Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Kernel 4.2? Any plans for it? Only I have some cheap RA7601 WIFI adapters that are pining for use. :)


I'll have to see if its available via rpi-update and if its considered stable.

In the meantime I have a yet untested procedure for installing Mediatek mt7601u wifi driver firmware which should also handle the Ralink chipsets. Here is reference link.

You are welcome to try it and if it works I'll apply it to MoodeOS for release 2.5. Remove double quotes around the url in the command string below before executing it.

wget "" -O /lib/firmware/mt7601u.bin

Kernel 4.2? Any plans for it? Only I have some cheap RA7601 WIFI adapters that are pining for use. :)

4.1.15 already supports these. Look at the picture of my new player (2 posts above). It's with this wifi chip.

Tim, in mean time I've started to dig the title "bug".
I think I've found the problem (why I didn't notice it before - no idea....).
The ID tags were incorrect (why I've thought these were ok before? don't ask.. haha).
Looks like there's no bug :D


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I'll have to see if its available via rpi-update and if its considered stable.

In the meantime I have a yet untested procedure for installing Mediatek mt7601u wifi driver firmware which should also handle the Ralink chipsets. Here is reference link.

You are welcome to try it and if it works I'll apply it to MoodeOS for release 2.5. Remove double quotes around the url in the command string below before executing it.

wget "" -O /lib/firmware/mt7601u.bin


I recall the original driver and the "Porjo" fix from some time in late 2014, I think. :)
I spent some time playing with raspbian and Raspbmc trying to figure out how to build the driver.

Eventually, though I got it working, I purchased a TP-Link adapter with a different chipset. I was concerned about upgrades knocking out the WIFI.

Hi Tim,

Just getting familiar with Moode using a Pi-DAC+ and for the most part everything sounds just great streaming audio from Jriver to Moode 2.4. Even DSF Files! I love JRiver and using it in congunction with moode gives me whole house audio (Zone linking in JRiver) Just wonderful!

So today, because I can never leave well-enough alone, I installed Moode 2.5 TR2 but I'm having a few issues:

1) I don't seem to be able to play radio stations now where I could in 2.4. If I click on Browse at the bottom left, click on the bar-icon on the far right of the station, and nothing happens. No menu like I had with 2.4. I do notice that for a brief second, I see the "Waiting for" the ip address of my pi with moode. Also, clicking on the bar icon does highlight the station. I'm likely missing something ;-)

2) I am no longer get album art showing up?

I have no media local to the Pi and I'm not using a remote library. I simply stream audio to it from JRiver using UPNP. with moode 2.4. this worked fine and album artwork showed up. Could it be a setting I'm missing?

I would be nice if I could access the DNLA server that JRiver presents directly as a music source from moode, have you thought about doing this?

Hi Tim,

I'm new in Moode, using Moode 2.5 TR2 and got a SAMBA Performance-Problem:

I can create a share in Windows 7 to access the RasPi2 USB-Disk,
but transfering files to the disk is done with a speed of only 60 KB/sec.

In plain Raspbian the transfering speed is about 9 MB/sec.
Can you give me an advice ?


The exact same problem is happening to me also. I wish I knew how to configure the SAMBA to get a better speed.
Hi Tim,

Just getting familiar with Moode using a Pi-DAC+ and for the most part everything sounds just great streaming audio from Jriver to Moode 2.4. Even DSF Files! I love JRiver and using it in congunction with moode gives me whole house audio (Zone linking in JRiver) Just wonderful!

So today, because I can never leave well-enough alone, I installed Moode 2.5 TR2 but I'm having a few issues:

1) I don't seem to be able to play radio stations now where I could in 2.4. If I click on Browse at the bottom left, click on the bar-icon on the far right of the station, and nothing happens. No menu like I had with 2.4. I do notice that for a brief second, I see the "Waiting for" the ip address of my pi with moode. Also, clicking on the bar icon does highlight the station. I'm likely missing something ;-)

2) I am no longer get album art showing up?

I have no media local to the Pi and I'm not using a remote library. I simply stream audio to it from JRiver using UPNP. with moode 2.4. this worked fine and album artwork showed up. Could it be a setting I'm missing?

I would be nice if I could access the DNLA server that JRiver presents directly as a music source from moode, have you thought about doing this?


Hi John,

The symptoms for issue #1 suggest corrupt Browser cache, bad SD card, Router reboot needed, something along those lines.

Resolving issue #1 will probably also resolve issue #2. I don't recall making any changes to UPnP renderer or upexplore (the upnp album art fetcher) between 2.4 and 2.5 but i will check my notes to be sure.

If none of the above resolve the issue then email tim at moodeaudio dot org and I'll help troubleshoot :)

I did compile MPD with the upnp neighbor plugin. In theory it would be possible to list available DLNA servers Browse/play tracks from them but I've never tested it to see how much effort it would take to integrate, and it sounds like u can't have both the UPnP plugin and UPnP renderer running at same time.

Here is the reference link. Jean-Francois Dockes wrote both the plugin and the renderer.
MPD as client to an UPnP/DLNA Media Server

I did compile MPD with the upnp neighbor plugin. In theory it would be possible to list available DLNA servers Browse/play tracks from them but I've never tested it to see how much effort it would take to integrate, and it sounds like u can't have both the UPnP plugin and UPnP renderer running at same time.

