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WTB: UCD or similar based DIY amp

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I normally prefer triodes for my horn speaker, but recently I became curious about low power D-class amps and what they can do for horns. I would like to buy a good quality DIY chip amp (UCD?) I don't care what it looks like or what kind of enclosure was used - or no enclosure at all for that matter. It has to be complete and working.
You could start with one of these:

Topping TP 20 MARK2 MK2 TA2020 T Amp Digital Stereo Amplifier 23WX2 | eBay

or if you want something not too dissimilar but a little cheaper one of these:

New Lepai Tripath TA2020 Class T Hi Fi Audio Amplifier | eBay

It's class T, not D, but it's the same idea.

Cute little bugger, ain't it? I'm trying to downgrade and make things smaller. So the idea of a small amp - something I wouldn't consider even in the worst nightmere - gradually creepet in. TA2020 seems to have quite a following. Chinese stuff is extremely cheap but I thought one of the diyers might want to unload his project.
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