
Unfortunately my email did not get through.

The Hornresp.zip file attachment size is 537 KB.


From: Mail Administrator
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 7:08 PM
To: David McBean
Subject: Mail System Error - Returned Mail

This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

Your message is larger than the destination computer is willing to
accept, so it was returned. The error message below indicates the
size of your message and the maximum size allowed by the receiving
E-mail system. You may be able to split your message into several
smaller pieces and have them delivered separately.

Your message was rejected by gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com for the following reason:

5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential
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5.7.0 http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6590 to review our
5.7.0 message content and attachment content guidelines. t5si34684289pdh.70 - gsmtp

The following attachments have been removed from the bounce message: Hornresp.zip


Did you try renaming it from zip to something else temporarily? Gmail's limit is 25MB I'm pretty sure, it just doesn't like zip.
That was weird. I have received larger files than that before (including .zip). According to the guidelines they do not accept zip-files which contain zip-files or .exe files.

Try changing Hornresp.exe to Hornresp.nose or something similarly absurd before zipping. There is no way the guys at Google can figure that one out...
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I'm pleased to be able to make comments about such a useful program in the first place!

Interesting the methods of encoding could be the same and yet read differently. I to learned something that I forgot about. The memories are from almost thirty years ago when I was at school programming. ACSII addresses are much more definitive. And may be the way to address this situation as David mentioned.
And may be the way to address this situation as David mentioned.

Hi Mark,

The bad news is that unfortunately, it didn't make any difference - I feared that might prove to be the case :).

The good news is that while doing further testing, Øivind found an unrelated bug in the Loudspeaker Wizard, which will be fixed in the next release, planned for tomorrow.

Kind regards,


I know this question has been asked a million times in this thread but I'm going to go for it again. What are the chances of a 5 segment tapped horn with

TH1 = 5 segment tapped horn with driver entry point at S1 and exit point at S4,
Ap1 = 1st segment tapped horn cross-sectional area (sq cm), and
Lpt = 1st segment tapped horn length (cm) to S1?

Did I describe that option correctly?


  • TH1.jpg
    44.2 KB · Views: 226
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Hornresp Update 3630-150103

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year!


Directivity tool response results for the rear radiated output were not correct. This problem has now been fixed.


Loudspeaker Wizard response results for direct radiator loudspeakers having multiple drivers were not correct. This problem has now been fixed. My thanks to Øivind ('minkuni') for finding the bug.


Several minor glitches in the Help file functionality have been fixed. Help file page numbers are now also shown.

Unfortunately the Wine issue reported by Øivind in Post #5139 could not be resolved with code changes to Hornresp, and it remains an ongoing problem.

Kind regards,

Hi David,

Just downloaded the latest update, and now it's officially 2015.

*** Happy New Year! ***

Thanks for keeping up w/ things. :)


Hi Oliver,

At least I managed to get the year right - even if sometimes I don't know what month it is (as evidenced in the extract below from my Post #67).

For example, the current release of Version 19.10 was uploaded on 15 April 2008. This means that the product number for this release is 1910-080515 (format is vvvv-yymmdd).

The upload month should have been May (05) and not April (04) :).

Kind regards,

Hi David

I have made a FreeCAD python script which generates a CAD file for a compression driver/horn adapter, Python script for generating exponential throat adaptor.

The script parameters are:
  • Entry radius
  • Exit radius
  • Entry cutoff frequency
  • Exit cutoff frequecy

The generated adapter increases cutoff frequency linearly from entry to exit.

Maybe you are interested in including the "linearly varying cutoff frequency exponential" horn flare in Hornresp? It would be cool to simulate horns with their throat adapters.
The script parameters are:
  • Entry radius
  • Exit radius
  • Entry cutoff frequency
  • Exit cutoff frequecy
The generated adapter increases cutoff frequency linearly from entry to exit.

Hi Mårten,

Being able to specify entry and exit flare tangent angles rather than cutoff frequencies could perhaps result in an even more useful tool :).

The important thing is to ensure that there are no discontinuities in the transition from the compression driver to the horn. The cutoff frequency of the adaptor is of little consequence provided that the adaptor is relatively short compared to the length of the horn. You can see this for yourself by using segment 1 as the throat adaptor, and changing the flare from Con to Exp to Par. The overall adaptor (segment 1) plus horn (segment 2) response remains essentially unchanged.

What about an algorithm to calculate a smooth transition from the following input parameters?

  • Compression driver exit radius
  • Compression driver exit flare tangent angle
  • Horn throat radius
  • Horn throat flare tangent angle
  • Adaptor length
Kind regards,

Do I see a challenge here?

Hi Mark,

Not at all - it was a rhetorical question only :).

I just thought that it might be better in principle for the adaptor to match the actual physical flare tangent angles of the compression driver and the horn, rather than for the adaptor design to be based on theoretical cutoff frequencies.

Kind regards,
