X Aleph Project Down Under

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I intend to try and measure the open loop gain the a design using various input stage options over the next couple of days and them relate this to the proposed 26 db closed loop gain.

Excess open loop gain and feedback seem to be the evil curse of these designs.

My guess is that the lower power versions of the diy X Aleph work better with more linear devices like the Jfets and small fets.

The traditional larger mosfet devices seem to work better at higher voltages and currents
Hi Terry,

Everyone seems more interested in the F5 and talking up design ideas in the X Aleph builders thread.

By coincidence there is some discussion around the effect of the resister divider at the input that seems to be causing some confusion aroud open loop gain.

I started doing some measurements last night and will post a table of results when time permits

As a practical matter doing some measurements is a good way of appreciating the concept of feedback, closed and open loop gain as discussed here.


Hi Ian,

Really excellent work you're doing on the different input topologies. Very valuable indeed. I look forward to your results.

I also agree completely with your comments regarding the low power Aleph-X amps being built by most people. To be fair though, most people are music lovers and amp builders and not experimenters. They prefer to follow directions and trust others to do the due diligence. Different strokes for different folks. That's what makes a forum such a great place.

Once upon a time I considered using cascoded ZVP3310's as a front end for the AX but decided to go straight to JFET's. And now through your wonderful efforts I get to live through that other alternative vicariously. Marvelous! Great stuff!

I bought a whole bunch of tiny crocodile leads today so I can swap out the resesters relatively easily.

Its actually quite interesting to run a series of measurements and then calculate the various gain and feeback values in db.

If there is enough interest I will set up a spreadsheet.

If time permits I will run the 1st series tonight.

I did an inital series tonight to get a feel of how to run these measurements.

operating conditions

1k sine wave
Source oscillator unbalanced into Passlabs X2.5 = balanced output
Passlasb X2.5 output voltage level 49mv differential

X Aleph setup
Input devices IRF9610 diff pair

Series 1

R19/29 22K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage at amplifier output
Closed loop = 947mv =25.72 db from input voltage
=37.94 db from node of R19/29 and R16/29

Open loop = 13.48 volts =48.78 db from input voltage

Feedback taken from open less closed loop gain = 23.06 db

Series 2

R19/29 44K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 125mv =8.13db gain

Differential Voltage at amplifier output
Closed loop = 959mv =26.00 db from input voltage
=18.8db from node of R19/29 and R16/29

Open loop = 16.28 volts =50.42 db from input voltage

Feedback taken from open less closed loop gain = 24.42db

I propose to check these result tomorrow night and look at 100K and 220K for R19/29 an look at effect of R16/20 for 100K.

I have not conclusions yet. No dout a wider spread of values will so something. We will the look at the other devices ie 2SJ74 and ZVP2210A over the next few days.

macka said:
I did an inital series tonight to get a feel of how to run these measurements.

operating conditions

1k sine wave
Source oscillator unbalanced into Passlabs X2.5 = balanced output
Passlasb X2.5 output voltage level 49mv differential

X Aleph setup
Input devices IRF9610 diff pair

Series 1

R19/29 22K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage at amplifier output
Closed loop = 947mv =25.72 db from input voltage
=37.94 db from node of R19/29 and R16/29

Open loop = 13.48 volts =48.78 db from input voltage

Feedback taken from open less closed loop gain = 23.06 db

Series 2

R19/29 44K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 125mv =8.13db gain

Differential Voltage at amplifier output
Closed loop = 959mv =26.00 db from input voltage
=18.8db from node of R19/29 and R16/29

Open loop = 16.28 volts =50.42 db from input voltage

Feedback taken from open less closed loop gain = 24.42db

I propose to check these result tomorrow night and look at 100K and 220K for R19/29 an look at effect of R16/20 for 100K.

I have not conclusions yet. No doubt a wider spread of values will so something. We will the look at the other devices ie 2SJ74 and ZVP2210A over the next few days.


