Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Dear Tim,

Moode 2.5 Test Release 2 (TR2):

I can't get cover image of one radio station... Can you try "SomaFM - Mission Control" and tell me if you can see cover image? I haven't any problem with other stations, only with this one (which I like very much :)).

Purged cache of Firefox, trying fresh links from SomaFM site, "mpc -q clear" in putty, installed new Java... Tryed from another PC and from Android tablet - nothing... :(

Thanks in advance.


It doesn't happen very often but sometimes SomaFM changes the direct stream links. The links are on behind each station. I always use the 128kb mp3 Direct Server link.

I'll update for 2.5 final release but in the meantime, since Mission Control is so highly addictive, here is emergency fix procedure :)

(1) delete the item from Playlist
(2) edit the station and replace existing url with url below (remove dbl quotes):


(3) ssh root@moode (pwd=moode)
(4) update sql table with new url by entering command below. It must include the double and single quotes.

sqlite3 /var/www/db/player.db "update cfg_radio set station='' where name='Soma FM - Mission Control';"

(5) reboot
(6) add to playlist and enjoy :)

Dear Tim,

Moode 2.5 Test Release 2 (TR2):

I can't get cover image of one radio station... Can you try "SomaFM - Mission Control" and tell me if you can see cover image? I haven't any problem with other stations, only with this one (which I like very much :)).

Purged cache of Firefox, trying fresh links from SomaFM site, "mpc -q clear" in putty, installed new Java... Tryed from another PC and from Android tablet - nothing... :(

Thanks in advance.

Curious. I just tried this station on my MoOde Player 2.4 and the same image came up that I see on my PC.

For most of the predefined WebRadio stations, Tim has provided images in a subdirectory of his distro. I see none for any SomaFM station, so there must be some magic I haven't traced yet which pulls the image file from the SomaFM site. (I just downloaded and quickly scanned 2.5 TR 2 and don't see any SomaFM images there either.)

Hi Tim,

I'm new in Moode, using Moode 2.5 TR2 and got a SAMBA Performance-Problem:

I can create a share in Windows 7 to access the RasPi2 USB-Disk,
but transfering files to the disk is done with a speed of only 60 KB/sec.

In plain Raspbian the transfering speed is about 9 MB/sec.
Can you give me an advice ?

Hi Tim,

I'm new in Moode, using Moode 2.5 TR2 and got a SAMBA Performance-Problem:

I can create a share in Windows 7 to access the RasPi2 USB-Disk,
but transfering files to the disk is done with a speed of only 60 KB/sec.

In plain Raspbian the transfering speed is about 9 MB/sec.
Can you give me an advice ?


Hi Klaus,

Below are some timings from my network using Mackbook Air (WiFi) and Windows 7 PC (Eth) as source and Pi (Eth) w/USB HDD. After the summary are the details.

There are probably some Samba or other tunings that could be applied to Moode OS that would improve file transfer throughput. Not sure what they might be at this point but I'll happy to test suggestions :)



WiFi --> Eth: 886 KB/sec
Eth --> Eth: 1.76 MB/sec


(1) Macbook Air (WiFi) --> Pi w/USB HDD (Eth)

rsync -a --progress --stats --human-readable ~/Documents/bluemotel.flac /Volumes/USB
sent 171.51M bytes received 42 bytes 886.35K bytes/sec

- 886 KB/sec

(2) Windows7 PC (Eth) --> Pi w/USB HDD (Eth)

robocopy Desktop\ z:\ bluemotel.flac
Bytes : 163.54 m 163.54 m 0 0 0 0
Times : 0:01:32 0:01:32 0:00:00 0:00:00
Speed : 1847852 Bytes/sec.
Speed : 105.734 MegaBytes/min.

- 1.76 MB/sec


Are u using Album Artist tag for compilation albums?


I have many classical music albums. In my music library, album artist has the superior grouping criterion over artist. If there is only one artist, both fields contain the same data. However, there are many artist names in classical music album such as orchestra name, conductor name and etc.. I'm looking for a way I can group albums by the album artist using Moode Audio.
I just installed the v2.5 and it's working great. I moved from Rune Audio.

I recall a couple of posts where user created a dual boot config and suggested a setting in Moode that would run a user defined script at reboot. His script booted to partition that had OSMC (I think).

I have the "setting to run user defined script at reboot" on my TODO list and eventually I'll get to it :)

Dual boot may be only way to run Moode and another media app on a single image since each requires a specific OS and component configuration

Thanks, I had read that MPD can be run as an addon simultaneously to openelec, so thought it may not be too much of a stretch to also run Moode.
I have many classical music albums. In my music library, album artist has the superior grouping criterion over artist. If there is only one artist, both fields contain the same data. However, there are many artist names in classical music album such as orchestra name, conductor name and etc.. I'm looking for a way I can group albums by the album artist using Moode Audio.
I just installed the v2.5 and it's working great. I moved from Rune Audio.


Moode Library panel rolls up Albums whose tracks have different artist names into a single album with a virtual artist named "Various Artists".

