ace3000_1......psx lcd screens?

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The Alchemist said:
Anybody bought at this shop?

They claim to be the cheapest. (They don't have the actual playstation screen)

i've not gotten anything from them and to tell the truth they don't seem all that cheap to me......they might be better than most commercial/store sites but i'm still watchin''s cheaper than that site if you can find what you want............

machs_fuel said:
i used a PSOne screen in my setup... wouldn't recomment the one by pelican, but i hear the others have better image

i'm going to wait until i can get the one from sony.......from everything i've heard it's the best pic and easiest to work with.....why go with anything else?
that answer would best be left to ace or another veteran of the DIY arena.......

i'm guessing that all you need to do is recognize the input wires and power wires....seperate them and solder on some an s-video or rca jacks.......i may be wrong....and probably am.......but that's why i'm still a newbie as well...........

good luck

diyAudio Member
Joined 2003
I've got a problem. I have a lcd screen, it's called screen station from bigben.

heya buddy u need a controller to controll the lcd, the controllers are what have the inputs, this bigben thing do u have a pic of it? also what was the thing to begin with? lol, maybe we can see what the big ben thing had in it and see what it did, maybe we can go from there.

Insert From Other Thread


the first post here is a reply i had to another post in that thread......

Lowjacker []
diyAudio Member


many of us are waiting for ace's plans to be completed......

when he's done with them we can all utilize his knowledge plus add our own touches to the projects making them based on his ideas but not exact replicas......

besides....i'm not sure who, if their a true DIY'er, wants a projector EXACTLY like anybody elses.......this is definately not a cut on any means.....but even if I use his plans i don't want an exact copy of his projector.......i want to pick his ideas apart a little and use them how i need to......i plan on using a 5" screen to begin with so right off the bat his 7" screen plans will need to be adjusted......

that's the best thing about getting his plans.......he comes on this board often enough that you can still pick his brain and ask questions even after you buy them........

that's a big plus in my book.........

WELL ACE..........................WE'RE WAITING.......................

ace3000_1 []

LOL yeah ok ok its getting there, and yeah, even though im making plans for an exact replica u can also make your own from the plans, the light engine and lcd unit is the most important, this can be placed in any designed box u want, even with or without a mirror, the possibilities are endless, put it this way i could have made over 20 designs on the projector im making now with my base point, but the one i chose for the look is the one u see in my thread.

lowjacker after ive done my plans i could draw u up one for the 5inch lcd if u want, it will use the same parts.


Originally posted by ace3000_1

lowjacker after ive done my plans i could draw u up one for the 5inch lcd if u want, it will use the same parts.


ACE, the more i read about people saying that the 5" screens don't have a good enough resolution is kinda making me wonder if using a 5" would even be worth it.......should i hold out for the 7" or are the 5" good enough and people are just that picky with their images?.... i want to use mine with all types of video from dvd's to video games and want a good pic......also...are RCA inputs really that bad.....the 5" screens that i'm looking at are appealing to me because they already have the RCA jacks on them.....i was just going to leave the unit completely in tact other than customizing for the light source and all...... also one more i want to place one fresnel before the screen and one after or just one before to get the light to cover the whole screen evenly....... wouldn't one after the screen invert the image or is that what you want and another lense after the second fresnel reverts the image upright again?.............

man i'm a newb.............

ACE, the more i read about people saying that the 5" screens don't have a good enough resolution is kinda making me wonder if using a 5" would even be worth it.......should i hold out for the 7" or are the 5" good enough and people are just that picky with their images?.... i want to use mine with all types of video from dvd's to video games and want a good pic......also...are RCA inputs really that bad.....the 5" screens that i'm looking at are appealing to me because they already have the RCA jacks on them.....i was just going to leave the unit completely in tact other than customizing for the light source and all...... also one more i want to place one fresnel before the screen and one after or just one before to get the light to cover the whole screen evenly....... wouldn't one after the screen invert the image or is that what you want and another lense after the second fresnel reverts the image upright again?.............

Heya buddy, best to get a 7inch, they are wide screen and have 3x the amount of pixels, beleive me the 5inch is realy only good for fooling around with, the 7inch is much better, it has 3 inputs and has alot more features, the image quality is way way better especially in xga on the vga input, svga is hell clear on the vga input, the rca is fine but it just wont be as clear as the vga, colours also look abit muddy on the rca.

The best way for an even light and for a bright output is to have 2 frensels behind the lcd, trust me ive tried everything with this monitor with all kinds of frensels. The image doesnt get inverted with the frensel, the projection lens inverts the image upside down, an easy fix for this is to either run your computer to set the image upside down and back to front, use a mirror, or set the lcd to run backwards. Most guys in here run a 15inch lcd backwards to correct this problem when not using a mirror, so we have a few options to choose from.


ACE, you've raised another question.....

I don't plan on going through my computer......just directly from a DVD player or my XBOX or PS2......

how would i hook up to a vga input?....i believe i've read about converters but any i've seen have been a rather hefty purchase

ace, if you don't mind....reply to this on the thread i startd about the psx lcd screens.....i don't wanna jack this guys thread

diyAudio Member
Joined 2003
Heya low, wow what a big post! lol next time it might be easier to just post up a referal post with the link to that page:) , but yeah the other thread was getting off topic, thanks for bringing it back over here.

Regarding the vga question, the lilliput lcd has 3 inputs, 2x rca and 1x vga, take your pic. With a vga converter somtimes if its not a good one the results can be the same as rca, some even worse. Unfortunatley they cost a fair amount of money and with the amount of inputs you have with the quality of the lcd i wouldnt be too fussed in getting a vga converter. The quality of this lcd is good on rca, its sharp and clear, but just not as sharp as vga.

diyAudio Member
Joined 2003
so running rca isn't going to disappoint me...i understand

Not at all on this lcd, but vga is the best source to use on any monitor, its like comparing your tv to a crt comp monitor, the tv has less resolution and looks murky while a crt comp monitor is sharp and clear, this also has to do with resolution aswell and probally isnt the best comparison but you get the idea.

This is how the DVD quality looked on the 7" Lilliput through the RCA input, I thought it was wonderful.


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I had awsome images coming from a sharp qa 1650 which only has a reso of 640 x 480 and contrast of 30:1. I'll see if I can find some of the better pics I had of it. Than I upgraded to the lilliput and sold the sharp and regretfully the lilliput died on me thus I'm in the same situation you are in, debating whether or not to get a psx screen or the lilliput.
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