I found an error in my measurements last night regards the Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29

In all closed loop gain measurements is remains 12 mv differential.
I did another series tonight and have included a measurement of Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 under open loop gain conditions

1k sine wave
Source oscillator unbalanced into Passlabs X2.5 = balanced output
Passlasb X2.5 output voltage level 49mv differential

X Aleph setup
Input devices IRF9610 diff pair

Series 1

R19/29 22K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 33mv =3.4 db loss

Differential Voltage at amplifier output

Closed loop = 947mv =25.72 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38db

Open loop = 13.34 volts =48.69 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 22.97 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.2 db

Series 2

R19/29 44K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 39mv =1.979 db loss

Closed loop = 956mv =25.80 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.02 db

Open loop = 16.28 volts =50.42 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52.4db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 24.62 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.38db

Series 3

R19/29 100K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 43mv =1.130 db loss

Closed loop = 965mv =25.888 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.10 db

Open loop = 18.14 volts =51.36 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52.48db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 25.48 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.38db

Series 4

R19/29 221K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 46mv =0.5469 db loss

Closed loop = 967mv =25.90 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.12 db

Open loop = 19.25 volts =51.64 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52.42db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 25.74 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.30db
Hi Ian,

Thank you for publishing this work. It really helps us all. As for the mysterious 10dB, my recollection is that it wasn't a sacred or hard and fast thing. And I don't remember it being used in reference to the XA series.

The numbers you are uncovering are in the ball park of what I would have expected to see for the XA/AX circuit. I'm really interested in seeing what you measure for the dual JFET input version.


Yes it will be.

I would like to see more input so here is some food for thought...

A lot of people perhaps think these older X Aleph are a bit lame compared to the more contemporary First Watt designs .

A lot of them were built, scaled and cloned on the basis they will just go which is what we want to see but as a rule the focus has been on offset voltages.

Pity I don't have a distortion analyser.

I must look into that because I am coming around the the realisation that all these simple 2 stage designs are set up for best measured distortion and sound quality.

A bit off the best vaues and you may have possibly 10X the best distortion. Of course the caveats of voltage and bias always apply.

From what little I have done so far adjusting the feedback divider makes quite a difference

I also suspect the actual input pair bias is the kicker (apart from the device selection) if one is looking to create a given closed and open loop gain scenario. I plan to vary that within reason.

A lot of peole worry about driving the gate capacitance of the followers. Just look at the curves in Nelson's article on measuring Fets. Just pour on the voltage and up the current of those big suckers. If you must use 15 volts do so at your own peril.

I am not trying to stir the pot here but without stating the obvious don't assume too much with any of this stuff.

Forgot to do 10K resister to ground and will look at that tonight and then 100K feeback resisters.

I will then provide a matrix comparing the open and closed loop gain if the Jets and the small ZVP2110
Series 5

R19/29 10K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 24mv =6.19 db loss

Closed loop = 918mv =25.45 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 37.67db

Open loop = 9.51 volts =45.75 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 51.95db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 20.3 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.28db

Series 6

R19/29 10K
R16/30 100K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 24mv =6.19 db loss

Closed loop = 439mv =19.03 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 31.26

Open loop = 9.51 volts =45.75 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 51.95db

Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 26.72 db

Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 20.69db
I have been reading Opamps Explained by Bryan Maher.

It is perhaps useful to point out that with opamps that have low open loop gain G, there will be some error in T = the closed loop gain where H = R1/R1+R2 as expressed here:

Closed loop gain T= G/ I + GH. In opamps where G is so large that the I in the demoninator is insignificant, hence T = G/Gh approx.

As an example a modern opamp with G =30,000 and where T = 25, the voltage divider H= R1/(R1+R2) = 1/25

In our example where G may only equal x 194 and we want H = 10,000 / (10,000+100,000) = 0.0909 =11 There may be differences in calaculated and measured gains because G falls with frequency and because of gain accuracy errors where G is a relatively small number where T= G/l+GH

To give some idea in the above reference there is a table that ilustrates the errors.

Where R1 = 1k and R2 = 99K H= 1/100.

For an open loop gain of G = 10 and where nominal closed loop gain is 100, actual gain T= 9.09

The situation improves with G =100, where nominal closed loop gain is 100 , actual gain T = 50.00

For G=1000 , where nominal closed loop gain is 100 , actual gain T =90.90

True gain accurancy is not obtained until G=10,000 in this example.

