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WTD - Neurochrome 286/686 pre built amp

looking for a part built/finished 2 channel Neurochrome 286 or 686 amp. ie whole unit rather than just the boards/psu or populated boards as per the 286 kit of interest too. Prefer EU based to avoid import duties.
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That is a very generous offer but I think suitcases and airline handlers might be a bigger risk than couriers and their is still the risk of duties being payable

I am indeed looking to minimise risk of damage with shipping and trying to keep the costs down. Shipping from EU should be cheaper and it avoids duties and tax which add something like 25% to combined item and shipping cost.

Running Nord Ncores monoblocks right now but have heard great things about Tom's amps and thought I should try some if I got the chance. Not really thinking about other makes right now.