For example the album named "6 String Theory" has 15 tracks each of which has a different artist. It appears in the Library panel ALBUMS column as a single item: "6 String Theory Various Artists".

When this item is clicked, all the tracks appear with each individual artist displayed.

How do your Classical albums appear in the ALBUMS column?

Dear all,

is someone interested in helping to adjust the css so that Moode fits with the official 7"? The problem is not to get the touchscreen working but to have a nice layout and at least some touchy feeling like we have it on smartphones and tablets - and avoid several very nasty things like
accidentally selecting text, etc. The various "successful trials" you can find on the net (e.g. the youtube video etc.) unfortunately *all* show the same problems - see below.

I did several tests. What is necessary (like a roadmap) seems to be:

media size:
- add an entry only for the 7" touchscreen (800x480) so that nothing else is changed.

css part 1:
- decrease vertical size of the playlist and decrease a little bit the font size, leave horizontal size constant
- decrease size of volume knob and time knob, but buttons below should stay as they are
- decrease cover art and infos
- the buttons top/ bottom seem to be ok
- the other windows (playlist etc) look ok, too
-> best would be (if possible???) to completely decrease the size of the grid elements of the so that individual tweaking of elements is not necessary. Another option would be to remove the playlist from the main screen to a new screen (probably requires rewriting the bootstrap grid or just leave it out, but then there is no playlist -> ie. too much effort?)
- decrease size of overlay images like audio info etc.
- replace scroll bars with some more nice looking scroll bars OR remove scroll bars completely
(then swiping is essential).

iceweasel provides two plugins: 'Fxkeyboard' as well as 'Grab' to simulate a little bit of swiping. However, the grab-plugin is not developed anymore. This gives (at the moment) still some advantage compared to Midori or other browsers... however, Matchbox WM has a virtual keyboard, too - so what is needed is to tweak the css to allow swiping without scrollbars, deselect text/image selection (see below), etc. On the other side, Midori can be used which supports webkit. Midori is lighter but after having a look at (h)top on the commandline, after initial start the difference to iceweasel does not seem to huge on a RPi2.
Chromium is not possible (at least 'till TR1) - a recent installation from ubuntu works on the RPi very well but broke Moode due to updates related to php.

css part 2:
- deactivate capabilities to select text as well as images completely. That's really necessary, selecting accidentally an image blocks the RPi for a short time, because drag'n'drop is tried and that uses too much CPU. Probably the framebuffer device, the touchscreen driver, X, the window manager, etc. do not work as good together as it is the case on Android.

mouse/ cursor:
- can be deactivated via unclutter and AFAIK X allows to deactivate completely the mouse either by starting X without a cursor OR pointing the mice input to a dummy device.

different keys/ touchscreen:
- evtouch (-> xorg.conf) to emulate different actions (like right mouse click via long-touch, etc.)

fbturbo/ X:
- build a fb driver for X (Moode allows this, because the build environment is complete herefor, thanks Tim!) - I do not know how much this brings us a benefit, but it is worth a trial and it works.

Basically it should be possible to have a nice feeling while using Moode.

All this seems to be possible *without* breaking Moode. However, I am lacking the css skills and still do not understand properly how to reconfigure the boostrap grid. The other options cited above are to a great extent tried out and seem to work fine. The css/ bootstrap is my main problem... anyone interested with bootstrap/ css skills to invest some time with me?

Hi Leo,

I'm not familiar with Soundcloud but I did compile MPD with the Soundcloud plugin. The playlist referenced by the url contained 25 EDM tracks, nice!

Where did u get the url?


Dear Tim,

the URL was just taken directly from soundcloud while playing a set. Soundcloud has an API which does not look too complicated just to play (see #playing on the link above), see also:

The mpc command:, quote:

Add the following to your config:
playlist_plugin {
name "soundcloud"
enabled "true"
apikey "c4c979fd6f241b5b30431d722af212e8"

Then you can stream from soundcloud using calls like:

mpc load soundcloud://track/≤track-id>

mpc load soundcloud://playlist/≤playlist-id>
mpc load soundcloud://url/

mpc load <playlist>
mpc play for me perfectly via mpc on the commandline.
It is added to mpds actual playlist. Thus, adding an entry for soundcloud in which a user can copy&paste the URL and mark an entry like track-id/playlist-id (see above) and put this into the Moode playlist does not seem too complicated. I think the authentication on soundcloud is a bigger job. The radio station entry is surely a good base to adjust it to the scheme above without adding much new code.


Resampling output USB DAC?

Hello all!
After having test , first volumio, then runeaudio, and at the end, Moodeaudio, the last one is really the best for the library, not as powerfull as foobar with plugin, but defintively better than volumio and runeaudio, thank you very much to the moode developpers!

EVerything works great, the sound is very good, zero noise or bug.
However I have a doubt for bit perfect. I have a cambridge DAC magic 100 plugged by USB 2 on a PI2 with a linear diy power supply.
My output format is always on 32 bits. Does that mean moode audio resample all my music before sending to my dac? My DAC support a maximum of 24bits 192khz...