The situation is improved somewhat where ;

R1 = 1k and R2 = 2K where h = 1/3

For G = 100 , nominal closed loop gain of 3, actual T= 2.91

For G = 1000, nominal closed loop gain of 3, actual T = 2.99.

Therefore expect some degree of inaccuracy between computed and actual measured values of these low G amplifiers.
macka said:
I did another series tonight and have included a measurement of Differential Voltage at node of 19/29 and R16/29 under open loop gain conditions

1k sine wave
Source oscillator unbalanced into Passlabs X2.5 = balanced output
Passlasb X2.5 output voltage level 49mv differential

X Aleph setup
Input devices IRF9610 diff pair
* 2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)

Series 1

R19/29 22K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 33mv =3.4 db loss

Differential Voltage at amplifier output

IRF9610 diff pair
Closed loop = 947mv =25.72 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Closed loop = 964mv =25.88 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.09db

IRF9610 diff pair
Open loop = 13.34 volts =48.69 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Open loop = 18.25 volts =51.42 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 54.85db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 22.97 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 25.54 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.2 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 16.76 db

Series 2

R19/29 44K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 39mv =1.979 db loss

IRF9610 diff pair
Closed loop = 956mv =25.80 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.02 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Closed loop = 974mv =25.96 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.18 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Open loop = 16.28 volts =50.42 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52.4db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Open loop = 22.3 volts =53.16 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 55.13db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 24.62 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 27.22 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.38db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 16.95db

Series 3

R19/29 100K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 43mv =1.130 db loss

IRF9610 diff pair
Closed loop = 965mv =25.888 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.10 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Closed loop = 978mv =25.99 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 38.22 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Open loop = 18.14 volts =51.36 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 52.48db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Open loop = 25.2 volts =54.21 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 55.35 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 25.48 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 28.22 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.38db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 17.13db

For the purposes of direct comparisons (and to save a lot of typing) I have edited the above quote with the 2SJ74 dual pairs measured under the same conditions.

As you can see the 2x dual Jets have close to 3db more open loop gain than the dual IRF9610!
macka said:
Series 5

X Aleph setup
Input devices IRF9610 diff pair
* 2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)

R19/29 10K
R16/30 221K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 24mv =6.19 db loss

IRF9610 diff pair
Closed loop = 918mv =25.45 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 37.67db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Closed loop = 943mv =25.68 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 37.90db

IRF9610 diff pair
Open loop = 9.51 volts =45.75 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 51.95db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Open loop = 12.72 volts =48.26 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 54.48db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 20.3 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 22.58 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 14.28db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 16.58db

Series 6

R19/29 10K
R16/30 100K

Differential Voltage input voltage at input of R18/28 49mv

Differential Voltage closed loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 12mv =12.2 db loss

Differential Voltage open loop gain at node of 19/29 and R16/29 = 24mv =6.19 db loss

IRF9610 diff pair
Closed loop = 439mv =19.03 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 31.26 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Closed loop = 444mv =19.14 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 31.36 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Open loop = 9.51 volts =45.75 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 51.95db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Open loop = 12.72 volts =48.26 db from input voltage
From node of R19/29 and R16/29 = 54.48db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 26.72 db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from input less closed loop gain = 29.12 db

IRF9610 diff pair
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 20.69db

2SJ74 2x diff pair (cascoded)
Feedback taken from node of 19/29 and R16/29 loop less closed loop gain = 23.12db

As per my previous post I have edited the above quote to include measurements under the same conditions for the 2SJ74 dual pairs.
Hi Ian,

Great work !

If it can help you, I once did the maths for the gain of an ugs stage, and the same formula should apply here. It includes the effets of the input to ground resistor. and the feedback network as well.
It's here :
http://psykok.homelinux.org/diy/preamp_ugs/pdf/UGS pour les nuls.pdf
Sorry, it's in french, but the maths should be sufficient per se.
Look at page 13 & 14, and eq 32, where Rfb is the feedback resistor, Rin the input resistor, Rg the ground resistor and Ad the differential open loop gain.
On the last pages, you can see how the variarion of a resistor value impacts the gain ("entree" means input)

Hope this helps, and keep up this good work ;)

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