ace3000_1......psx lcd screens?

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I just got my sony psone lcd and i took it apart. Im going to start building a box using a small lumenlab design. I dont know what type of light source i should use. I was thinking ordering a metal halide lamp and ballast from 1000bulbs but i dont know what watt. Or should i even get metal halide, sorry im kinda a newb.
just reporting in

i'm a little closer to purchasing an lcd of some type....exactly which one is still up in the air but it's lookin' like a psx lcd for starters......

when things get rollin' i'll keep everybody posted with pics and the like......keepin' my fingers crossed that nothing takes my little bit of money away......things are lookin' decent so far.......

hello everyone, ive just recently registered, but ive been lurking around here since before christmas of last year, learning alot and slowly gathering the necessary materials and part to make my first video projector. i decided to post here because i have one of those psx screens myself. its dismantled already, im basically waiting for the chance to get my light source so i can get started on the engine. ive decided to go with a metal halide lamp, but im not sure about how the wattage.. ace buddy, do you have any suggestions? i was thinking along the lines of 150 or 175 watt? i know i will not get very good results with this screen, (not as well as id like to anyway) but this is my first attempt at all of this, so it will be mostly a learning experience for me..

also ace, i am confused as to whether or not you have released your plans for your 7" lillput yet for purchase. if so, i would like to order some from you. im gonna be buying one of those monitors next week, but i wont attempt anything with it until ive completed my psx experiment first and learned a little more about all of this.

oh and lowjacker if you need some help or advice on taking that psx screen apart, ill help you out. maybe we can exchange some ideas on the way and be noob allies :D :)
The Alchemist said:
Anybody bought at this shop?

They claim to be the cheapest. (They don't have the actual playstation screen)

For dutch people, sells them for 50,- euro's
(don't know if this is correct)

So, could you please confirm that at is the original Sony version?

Btw. quite a rip off again ~30$=49EUR ?
damm european prices..
dettman23 said:
Hey I just started to look at my psone screen to take it apart and if you could maybe post a short discription on how to dismantle it, i would really appreciate it.

There are a few pictures of the unassembled PSone screen on my site.

Its really simple... Just be careful with the ribbon cable that connects the lcd to the controller board.

Also... for you guys thinking of buying a psone lcd.... IMHO, you shoudlnt.

Unless of course your getting it for dirt cheap.

You will get much better results with one of the 80+ dollar screens on ebay.

Its definately a cool little screen to play around with but if your actually gonna invest money... I wouls say to kick in the extra 20 or 30 bux and get something youll be happier with.

just my 2 cents.
Hi, thanks for your advise, however, we don't have the ebay bonanza overhere* to get a decent lcd panel for 80bucks here is an utopy unless you are working in some lab/manuf. service facility etc..

Well there is the (germany) nowadays which seems to take momentum in the last year or so but still the supply there is a bit limited.

I was thinking about the PSone display as a good starting point and 50EUR seemed pricey but manageble otherwise I'll go straight for some full panel aka 15" Benq etc.. and thus something in the middle is not an option in my h. opinion :apathic:

What is your major complaint on PSone display is the low refresh rate or resolution?
resolution definately.

Very obvious screen door over 50 inches or so.

If your staying at or under that it's watchable for tv and gaming.

The refresh rate is actually pretty good. No real complaint with the colors either.

could be better... but performs quite well for what it is.

I think you will be happy playing around with it for a while, but will want another screen pretty quick. That's all I meant to imply.
i figure if the sony has enough of a refresh rate to play ps one games it should be able to decently handle xbox games.....

at least that's what i'm hoping.....

i plan on projecting only a 50 or 60 inch image which i believe the psx screens can do decently.....

like with othersif i'm able to compitantly do it with the little cheaper screen i'll try something a little more complex later.......

I've been following this thread for a while now, and tonight, I took a psx screen apart that I got off ebay for $15. (no power supply came with it, but I was supposed to get one this week, and it's not here yet) A couple of problems I encountered were not taking the speaker grills off first, and cracking the case while trying to pry it open. Once inside it, I folllowed the hints and tips from this thread, and everything came apart without incident. While I've dissambled entire cars down to a shell, and put them back together again, this is all brand new to me. I've read everywhere to be careful of the ribbon cable, so I didn't even want to touch it, but I couldn't figure out how I was going to get this thinng to at least 90 degrees without messing with it. so i pulled on the little tab, and it popped out. That made things alot easier. Sounds silly, but I hope I was supposed to do that. Will post pics as soon as I can find a power supply, and find out if it even works. Even if it doesn't, I have another screen handy that I've seen work, so I'll try that one next.

I consider this my practice for the big day when I try and strip a real monitor, so the education is worth the $ right now. I can remember building a radio from a heathkit about 25 years ago, but that's a long time ago, and this stuff is just a little more involved :)
^^ You did right.

It's impossible to mount the screen and board at a 90 with the ribbon cable through the slot in the board.

That gray fastener tab is a lifesaver.

Just be mindful not to force it. If the ribbon cable is seated correctly it will snap down very easily.

I'v even forced it out by pulling the screen with the tab down on accident. The tab poppped up and the ribbon came out. I'm lucky it didnt mess it up... but it shows that the ribbon isnt "super" delicate.

I think bending the cable back and forth too much is what poses the most risk.

Good luck with your endeavors. :up:
Thanks for the verification on removing the ribbon, but I'm not quite sure about something. If you have to put the ribbon back on without going through the hole, wouldn't it be going on in reverse? I was able to re-insert it through the hole, and get a 100 degree tilt to the screen, so the board is not interfering with the screen, and it did not feel like I was really forcing anything. I'm planning on using this in a custom enclosure, so if I could keep it with front of screen facing light source, i won't need any mirrors. After my post last night, I tried it with an adjustable power supply i remembered I had, but got nothing. (it's only 300mA. though, and the sony one is 2.0A) Pictures will be coming soon

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