Bryston 4B SST clone

I think something like 100pf in series with 100R between gate and drain would be a good place to start. With mosfets you can also slip a ferrite bead on the gate lead in lieu of or as well as a gate stopper resistor. Some people don't like ferrite beads but they work for me. Thing is if you're going to use different parts you need to be prepared to experiment - preferably using a power supply with an adjustable current limit.
More progress. I've attached a photo of my nearly completed power supply and protection board. I'm going to fix heatsinks to the bridge rectifiers, and make up a couple of solid state relay pcbs to replace the loudspeaker protection relays. I'll make them with the same footprint and connections as the mechanical relays so that they are a drop in replacement on the main pcb. Initially I'll make them up on small pieces of perfboard and then later on I'll do proper pcbs.

Why you didn’t use a 10000uF like the diagram?
The extra capacitance is because of the amp chassis history, at first it was a proto type for a Danish high end brand, it shorted a lot of to3, and I doomed it dead, then it became a blameless by a guy here named Carlos (destroyer dx), well then the itch started and it became the bryston, so extra caps always been in chassis, total capacitance is 114000uf per rail.
Is there a company that can make rear plate costumized, preferably not to expensive?
Pic is of the original amp.

What si the effect of extra uF? Dont you have a current peak at on?
The capacitors close to transistors are not shown in schematics but they act as rail capacitors just really close to were power is needed, if they have a effect I don't know, but I guess because of their proximity that power in available at demand, they are optional.
As to all the uf, well its diy and we can do what we want, but yes it is overkill, and does need a soft start so not to replace fuses all the time.
Coil is 2uh use a online calculator and do the math.
As to the small 12 volt transformer, I think it is a core el48 , but measure the pcb holes and find a suitable transformer, pcb accommodates different sizes, I used a old one I had, needed some leg bending but works fine


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Not sure we're talking about the same thing here. The 4B SST power amplifier has a gain of about 14 and the separate input module has a gain of 2, single ended. The gain of the power amp by itself is a bit low without an input module. If you want to dispense with the input module you can increase the power amp gain to 20-30 by altering the feedback resistors. I'm not sure which schematic you're referring to.
Not sure we're talking about the same thing here. The 4B SST power amplifier has a gain of about 14 and the separate input module has a gain of 2, single ended. The gain of the power amp by itself is a bit low without an input module. If you want to dispense with the input module you can increase the power amp gain to 20-30 by altering the feedback resistors. I'm not sure which schematic you're referring to.

Chalky, We speak the same way. In case of poor quality of the input module, you can try changing the divider to gain 29. I am not responsible for the originality of the file.
I can’t attach, size is invalid.:(
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