Here is the reference link. Jean-Francois Dockes wrote both the plugin and the renderer.
MPD as client to an UPnP/DLNA Media Server

Hi Tim, I've looked at that page and I'm still not sure what to make of it. So far as I understand UPNP, you have a server, a renderer, and a control point in the middle. So what is a " client " ? Are you suggesting it's possible to use the moode library interface as a UPNP controller for a server instance while also playing music as if it were a renderer?
Dear all,

is someone interested in helping to adjust the css so that Moode fits with the official 7"? The problem is not to get the touchscreen working but to have a nice layout and at least some touchy feeling like we have it on smartphones and tablets - and avoid several very nasty things like
accidentally selecting text, etc. The various "successful trials" you can find on the net (e.g. the youtube video etc.) unfortunately *all* show the same problems - see below.

I did several tests. What is necessary (like a roadmap) seems to be:

media size:
- add an entry only for the 7" touchscreen (800x480) so that nothing else is changed.

css part 1:
- decrease vertical size of the playlist and decrease a little bit the font size, leave horizontal size constant
- decrease size of volume knob and time knob, but buttons below should stay as they are
- decrease cover art and infos
- the buttons top/ bottom seem to be ok
- the other windows (playlist etc) look ok, too
-> best would be (if possible???) to completely decrease the size of the grid elements of the so that individual tweaking of elements is not necessary. Another option would be to remove the playlist from the main screen to a new screen (probably requires rewriting the bootstrap grid or just leave it out, but then there is no playlist -> ie. too much effort?)
- decrease size of overlay images like audio info etc.
- replace scroll bars with some more nice looking scroll bars OR remove scroll bars completely
(then swiping is essential).

iceweasel provides two plugins: 'Fxkeyboard' as well as 'Grab' to simulate a little bit of swiping. However, the grab-plugin is not developed anymore. This gives (at the moment) still some advantage compared to Midori or other browsers... however, Matchbox WM has a virtual keyboard, too - so what is needed is to tweak the css to allow swiping without scrollbars, deselect text/image selection (see below), etc. On the other side, Midori can be used which supports webkit. Midori is lighter but after having a look at (h)top on the commandline, after initial start the difference to iceweasel does not seem to huge on a RPi2.
Chromium is not possible (at least 'till TR1) - a recent installation from ubuntu works on the RPi very well but broke Moode due to updates related to php.

css part 2:
- deactivate capabilities to select text as well as images completely. That's really necessary, selecting accidentally an image blocks the RPi for a short time, because drag'n'drop is tried and that uses too much CPU. Probably the framebuffer device, the touchscreen driver, X, the window manager, etc. do not work as good together as it is the case on Android.

mouse/ cursor:
- can be deactivated via unclutter and AFAIK X allows to deactivate completely the mouse either by starting X without a cursor OR pointing the mice input to a dummy device.

different keys/ touchscreen:
- evtouch (-> xorg.conf) to emulate different actions (like right mouse click via long-touch, etc.)

fbturbo/ X:
- build a fb driver for X (Moode allows this, because the build environment is complete herefor, thanks Tim!) - I do not know how much this brings us a benefit, but it is worth a trial and it works.

Basically it should be possible to have a nice feeling while using Moode.

All this seems to be possible *without* breaking Moode. However, I am lacking the css skills and still do not understand properly how to reconfigure the boostrap grid. The other options cited above are to a great extent tried out and seem to work fine. The css/ bootstrap is my main problem... anyone interested with bootstrap/ css skills to invest some time with me?


Hi Leo,

I have the Pi 7" touchscreen on the way. I was planning on doing this anyway.
Hi Tim, I've looked at that page and I'm still not sure what to make of it. So far as I understand UPNP, you have a server, a renderer, and a control point in the middle. So what is a " client " ? Are you suggesting it's possible to use the moode library interface as a UPNP controller for a server instance while also playing music as if it were a renderer?


I think client = control point and according to the page, the implementation does not allow control point and renderer to coexist.

From my reading, it can be tested by adding:

database {
plugin "upnp"

to /etc/mpd.conf, then
- reboot
- ssh
- telnet localhost 6600 (connect to MPD)
- lsinfo

to see if the DLNA virtual dirs show up and can be browsed


I think client = control point and according to the page, the implementation does not allow control point and renderer to coexist.

From my reading, it can be tested by adding:

database {
plugin "upnp"

to /etc/mpd.conf, then
- reboot
- ssh
- telnet localhost 6600 (connect to MPD)
- lsinfo

to see if the DLNA virtual dirs show up and can be browsed


Thanks for this, but I probably won't be trying it. I'm pretty satisfied with my current moode setup, the only reason I'm interested in UPNP server is the possibility of using a NAS box with minimserver installed so I can have a central location for all my music and don't have to transfer files between my computer and the hard disk attached to my raspberry pi. It seems like there isn't a killer way to do this yet--every solution I've seen involves using a crappy control point software on your iphone or ipad.