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My Mom, has this old cabinet hifi and askd me to see ifI can get it working. I need a replacement powr supply/ amp. Plugged it in and it smelled like burning caps...its a classic from 8/8/1961 I'd like to restore use what I can from it. Does anyone know ifthesear repairable or replaceable wth modern conversion units of some kind. I don't want to spend a fortune but am willing to spend a resonable amount....I am a plug and play audio guy NOT an electrician or a elctonics engineer. Would appreciate anty suggestions...
could supply pictures no schematics though...
chassis #10 MT26 120v- AC .4 amp 40 watts
2 amp 250V on the power supply hs a 6pin amp connector and 3 spade terminal for speaker power to the tuner AM/ FM and turntable
That old tube stuff is relatively easy to troubleshoot. First make sure the keyway pin is not broken off the rectifier tube. Is the power transformer getting hot? Are any of the tubes glowing cherry red when you turn it on? I'd pull out the output tubes and see if you have a shorted tube. Lastly, dissassemble it and look (and smell) for what was burning.
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