does anyone have a real circuit diagram of the active stages in the pass labs XVR1.
There is a general schematic but it has no parts list.
Any ideas would be helpfull.
does anyone have a real circuit diagram of the active stages in the pass labs XVR1.
There is a general schematic but it has no parts list.
Any ideas would be helpfull.
does anyone have a real circuit diagram of the active stages
I'll bet Passlabs does.........
I'll bet Passlabs does.........
That´s about what I also had in mind, I was trying to find the correct resistor values today in simulation. Have you simulated or built thic circuit yet ?
Mr. Pass does this circuit have anything to do with the new active crossover that will be posted soon, or will that one be totaly different ?
Mr. Pass does this circuit have anything to do with the new active crossover that will be posted soon, or will that one be totaly different ?
As I mentioned before I have not build it. Yet.
Just simulation. Load was 100 Ohm and up. The "simetrix" phase margin shows around 50 deg. -3db down at aprox. 900khz.
Not to bad, I think.
Let's put some better transistors in, and this could become a real circuit.
Just simulation. Load was 100 Ohm and up. The "simetrix" phase margin shows around 50 deg. -3db down at aprox. 900khz.
Not to bad, I think.
Let's put some better transistors in, and this could become a real circuit.
I am trying to make a dicrete opamp like this for an analog output for a new DAC I am building. It has 4 opamps int original design and I dont want to use them. I prefer to put a discrete stage instead.
I saw the simplified circuit in the Pass active crossover. I think it is what I want. I also like the Borbeley FET cascode line stages but are not quite my taste.
What you designed is really really good.
the 2SK389 is one of the best around and the BC550C are also low noise very good transistors. Do you mean to change the output transistors ?
The BC337 and BC327 are also very good high current BJTs.
The specs you say are very good. I will try to simulate it and tell you what I got. How do you simulate the 2sk389 btw?
I saw the simplified circuit in the Pass active crossover. I think it is what I want. I also like the Borbeley FET cascode line stages but are not quite my taste.
What you designed is really really good.
the 2SK389 is one of the best around and the BC550C are also low noise very good transistors. Do you mean to change the output transistors ?
The BC337 and BC327 are also very good high current BJTs.
The specs you say are very good. I will try to simulate it and tell you what I got. How do you simulate the 2sk389 btw?
J.A.Pan makes some realy nice ones. So does zetex.
You could ask H.H. (sorry Harry, just teasing).
There is a list of really nice devices somewhere on this forum.
For the 2sk389, I use a model. If you can't find it, I can post it.
J.A.Pan makes some realy nice ones. So does zetex.
You could ask H.H. (sorry Harry, just teasing).
There is a list of really nice devices somewhere on this forum.
For the 2sk389, I use a model. If you can't find it, I can post it.
I forgot this:
I think it is Mr. Nelson Pass or someone else at PassLabs who designed this circuit. I just did a simple implementation to start with.
I think it is Mr. Nelson Pass or someone else at PassLabs who designed this circuit. I just did a simple implementation to start with.
Of course this is from Passlabs, i know that. I use circuit maker to do my designs and the 2sk389 is not included in the library databank. can I use two normal fets instead ?
model for 2sk389
.model J2sk389 NJF(Beta=51.76m Rs=8.008 Rd=8.008 Betatce=-.5 Lambda=11.22m
+ Vto=-.5275 Vtotc=-2.5m Cgd=18.28p M=.3367 Pb=.3905 Fc=.5
+ Cgs=20.07p Isr=112.8p Nr=2 Is=11.28p N=1 Xti=3 Alpha=10u Vk=100
+ Kf=92.85E-18 Af=1)
Drop two of these in, after you have added this model to your simulator, or one of its library's.
Hope this helps.
.model J2sk389 NJF(Beta=51.76m Rs=8.008 Rd=8.008 Betatce=-.5 Lambda=11.22m
+ Vto=-.5275 Vtotc=-2.5m Cgd=18.28p M=.3367 Pb=.3905 Fc=.5
+ Cgs=20.07p Isr=112.8p Nr=2 Is=11.28p N=1 Xti=3 Alpha=10u Vk=100
+ Kf=92.85E-18 Af=1)
Drop two of these in, after you have added this model to your simulator, or one of its library's.
