Studio Reference Amplifier

checking as in 'measured', and not 'just' by looking at color codes ?

or else, measure a similar spare component/resistor, and compare color codes with the ones mounted

just checking

R12,R13 =47R/+-1% MEASURED an color code checking.
kirchhoff say I(R11)=I(R12)+I(R13):scratch1:
V(R11)=0.00165*8200=13.53V Measurment on R11=13.8v:redhot:
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sr200 studio refer.

0mV on base Q2 vs gnd looks impossible, please measure it again and check for errors. Anyway, if it works ok why bother?

I try to remove servo .
Apex say .....without servo and with unmatched LTP transistors the expected
offset is about +/-10mV.
In mine case offset without servo is 100mV with matched transistors
Thanks for replay.
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I try to remove servo .
Apex say .....without servo and with unmatched LTP transistors the expected
offset is about +/-10mV.
In mine case offset without servo is 100mV with matched transistors
Thanks for replay.

Suppose output offset is +100mV. Left pin R14 is lower potential and current flows where? Capacitor blocks it from R15, and reverse base-emitter Q2 blocks it there. Even more weird, 54mV R13 suggest counter current. If measurements are not accurate, maybe problem is not accurate too?
Suppose output offset is +100mV. Left pin R14 is lower potential and current flows where? Capacitor blocks it from R15, and reverse base-emitter Q2 blocks it there. Even more weird, 54mV R13 suggest counter current. If measurements are not accurate, maybe problem is not accurate too?

And if suppose -100mV output offset, R13 is prime suspect. Look for some short circuits on layout, R13 to emitter Q2 connection.
I try to remove servo .
Apex say .....without servo and with unmatched LTP transistors the expected
offset is about +/-10mV.
In mine case offset without servo is 100mV with matched transistors
Thanks for replay.
Hi Thimios,
this what I got:
with servo & rail +/-43V
R11 =14,96V (15,59V on the zener)
R12 = 23,3mV
R13 = 23,6mV
R16 = 1,531V
R17 = 1,548V
R25 = 880mV
R26 = 856mV
R27 = 860mV
R28 = 882mV
DCO = 0.1mV (with TL071)
without servo anything not changed to much only DCO = 1,6mV ;)
(I only lift R5 & add a bipolar cap on R15 see attachment)
I try to match all transistor to it partner, they are closely matched
that why I get very small DCO when servo is disconnected

I have my own problem, when I connect input to ground with cable I have smoke on the zobel resistor without speaker connected.
When the speaker connected it all okay but when I disconnect that happen...
Now I must find what wrong with this :eek: btw maybe because the cable is to long


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