DIY anamorphic lens

But the VC approach is difficult to stand them up at angles so this was a bit more difficult.

It is probably easier to make a HE first, then turn and rotate it. You also might want to use tape to make a hinge at one end of the prisms, then use a hot glue gun to sandwich the prisms between two bits of MDF or ply. And you really need to do this on a table until everything is working.
I gave up because I preferred just loosing the resolution to the black bars because the HS approach had too much pin cushioning and chromatic aberration with my limited playing around.

You still get CA with the VC, but because it is compressed, it is not as noticeable as that of the the HE lens. Also it runs horizontally with a VC where it tends to be seen on vertical edges with the HE.

But you have got me tempted again knowing that the VC will yield noticeably better results. The good news is my screen doesn't have borders so pin cushioning isn't as evident as there is no straight edge near by except for maybe the sides (approx 100mm away from edge). But at the same time it doesn't have the edging to hide the edges of the screen..

You get Barreling with a VC, not Pincushion. So keep us (if anyone else is still reading) updated.
Will do. It may be a few weekends away though. Thanks again.

Cool. I actually have a set of these trophies in my theatre still. I might just for kicks, see what I can come up with as well.

I also played around with the achromatic doublet specs from my older MK3 and modeled a much larger version of the prism. I am now thinking of exploring the possibility of designing one for making a VC with CA correction. Has that even been done before? I thought the Prismasonic V1000 was CA corrected, but a post from Ansi suggested otherwise. Whilst I am at it, I might even add astigmatism correction as well :sing:
Hi Everyone,

First of all, great thread! I myself have just finished making a two prism anamorphic lens. The CA didn’t bother me at all in VC configuration, however, the barrelling for VC or pincushion for HE + the grid distortion did.

Even though I played around with the two prisms to try and reduce this effect as much as I could I was still not happy with it.

However, I have some good news for anyone who has their movie collection on a HTPC like I do… There is program called Nthusim that fixes all barrelling and pincushion effects as well as grid distortions. It works with DirectX and OpenGL for any application that runs in full screen mode.

So when my PC starts WMC after the boot up sequence I get a perfect rectangle picture with no distortion.

The cost is $289 for a 1 projector set up, but I think it is well worth it. They also have 3 projector version for $489 with edge blending etc…

They have a trial version that works for 10mins then stops, well worth downloading to give it a try.

Looking for Anamorphic Enclosure Plans

Glad to hear everyone is having a great experience with their lens. I too have built one, however, not too happy with my enclosure. I was wondering if anyone has any Enclosure plans (either in DXF, or just a JPG with dimensions on them), that I might be able to use. I purchased the smaller French lens with the AR coating -- seem to be working great. I really like the enclosure put together, however, I have not been able to get hold of him/her.

Any pointers - or links to enclosure plans would be greatly appreciate.

I will try list lens set up, but has anyone tried to use this setup for a video camera? Making an anamophic film with a hd camera?

Yes I did a few years back. This is using fully corrected optics, not a DIY anamorphic lens.


The great part about this is the projector is set to real or true 16:9 mode, not the letterbox mode. Because the footage was optically compressed during capture, there is NO scaling needed for playback.

I had to create a new account because I was unable to log in under my last one.
Hi Everybody,

I have now read this entire thread 3 times very good info.. I hope nobody minds the Res..

I am trying to get a CIH setup. Now from what I gather these where done mostly before BluRay and more modern 1080P Gadgets..

Now I currently have an Acer PH530 720P PRojector very old now bought back in 2007.. I also have a Samsung BD3600 Blu Ray Player.

What I plan on doing is buy a new Projector. an Optoma HD142x. Hopefully in the new year Jan I am hoping to get it..

Now I will then try to get the paper measurement as I found the real Prisms in a post few pages back.. I am hoping they will be good to use as they are pretty small..

So When I get the new Projector do I put a 2.35AR Movie in and set the Projector to vertical stretch then measure the image on a Piece of paper to see what size Prisms I need??

I read enough on building the Prism case and adjusting so I think I am good there just need to know the above question as I am not sure..

But for now I am going to build a new screen and try to get a DIY masking system made up later down the pike.. I was going to just use the Zoom method for now on a really big screen..

I based the size of the optoma Optoma image size with the ProjectorCentral Pro Calc. or should I wait until I get the Proj. then measure the size of the screen or is the calculator trustworthy for the size the screen should be??