Funniest snake oil theories

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the high end works by "what if". and you can't do that game because you'll soon find yourself wondering... what if there's a green man living beneath the surface of planet Neptune?

Totally agree with what you are saying....extravagant claims being dubious without proof.

but, nevertheless, do send all you have :D

It's expensive, how does my eternal bliss come, via disc or download? I'd like to have a backup copy if possible. Has it been tested? :)


Speculative nonsense. Since I installed a quantum tunnelling device in my feline's brain he has gone on to win a Harvard PHD scholarship to research the effect of the observer on cationic exchange. His PHD supervisor has been most impressed with his ability to leap rapidly from one lab bench to another in order multi- task effectively.
Anyone remember this guy? He used to post on several audio forums trying to convince people that his cables and power cords and audio "tweaks" were well worth the money.
Patrick821 - YouTube

Coconut-Audio fan site

What gets me is his "Banned List" on his webpage,

"Clement Perry (Founder of Stereo Times Magazine)
Michael Girardi (Reviewer for Stereo Times Magazine)
Moderators at Head-Fi, Head-Case, Polk Audio, Computer Audiophile, Hydrogen Audio, Audioholics
Breezeway (Samename48)
Bingoa (Eugene Vrsic, Slovenia)
If your name is listed above, you are NOT allowed to visit our website or order any products from the Shop"

That must be the websites that either showed him to be a fraud or just outright banned him from their forums for being an idiot.:p I am sure they are heartbroken for not being allowed to buy any of his crap.;)

Almost forgot his "co-hort" I think he used to be in the same forums till he got banned too. Quite the pair.
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:p fantastic, from here
White Night Power 5M Power Cable Installed - YouTube

Fiji5555 "wow was that ever a moronic post. So putting $50,000 cables on a $50 amp is better than spending $1000 for a great amp to begin with? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh brother!!!!!!!!! Now who's having a laugh. Idiot."

Patrick 821
"Yes, it's the truth"



"A $39 T-Amp is much better than a $5000 Krell KAV-500i amplifier. I have made direct comparisons for many years, you haven't. Your posts are great, now everyone sees the retard intelligence of the skeptics. Recently I got more cable orders, I think it's because of you. They don't want to be skeptics anymore when they see your posts."

I have noticed that his "Factory Direct Price" vs "Introductory Offer Price" differs quite a bit. A $50,000 power cord is "only" $1000. The same gos for all his cables. I guess anyone can price their snake oil at any amount they want then give the customers a "discount" and make it look like you are getting a bargain to the uneducated.

Also this from his website:

"Our cables are extra long and are designed to be coiled up like snakes. This extra length cleans more noise."

:p Go on and pull the other one Patrick

"We resume where Virtual Dynamics left off. Their top of the line Genesis was $17k. Right before shutting their business down they sold us a better cable called Judge for $50k. Our entry level cables are better than that, therefore our cables start at $60k. The "Performance price" for our cables give the real performance level and are not exaggerated."

Comparing yourself to Virtual Dynamics isn't the smartest way to get business.:rolleyes:
have you seen his modified K1000 headphones and world beating ERS paper modded EMU 0404? the poor things. he modified the K1000 recabled with thick nordost SPC, a customer of mine was sucked into buying them from him, they had voicecoil damage.

yes its hard to work out, i'm pretty sure hes mental, but also having a laugh at others expense.
AX tech editor
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have you seen his modified K1000 headphones and world beating ERS paper modded EMU 0404? the poor things. he modified the K1000 recabled with thick nordost SPC, a customer of mine was sucked into buying them from him, they had voicecoil damage.

yes its hard to work out, i'm pretty sure hes mental, but also having a laugh at others expense.

... and of course, with 50k$ cables you only need to sell one each quarter. Talk about a part-time business :D

he was probably banned from most of those even before coconut audio just for being a whack job. Patrick has been a notorious nutter, modder, troll and general crazy person in the audio landscape for many years, well before coconut, well before he listed anything for sale. he bought the aforementioned judge power cable as a crazy hobbyist.

I actually find him pretty harmless and i'm not even sure it qualifies as fraud, because hes so openly crazy and his mods and 'tweaks' so openly dodgy taped together nonsense that I can almost see it as justified redistribution of wealth…

why that is I cant really say, perhaps because he hasnt come up with any whitepapers, pretend technical research, scaremongering etc. doesnt give the feeling of knowing better and just towing the line, sucking people in. those who know me will know I dont normally tolerate such things.

I mean come on! check him out in his boxers doing curls with the MASSIVE cable about 1/3 the way in, hes off his head

the Judge 25K power cable unboxing, loving the hello kitty addiction.

or the ad over at audigon for one of the coco cables, its just too funny to be real, every cliche in an endless stream, hes taking the **** out of the industry surely.

Coconut-Audio cables give true performance improvements in 3 dimensionality, microdetail and transparency, while sounding silky smooth, clear, deep and spacious. Both the bass and high frequencies improve, with greater realism in the midrange. Nothing is sacrificed. It becomes so real that you are inside the music, in another world. No other cables or components can do this, and I have used a lot of expensive gear in the past.

This piezoelectric crystal formula is very powerful and easy to hear. Without this crystal formula, the sound becomes blurry and flat. Some people can't hear a difference from tweaks, but from my cables they hear dramatic differences.

I have designed more than 30 power cables, each cable is a clear and obvious step up in performance. Eventually you reach the Artemis level at $1.5 Million, this is the best of the best. Introductory offer is only $25,000, it's so good that I want everyone to hear it. I cannot sell it for lower than $25,000. If you cannot afford it, win the Customer of the year award where the prize is a 30 years payment plan.


its almost like some kind of performance art piece
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