Advice on meeting women.

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What makes you think there is more knowledge or information in the link you posted than in what I am providing freely here to my diy brethren? Finding activities in common with your target(s) is a good practice, dance is possibility but not a definitive route to success. The key is to remember that the activity is not the goal, it is only the means to the goal. That honesty bit that others here are bandying about should be reserved for partners that merit it. Maintain an appearance of honesty even in your insincerity. It will be easier to extricate yourself later if you decide to move on to another interest. The reality is that women respond to mystery and reserve in men and will see wholesale outpourings of "honesty" as weakness and this is the kiss of death for a successful conclusion ( ie: sex).

Absolutely agree! Women respond to confidence even when it is feigned. If you are clumsy or unsure afterward when it's "go time", spin it so she thinks she is something special to you. None of this game play has anything to do with honesty but it is absolutely effective.
Disabled Account
Joined 2004
Hey yldouright, you write very entertaining posts. The entertaining thing for me is that you know what you're talking about. You do understand about the psychology of women. The thing you don't understand is that people don't like to hear uncomfortable truths, most of the time highly incompatible with their moral sense, religion and personal happiness.
What makes you think there is more knowledge or information in the link you posted than in what I am providing freely here to my diy brethren?
Geez, I can't imagine.

a successful conclusion ( ie: sex).
You must be young to think that sex is the successful conclusion.

Women respond to confidence even when it is feigned.
And what pray tell happens when she figures this out?

None of this game play has anything to do with honesty but it is absolutely effective.
You must think very lowly of women.

Hey yldouright, you write very entertaining posts.
Indeed. I am wondering if I am taking his post too seriously. The problem is some others, those that actually need help, might listen to this Charlie Harper style of conquer and boink.

The entertaining thing for me is that you know what you're talking about.
Again, I sure hope he is kidding but I didn't see the smilies. yldouright?
Cal Weldon
Whatever humor you find in my posts is inconsequential to my suggestions on the matters discussed for those are in earnest. The thread here is about meeting women, not life-mates, so yes, sex is the first conclusive step because you cannot hope to achieve any real level of intimacy without it. Everything I have posted is tried and true but you can try and call those posts into question if you wish. I never implied the objective is to "conquer and boink" as you put it. Perhaps you are married and reasonably happy, consider yourself fortunate, as I stated earlier, most are not like you claim. I suspect that you fall within the US population statistics on marital studies and are dishonestly coloring it more rosily than it is in reality to make a futile point. You may have daughters that in your misguidance you feel you need to protect but the reality is that finding an optimal companion is a process. Would it be better to marry badly from ignorance or misguided hopefulness and spend your remaining lifetime witnessing physical altercation, deceitfulness and other miseries or use the tools I propose here to get the required experience to learn what is more likely to succeed?
One final point, I don't think very lowly of women. I happen to like them very much and am in their company almost as frequently as I wish to be. How many "happily married" men can say the same?
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The thread here is about meeting women, not life-mates, so yes, sex is the first conclusive step because you cannot hope to achieve any real level of intimacy without it
Women. Life-Mates. Whatever. For a man a relationship with a woman without sex is not a relationship. A relationship with a woman without sex is called friendship. Therefore indeed sex with a woman is the ultimate achievable.

And a man should never apologize for wanting sex with a woman.

And what pray tell happens when she figures this out?
Who cares? Women test men all the time. If they fail the tests too many times it is bye bye anyway.
Women love a confident man. And even if you are not confident you should act confident. And learn to become confident.

You must be young to think that sex is the successful conclusion.
I am old and I think so too. Sex with a woman is 100% the successful conclusion of being with a woman. Unless you are asexual ofcourse. But I've read that is only about 1% of the population.
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Thank you for the kind words, all I offer here has been hard won with the experience of tested methods. Yep, it is often difficult to accept reality when it doesn't match your own preconceptions. When you accept the requirements of your goal, the task becomes less formidable. The key is to define your goal, use the right strategy for the selected goal and meet the requirements of that strategy.
Disabled Account
Joined 2004
Thank you for the kind words

No need, credit where credit is due.

The key is to define your goal, use the right strategy for the selected goal and meet the requirements of that strategy.

My goal is to get laid, for a long term relationship there's not such a thing as a 'good strategy'. All this talk about women has got me excited. I'm going hunting tonight!
Women...yeah, I remember those. I remember the headaches at bedtime, the constant arguing, sleeping on the couch, the "Do I look fat"´s, the mother in law...
I remember perfectly well when the last one took of with a fifteen years older guy (married, two kids) four days after I lost my job and I had to sell and give away a lot of my audio and music stuff and move into my parents basement for eight months after selling the house that we had bought just over a year earlier...

Jeez, I that this kind of stuff only happened in America. I'm married to a wonderful Swedish woman now... American women seemed to be mostly after my money, or were otherwise very dysfunctional.
That youtube video is excellent illustrative example of what works even if it is counter-intuitive. Here is what went right with the dynamic represented in the clip:
1. The male is reasonably fit and has nothing which negatively identifies his lifestyle or social standing. He is socially awkward but the target is an experienced and sophisticated woman who would have probably blown off a "smooth operator" approach. The method here is to appeal to the maternal instinct.
2. In spite of his clumsiness, he continued to keep the conversation going. Remember, if the female continues to speak to you, you still have a shot.
3. He maintains eye contact and is clearly interested in the female which she notes, understands and accepts for all his ineptitude. I hope this buttresses my prior posts and helps you understand that even nerdy boys score if they know their target.

Bas Horneman
You provided the perfect counterpoint target, this target required the smooth and aloof approach. She wants the alpha male not this wimpering sot. As a practice, some of you should list where this guy goes wrong. By the way, this is one of my favorite all-time movies, kudos on good taste in film.

jacco vermeulen
A facetious analysis helps no one, I sincerely hope you are not so obtuse as to miss the real opportunities for wisdom being presented here.
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Since we are still having fun...

nothing which negatively identifies his lifestyle or social standing
My money's on hairdresser.

the target is
Where you point your love arrow?

jacco vermeulen
A facetious analysis helps no one, I sincerely hope you are not so obtuse as to miss the real opportunities for wisdom being presented here.

Jacco? The man who used to manually dismember people for a living?
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