Hope this helps.
so you mean this is a model for each half ?
I will try to put it in. I hope it works. I am kinda of new to this program.
so you mean this is a model for each half ?
I will try to put it in. I hope it works. I am kinda of new to this program.
SO I think the model is ok. I used most of the Data for the model you gave me. Some where not used because they were not in the list I filled out.
But the main characteristics from the model where there.
Thanks a lot again.
But the main characteristics from the model where there.
Thanks a lot again.
I did some simulations on the circuit but the bandwidth was dissapointing. the high end roll off started above 20 KHz.
I am not sure if the jFET model is correct or not. I will check this again.
What do your simulations show ?
I am not sure if the jFET model is correct or not. I will check this again.
What do your simulations show ?
Found this the other day, from l'Audiophie magazine and uses the input stage fom the Le Monstre power amp.
<font color=#808040>Fig 17: Filtre actif 2 voies utilisant deux filtres passifs RC en cassade. Caracteristiques des composants: resistance a 1% tantale, condensateurs cuivre, potentiometres a film plastique, trim 100<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT> <<COSMOS >>, La frequence de compure est aisement determinee a partir de F<sub>c</sub> = 1 / 2 <FONT FACE="Symbol">p</FONT> RC Ainsi pour une coupre de 590Hz C= 10nF R = 27k<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT>.</font>
<font color=#808040>Fig 17: Filtre actif 2 voies utilisant deux filtres passifs RC en cassade. Caracteristiques des composants: resistance a 1% tantale, condensateurs cuivre, potentiometres a film plastique, trim 100<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT> <<COSMOS >>, La frequence de compure est aisement determinee a partir de F<sub>c</sub> = 1 / 2 <FONT FACE="Symbol">p</FONT> RC Ainsi pour une coupre de 590Hz C= 10nF R = 27k<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT>.</font>
Found it posted at <a href="http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/main.asp?webtag=haute_fidelite&nav=start">le Forum de HAUTE-FIDELITE.net</a>, can't find the thread now.
The original poster said;
<i>"I do not know if it is Kaneda, it is the active filter of the audiophile N°7, new series. With the PSU of Kaneda 50W and the input stage of the Monster 8W for each of 4 cells"</i>
Tanslated the caption for the schematic using <a href="http://trans.voila.fr/?getting_web">Viola
</a><i>Fig 17: active Filter 2 ways using two passive filters RC there cassade. Caracteristiques constituents(component): copper resistance is 1 % tantale, condensers, potentiometres has plastic film, trim 100<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT> < < COSMOS > >, The frequence of compure is aisement determinee has to leave Fc = 1 /(2 <FONT FACE="Symbol">p</FONT> RC) So for a coupre of 590Hz C = 10nF R = 27k<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT></i>.
Thought someone might find it of interest?
The original poster said;
<i>"I do not know if it is Kaneda, it is the active filter of the audiophile N°7, new series. With the PSU of Kaneda 50W and the input stage of the Monster 8W for each of 4 cells"</i>
Tanslated the caption for the schematic using <a href="http://trans.voila.fr/?getting_web">Viola
</a><i>Fig 17: active Filter 2 ways using two passive filters RC there cassade. Caracteristiques constituents(component): copper resistance is 1 % tantale, condensers, potentiometres has plastic film, trim 100<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT> < < COSMOS > >, The frequence of compure is aisement determinee has to leave Fc = 1 /(2 <FONT FACE="Symbol">p</FONT> RC) So for a coupre of 590Hz C = 10nF R = 27k<FONT FACE="Symbol">W</FONT></i>.
Thought someone might find it of interest?
tvi would you be interested in making a new thread and designing an all SMD discrete opamp for general use like active crossovers, phono stages, analog DAC outputs and so on ?
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