CamillaDSP for piCorePlayer

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Your effort to provide an easy way to install camilla is very much apprecited!
However, I've tried to use your script. I'm not able to reach the Camilla GUI after installing it.
I've included copy of the installation result.

login as: tc
tc@pcp.local's password:
_ _____ ___ __
_ (_) _/__ _______ / _ \/ /__ _ ___ ____
/ _ \/ / // _ \/ __/ -_) _/ / _ `/ // / -) _/
/ .//\/\// \// //\,/\, /\_/_/
// /__/

piCorePlayer = piCore + Squeezelite + Raspberry Pi

The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
either express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of condition, uninterrupted use, merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
tc@pCP:~$ ./

### Create CamillaDSP config folders

cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce
mkdir -p camilladsp/configs
mkdir -p camilladsp/coeffs

### Create default config

cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/camilladsp
echo '
samplerate: 44100
chunksize: 2048
queuelimit: 4
type: Stdin
channels: 2
format: S16LE
type: Alsa
channels: 2
device: "plughw:Headphones"
format: S16LE
' > Headphones.yml
/bin/cp Headphones.yml configs/Headphones.yml
if [ ! -f "active_config" ]; then
ln -s configs/Headphones.yml active_config

### Install ALSA CDSP

cd /tmp
tce-load -wil -t /tmp git compiletc libasound-dev # Downloads to /tmp/optional a nd loads extensions temporarily
git.tcz.dep OK
curl.tcz.dep OK
openssl.tcz.dep OK
libgcrypt.tcz.dep OK
Downloading: libgpg-error.tcz
Connecting to (
compiletc.tcz.dep OK
saving to 'libgpg-error.tcz'
libgpg-error.tcz 100% |********************************| 94208 0:00:00 ETA
'libgpg-error.tcz' saved
libgpg-error.tcz: OK
Downloading: libgcrypt.tcz
Connecting to (
saving to 'libgcrypt.tcz'
libgcrypt.tcz 100% |********************************| 400k 0:00:00 ETA
'libgcrypt.tcz' saved
libgcrypt.tcz: OK
Downloading: ca-certificates.tcz
Connecting to (
saving to 'ca-certificates.tcz'
ca-certificates.tcz 100% |********************************| 144k 0:00:00 ETA
'ca-certificates.tcz' saved
gawk.tcz.dep OK
md5sum: WARNING: 2 of 2 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on ca-certificates.tcz
mpfr.tcz.dep OK
isl.tcz.dep OK
mpc.tcz.dep OK
gcc.tcz.dep OK
gcc_libs-dev.tcz.dep OK
binutils.tcz.dep OK
grep.tcz.dep OK
pcre.tcz.dep OK
pkg-config.tcz.dep OK
glib2.tcz.dep OK
I've tried it.It seems I'm getting the same result. I tried both on the current installation and on a new fresh Picoreplayer installation.

_ (_) _/__ _______ / _ \/ /__ _ ___ ____
/ _ \/ / // _ \/ __/ -_) _/ / _ `/ // / -) _/
/ .//\/\// \// //\,/\, /\_/_/
// /__/

piCorePlayer = piCore + Squeezelite + Raspberry Pi

The software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
either express or implied, including without limitation any implied
warranties of condition, uninterrupted use, merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
tc@pCP:~$ wget &&
chmod u+x && ./
Connecting to (
Connecting to (
saving to '' 100% |********************************| 6225 0:00:00 ETA
'' saved

### Create CamillaDSP config folders

cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce
mkdir -p camilladsp/configs
mkdir -p camilladsp/coeffs

### Create default config

cd /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/camilladsp
echo '
samplerate: 44100
chunksize: 2048
queuelimit: 4
type: Stdin
channels: 2
format: S16LE
type: Alsa
channels: 2
device: "plughw:Headphones"
format: S16LE
' > Headphones.yml
/bin/cp Headphones.yml configs/Headphones.yml
if [ ! -f "active_config" ]; then
ln -s configs/Headphones.yml active_config

