Funniest snake oil theories

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How is it today?

In my days, wonderful.

One day, during a planimeter instruction class, my teacher stood close beside me and said these exact words : you really like this, don't you.
Logic would suggest it was not a standard issue phrase by him.
(lord knows I've annoyed the H out of him, and a couple of others, in my fresh year with my rude & crude suitcase).

Part was the high-pace teaching, oldfashioned way, e.g. an entire college year classes on mechanics of materials, followed by a single written exam on all ~1k pages of Gere & Timoshenko. More challenging, and pushes competitive teambuilding.
Plus all the gratuity classes at other faculties and libraries for personal stuff, e.g. xerox'd myself poor (almost) in the library of the electronics building.
But also had the pleasure to take classes in R'dam, e.g. ship finance and maritime economics from Prof Haralambides. Hercules Haralambides | Economist Conferences, CEMEA (Marvellous guy, btw, good/relaxed teacher and very sympathetic. Likely the reason I managed to score an A twice)

Other part was acceptance, quite a group spirit at a small faculty. ~200 students at the time, only half a dozen places worldwide that offer the curriculum. One is Athens, spent a couple of days with visiting 'Onassis' students, personally tourguided them in A'dam.

(Between roughnecks, +140 IQ makes one the professor. Amongst the academic 'intelligentsia',18'' biceps/tats/piercings labels one the oddball Duck in the pond from day 1. Downside of acceptance in a small Delft community is being the designated sucker for booze & armwrestle challenges, turning 65 size selftailing genoa winches on 80' sailyachts, plus having to throw the line a fckng 150ft distance from the afterdeck in the harbor. :clown:)

Think my neighbor summed it up, likely not to my flavor nowadays (plus wouldn't fit in with the 'new generation')
My neighbor is the quiet introverted intellectual type, btw (years at Shell plants in Malta/Aberdeen/Norway turned him to intake more scotch than is good healthwise)
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Joined 2002
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we could discuss if it is ethical to earn money such way.
most people don´t care, "if belly is full-everything is ok" :Pirate:

Sure, but that was not the issue. The fact that someone with a degree peddles stuff he *apperently* doesn't have a clue about, does not mean he is not smart/intelligent. Often the opposite.

You can blame Mr. Altmann for a lot of things, but he certainly isn't slow in the head.

dont forget the all important lacquer, its not just a wooden board

i'm not sure how many he actually sells though, I particularly like the master stroke of a NOS ADC … and convincing everyone that a car battery is the perfect PSU for everything, relieving him of designing one
does not mean he is not smart/intelligent. Often the opposite.

You can blame Mr. Altmann for a lot of things, but he certainly isn't slow in the head.


Just a thought: Has anyone actually heard this guy's equipment? Or measured it? I have not. What if his stuff was in your listening room, and you were experiencing nirvana? :) Would you admit it? or would it be like the airline pilot who sees the little green man waving at him from a strange craft outside the cockpit, but decides he can't say anything about it for fear of..............

He's quite convincing, granted but just pick apart what he actually says & not the way he says it.
This ones missing the all important "sounding board", ...that makes it cost 1000X more!



  • K143small.jpg
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what if this whole audio thing is just a dream and then you wake up?

Well, no, it's real and it can be pretty good.

what if we told you to buy all the snake oil stuff and report back to us?

I roll my own, thanks

what if I give you the way to eternall bliss, but only after you transfer $100k to me?

Just trying to lighten up a bit Mr. Push Pull, geez. Only $100K?
how do you know it's not a dream? how can you be sure? and how can you be sure the Altmann stuff is bad? or good...
what I'm trying to say is... the high end works by "what if". and you can't do that game because you'll soon find yourself wondering... what if there's a green man living beneath the surface of planet Neptune?
but, nevertheless, do send all you have :D
quite convincing

Rather irrelevant whether it's hundred times, or a thousand.

Mr Altmann has next to no marketing related costs, his offered products appear single order manufactured, therefore next to zero other overhead related costs.
At the very steep list/cost ratios of his products, it can be concluded that the prices he charges are by no means derived from a standard business setup.

So :
- either he enjoys displaying the fruits of his hobby, and does not care much about selling.
- or he does care about selling items, but holds the view that they will sell at those price levels.

For either one of the two options, it can be concluded that Mr Altmann has little respect for the 'clientèle'.
Neither does a druglord.
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