Collaborative Tapped horn project

Thanks, no or very little ripple was new to me. I don't see the negative expansion. Bare with me, i don't know Jack about Tapped horns. Just looking at the sims's and drawings sofar.

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Any hope for this design. I have a vintage university C-15w DVC woofer sitting around. I believe it was originally used in the University Classic bass horn section.

Simulating using hornresp, using T/S parameters I measured a while ago, there might be definite hope for the higher Qts / voice coil alignment (first sim). Let me know if I've goofed up converting the input T/S parameters or the sim. Not sure about the xmax , this has am old-style pleated surround.

If this sim looks decent, I'll build it later this summer. Seems relatively small.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

VC parallel

Thiele-Small parameters:

Fs  = 75.28 Hz
Re  = 2.20 ohms[dc]
Le  = 1385.95 uH
L2  = 614.39 uH
R2  = 13.51 ohms
Qt  = 0.42
Qes = 0.47
Qms = 4.13
Mms = 45.27 grams
Rms = 5.190255 kg/s
Cms = 0.000099 m/N
Vas = 101.43 liters
Sd= 855.30 cm^2
Bl  = 10.064444 Tm
ETA = 8.94 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 107.23 dB

Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 10.00 grams
Diameter= 33.00 cm

VC series

Thiele-Small parameters:

Fs  = 74.20 Hz
Re  = 6.00 ohms[dc]
Le  = 5625.62 uH
L2  = 2860.99 uH
R2  = 54.56 ohms
Qt  = 0.29
Qes = 0.31
Qms = 4.03        
Mms = 63.16 grams
Rms = 7.313565 kg/s
Cms = 0.000073 m/N
Vas = 74.83 liters
Sd= 855.30 cm^2
Bl  = 23.997259 Tm
ETA = 9.58 %
Lp(2.83V/1m) = 103.17 dB

Added Mass Method:
Added mass = 10.00 grams
Diameter= 33.00 cm

I just completed sims of this driver in the University Classic at Moray James' request - the results can be found here:
This seventeen years of experience led you to use an eight inch driver, which has gross distortion as soon as you use it over 1mm excursion, as a woofer? Maybe we should reevaluate who has to be educated. :smash:


yes from practical use noo way this sub witch still works whilst his is probably in the can would function with 1mm cone travel. Just dont see how a horn that is built with a lower excursion driver could be in any way better for subbass application. Unless somehow the acoustic coupling could be better.
Interesting subject.

I have an advanced new thought idea for a horn that basically snails inward then outward and around. Function being to create such a compression
Hello all, I have 2 mighty beefy 12's and 2 1700 watt amps to play with, and I'm trying to figure out a horn enclosure for me to build to set up at burning man next year, I have them in a normal ported box (around the size of a refrigerator ��) and with these sundown audio subs being about 63 pounds a piece, the enclosure has become rather heavy, as well as leaving the subs out and exposed a bit too much for my liking. I'm looking for any help on the design of a horn enclosure for one driver per box, total of 2 boxes. The driver specs are below:

Sundown Audio X-12 Dual 2 ohm VC

Specifications X 12"D2

RMS Power 1500watts
XMAX 30mm one way by 70%BL

RE (ohms) 3.80 ohm
FS (Hz) 36.1 hz
Vas (L) 17.1L
Qes 0.44
Qms 4.89
Qts 0.41
Le (mH) 2.41 mH
BL (NA) 25.2
Mms (Grams) 326.2 g
Cms (uM/N) 0.06 mm
Sens (1w/1m) 84.4 db

I'm thinking regular folded horn instead of tapped unless there is a way to protect the motor structure from the elements. Woofer Protection and projection/impact are the main goals here.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Would post pictures of the enclosure they are In now... If I knew how to post pictures on here... ��
Well, I don't know if a folded horn or a tapped horn would be more advantageous with this speaker in an outdoor environment, they would be playing from 30-85hz. But I am pretty sure that if they both have their own enclosure, regardless of them being regular folded horn or tapped horn enclosures, they would be lighter than having both of them in one almost fridge sized enclosure, lol. And if protection wouldn't be an issue, I'm all for doing a TH and just making a grill for the opening.
Due to Hoffman's iron law, building a tapped horn won't deliver more "impact" than your ported box, unless you're prepared to build a larger box.

If you're using these at burning man, the easiest way to get more impact would be to sell the sundown woofers and build a box that's designed to play higher. Basically trade low frequency output for SPL.
Due to Hoffman's iron law, building a tapped horn won't deliver more "impact" than your ported box, unless you're prepared to build a larger box.

A properly designed tapped horn will provide 6 dB SPL more "impact" than a bass reflex cabinet having the same Fb, and only needs to be built slightly larger.

Six dB gain means 1/4 the power demand, at "Burning Man", where you have to provide your own power generators (and damn near everything else..), tapped or front loaded horns Rule.

Waiting to hear how B. Jones four colorful Keystone tapped horns with boundary wings fare at the Fest this year, he was pretty happy with a pair last year.
