DiAna, a software Distortion Analyzer

Joined 2004
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The settings in Diana were the same for both plots. however the operating levels in and out may be quite different. I'll check on all of that later. The autoscaling can be misleading. The RTX is about 20 dB better in distortion here. However the input level to the ADC is higher on the Lynx. They both use the same ADC. The waveforms are very similar to what he Shibasoku shows on its distortion monitor output.
The residual is obtained by subtracting a pure sine from the (coherent integrated) input signal. In order to remove HF rubbish, you can low-pass filter the residual. This is done by means of an FFT and inverse FFT (BTW, actually, I'm using FHT's)
Nope, only under 'windoze'. Regarding other systems you might try to run it on an emulator. Probably it works, as DiAna only makes use of standard Win32 calls (no MFC rubbish).
One more important thing: DiAna is not just a spectrum analyzer, instead, it's a distortion analyzer.
Cheers, E.

Looks quite useful, nice job.

A Windows GUI application developed using straight Win32 in 2017? Really? Do you hate yourself or something? ;):D

Try WPF :)
Just fired up Diana on my main test system. This will be challenging since it has the following sound cards:
1) EMU 1212m
2) Hammerfall 9632
3) Lynx 22
4) RTX6001
I'm pretty sure I have disabled the native soundcard.
They all do work simultaneously.

Starting in XP (the first boot option) I get this error message when it starts:

failed to assess info of driver nr 7
error code -1

I'll reboot into win 10 now.
Hi Demian,

So you have four sound cards, right?
But according to the error mgs there are at least seven ASIO drivers, as nr. 7 has issues. This looks like the same problem as David has encountered.
In his case, he ran DiAna, which is a 32bits app, under a 64bits Windows. So far so good. Normally, during start-up, the registry is scanned to collect the properties of all ASIO drivers by only looking at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO

Running a 32bits app on 64 bits machine however, it also looks at this entry: .......WOW6432Node/ASIO/ (see post 210)
This done automatically and is not a quirk of DiAna, rather a quirk of Windows.
It is this entry which might contain rubbish, for example remnants of an old and removed ASIO driver. Of course DiAna has issues with such rubbish and sends an error msg. Admittedly, this might be a little confusing and I'm considering to make error reporting less distracting or confusing.

Cheers, E.
OK I made some progress. The half duplex was a bit confusing.

Hi Demian,

First, thank you for spending some time on testing DiAna.

As for the half duplex modes, you are not the only one who has troubles with it. These modes are part of the 'crippling strategy' of the demo version. Now it seems that more people have issues with it, I will remove this "feature" and (re)enable the full duplex mode (that is, in the near future).

Here is loopback for the RTX and the Lynx. (the name at the top of the screenshot is wrong on one of these. The second is the Lynx L22)
I'm glad to hear that the program also works with the RTX. As was afraid it wouldn't work with an ASIO-USB interface (as I have never test it by my self), but, happily, that's not the case.

Cheers, E.
Looks quite useful, nice job.
A Windows GUI application developed using straight Win32 in 2017? Really? Do you hate yourself or something? ;):D
Try WPF :)

Hi Chris,

I'm-old fashioned and I hate WPF and .NET :) I opt for simplicity (of GDI), speed, flexibility and compactness. The pro version comprises about 50K lines of code, yet the exe is only 500KB. That should be called software, instead of the bloatware nowadays produced by modern S/W tools.

And remember, I started this project 17 years ago, which also explains why I'm using 'antique' (though still relevant) techniques.

Cheers, E.
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Is there anybody who has an RTX6001 working together with DiAna without issues?
Please, let me know, as I'm wondering whether perhaps DiAna has some trouble with ASIO-USB devices anyhow.

FWIW, DiAna works fine with my RTX6001 and Lynx Hilo, both running on USB, it also run fine with another soundcard Terratec Phase X24 (but that one is running Firewire and not USB). In fact, I have not encountered any error messages at all using DiAna, and never messed with the INI file.

I'm running the version 1.44.5, my PC is using Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise Edition.
FWIW, DiAna works fine with my RTX6001 and Lynx Hilo, both running on USB, it also run fine with another soundcard Terratec Phase X24 (but that one is running Firewire and not USB). In fact, I have not encountered any error messages at all using DiAna, and never messed with the INI file.
I'm running the version 1.44.5, my PC is using Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise Edition.
Great ! Thank you for the good news.
Cheers, E.
Or Machine Language:cool:
That's how I started: reading hex hex code form a instruction maps and typing them on a Teletex. See one of these maps below (Motorola MC6809). Perhaps old geezers under us still remember those good old days. :)

Cheers, E.


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