### Install ALSA CDSP

cd /tmp
tce-load -wil -t /tmp git compiletc libasound-dev # Downloads to /tmp/optional and loads extensions temporarily
git.tcz.dep OK
curl.tcz.dep OK
openssl.tcz.dep OK
libgcrypt.tcz.dep OK
Downloading: libgpg-error.tcz
compiletc.tcz.dep OK
Connecting to (
saving to 'libgpg-error.tcz'
libgpg-error.tcz 100% |********************************| 94208 0:00:00 ETA
'libgpg-error.tcz' saved
libgpg-error.tcz: OK
Downloading: libgcrypt.tcz
Connecting to (
saving to 'libgcrypt.tcz'
libgcrypt.tcz 100% |********************************| 400k 0:00:00 ETA
'libgcrypt.tcz' saved
libgcrypt.tcz: OK
Downloading: ca-certificates.tcz
Connecting to (
saving to 'ca-certificates.tcz'
ca-certificates.tcz 100% |********************************| 144k 0:00:00 ETA
'ca-certificates.tcz' saved
md5sum: WARNING: 2 of 2 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on ca-certificates.tcz
gawk.tcz.dep OK
mpfr.tcz.dep OK
isl.tcz.dep OK
mpc.tcz.dep OK
gcc.tcz.dep OK
gcc_libs-dev.tcz.dep OK
binutils.tcz.dep OK
grep.tcz.dep OK
pcre.tcz.dep OK
pkg-config.tcz.dep OK
glib2.tcz.dep OK
tc@pCP:~$ ^C
Hmmm, this is strange.
md5sum: WARNING: 2 of 2 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on ca-certificates.tcz
It seems like some files are getting corrupted, while downloading from the piCorePlayer extension repository.
I expected this to be a one time or temporary issue, but it was ca-certificates.tcz both times.
You did increase the file system as per my guide, right?
Maybe your SD-Card is broken. Can you try another one?

If this doesn't help, here are some things to consider:
Are you using an unaltered piCorePlayer 8.2.0?
Is your network connection stable? If using WIFI, try wired network.
Yes, I tried it with my 64-bit piCorePlayer on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ before writing the reply, yesterday.
It was working fine.
Are you using 32bit or 64bit piCorePlayer?

ca-certificates.tcz is a dependency of git.
You can try to install git manually via Main Page > Extensions > Available, then select git.tcz and load.
If this works, you can remove git from the script line
tce-load -wil -t /tmp git compiletc libasound-dev
(change to tce-load -wil -t /tmp compiletc libasound-dev).
Then run the modified script.
It's working!
I've tried both 32 and 64 didn't make any difference.
Tried your suggestion above installed git and run the script, no success.
Installed LMS on a refreshed image.
Run the script, now it almost worked , got stuck in a download sequence, possibly network problem.
Refreshed the image, installed LMS and run the script again, finally success!
I dont know if it was the unstable network creating the problem or the lack of installed LMS causing the problem?
I'm happy music is playing!
Thanks for your support!

As I am totally new to this, I am enthusiastic to have found your method to do this.
Unlucky for me I tried your script and I am running into a similar problem.
This is what i get:

Checking Dependancies for git.tcz...
git.tcz already on system....OK
curl.tcz already on system....OK
openssl.tcz already on system....OK
Downloading expat2.tcz.dep....OK
libgcrypt.tcz already on system....OK
libgpg-error.tcz already on system....OK
Dependancy check complete for git.tcz.
Downloading: openssl.tcz
Connecting to (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 416 Range Not Satisfiable
Error retreiving
Checking MD5 of: openssl.tcz.....FAIL
MD5 of tcz: 034a8f55e5325eafe5f11a879a99b8b5 openssl.tcz
MD5 check: h :nIDAit)d&$47[@{ۿThere was a error downloading libasound-dev.tcz.
Max retries reached.

I would really appreciate your help on this.

Thank you in advance :)