listen will never agree.
Maybe we have first to traine our ears with life music and then we should find measurements that shine some light on this.
Unfortunately it is most of the time the other way around: What is not measurable is not audible but from where do we know that we measure the right thing and who says that the measurements we make are complete and an accurate description of what we hear ?
...the CONDUCTIVE coated ceramic, which is, of course, a cavity resonator, no matter what else.

No, it's not. It might be a dielectric resonator. A cavity resonator is a hunk of metal with a hole in it.

'...carefully designed microwave oscillators which utilize dielectric resonators can equal the temperature stability of conventional microwave resonant cavities machined from invar.' [my italics] - Darko Kajfez and Pierre Guillon - Dielectric Resonators - Artech House, 1986.

These are extremely narrowband microwave devices used in oscillators and filters. Coupling would normally be by proximity to a stripline in the case of dielectric or via a waveguide or co=ax in the case of a cavity. What would any of these be doing in an audio device?

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