Yamaha RX-V595 display panel stayed on 3~5 seconds then turned off

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Hi everyone,

I recently got a problem with my Yamaha RX-V595 AV Receiver. The front display panel could stay on 3~5 seconds and then shutoff. I powered up again, it happened the same thing.

I started to check the associated DC Power Supplies and they seemed OK. (Presence of regulated voltages, +12V, -12V, +5V, B+ voltage (48V), B- voltage (48V).) Also checking on FL Display power source (Heating Element), it showed 6.7VAC on my multi-meter.

Apart from the above, I checked all Output Power Transistors (2SA1695, 2SC4688 with a multimeter ) all seemed to be OK (No short or open circuit).

Could anyone share with me in fixing the above issue? Thanks in advance.

Even though the diagnostic is pointing to dc protection there may be "other"
contributors than the normal failed transistors etc... In the past I've worked back
from the PRD pin on the processor to see what these contributors are. It's been a
while so I can't give specifics but recall some were a little left field. There are
5-6 dead RX-V's in the shed. Maybe you will have better luck.
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