Xcelite Ergocrimp vs. Paladin CrimpALL

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Hello everyone, First post and all.

Doing a search on various crimpers actually lead me to this forum, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Xcelite's ErgocrimpXcelite's Ergocrimp. I'm considering getting these since I've had a pretty good experience with Xcelite tools in the past.

However, I noticed that around here, the was a fair amount of support for Paladin's CrimpALL/8000 series.

Now I intend to use these crimpers semi-professionally, but my real critical usage will be to attempt crimp BNC, RCA, and F connectors onto Belden wire (probably either 1505F or 1694A), though I'd like to try and use Canare connectors if possible, having heard wonderful things about them.

Naturally, Xcelite's literature suggests that it's better than the competition, but I want to know from an independent source whether a) it IS better than the Paladin, and b) whether it will crimp a Canare connector on a Belden cable? If the answer is yes to both, then I'd be willing to buy it, despite the price difference.

Thanks in advace to anyone who can answer my above questions.
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