Does that mean my USB DAC is not perfectly supported by moodeaudio and it would be better to buy for exemple a hifi berry digi+ and connect my DAC by SPDIF instead of USB ?

Thank you very much by advance for your advices, and really sorry for my poor english...
Best regards.
Hello all!
After having test , first volumio, then runeaudio, and at the end, Moodeaudio, the last one is really the best for the library, not as powerfull as foobar with plugin, but defintively better than volumio and runeaudio, thank you very much to the moode developpers!

EVerything works great, the sound is very good, zero noise or bug.
However I have a doubt for bit perfect. I have a cambridge DAC magic 100 plugged by USB 2 on a PI2 with a linear diy power supply.
My output format is always on 32 bits. Does that mean moode audio resample all my music before sending to my dac? My DAC support a maximum of 24bits 192khz...

Does that mean my USB DAC is not perfectly supported by moodeaudio and it would be better to buy for exemple a hifi berry digi+ and connect my DAC by SPDIF instead of USB ?

Thank you very much by advance for your advices, and really sorry for my poor english...
Best regards.

This is the info i get when playing Linn 24-bit Studio Masters using a Meridian Explorer 2

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Hello all!
After having test , first volumio, then runeaudio, and at the end, Moodeaudio, the last one is really the best for the library, not as powerfull as foobar with plugin, but defintively better than volumio and runeaudio, thank you very much to the moode developpers!

EVerything works great, the sound is very good, zero noise or bug.
However I have a doubt for bit perfect. I have a cambridge DAC magic 100 plugged by USB 2 on a PI2 with a linear diy power supply.
My output format is always on 32 bits. Does that mean moode audio resample all my music before sending to my dac? My DAC support a maximum of 24bits 192khz...



Does that mean my USB DAC is not perfectly supported by moodeaudio and it would be better to buy for exemple a hifi berry digi+ and connect my DAC by SPDIF instead of USB ?

Thank you very much by advance for your advices, and really sorry for my poor english...
Best regards.


Firstly, try Moode 2.5 test release 2 (TR2) download listed under TEST CODE button at This release will show the "Encoded At" bit depth and sample rate for the file in the Audio Information popup. Also has the new Caching Library Loader :)

As long as MPD resampling is turned off, the sample rate of a song file will not be altered at any point in the audio pipeline prior to being output to the audio device. The bit depth however may be zero-padded by (a) MPD decoder for example libsndfile decoder always decodes WAV format to 32 bit, or (b) ALSA if the audio device requires a specific bit-depth.

Zero-padding the bit-depth does not alter the original bits in any way, thus practically speaking, audio is bit-perfect when it reaches the audio device.

Use this command while a song file is playing to query ALSA for the format it is sending to the audio device.

USB DAC: cat /proc/asound/card1/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
I2S DAC: cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params

Thank you very much for your fast and perfect answers. I will try the new moode version when i'll be back to home! It will be difficult to wait :)

To resume : "dont worry, be happy and enjoy your music, you are in bit perfect" ; )
Thanks too, to Eyerex for his screen.

And just to know, my system sound very very very good, do you think i can improve it further with a hifi berry digi on PI2 with my cambridge dac connected on toshlink or RCA spdif instead of USB?

Thank you very much for your fast and perfect answers. I will try the new moode version when i'll be back to home! It will be difficult to wait :)

To resume : "dont worry, be happy and enjoy your music, you are in bit perfect" ; )
Thanks too, to Eyerex for his screen.

And just to know, my system sound very very very good, do you think i can improve it further with a hifi berry digi on PI2 with my cambridge dac connected on toshlink or RCA spdif instead of USB?



Hifiberry Digi+ is a really nice S/PDIF board and they offer a transformer option for for improved isolation of coax connection.

The nice thing about Raspberry Pi audio is that there are a wide variety of relativly inexpensive HAT boards to experiment with, and since Moode supports virtually all of them I would just go ahead and buy a Digi+ and see how it sounds with the DACMagic :)


Recently, I've switched over to the TR2 (and, nota bene I've build second player - this time for a bedroom - see pics).
Since TR2 I've noticed strange behaviour of the library tab.
For example (another attached pic), I've "1492" album from Vangelis.
In the library, I see only the track numbers and when played, I see their titles in the Playback tab.
In the TR1 version library was correctly displaying all the titles.
Is it bug or something I can easily fix?


  • IMG_0006.jpg
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  • IMG_0007.jpg
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  • library.png
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  • Player.png
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Recently, I've switched over to the TR2 (and, nota bene I've build second player - this time for a bedroom - see pics).
Since TR2 I've noticed strange behaviour of the library tab.
For example (another attached pic), I've "1492" album from Vangelis.
In the library, I see only the track numbers and when played, I see their titles in the Playback tab.
In the TR1 version library was correctly displaying all the titles.
Is it bug or something I can easily fix?


Is this the only album where Library does not display the title?

Zip up a few of the the tracks and mail download link to tim at moodeaudio dot org and I'll investigate to see if its a bug.

Btw, nice to see PiZero being put to good use :)

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