Yamaha 12" Woofer magnet realignment?

Afternoon all...

As per the thread title, I'm looking for suggestions/recommendations for anybody outside of Wembley Loudspeaker and Wilmslow Audio here in the UK, who are able to help with three Yamaha 12" woofers which require their magnet realigned as the coils appear jammed... I don't have the woofers here, they belong to a chap I met last week when buying his M-45 power amp...

Ta muchly in advance...
"Damaged in transit" strongly hints at some road bump ungluing speakers (specially if speaker falls on its back or sideways), then STRONG magnetic pull makes polepieces pinch coil against gap wall.

Be glad you found two options so far, you need to demagnetize them first and then remagnetize, such a large, heavy and expensive machine exists only at a speaker Factory.