World's best Tweeters Blind Testing

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My point is that any reasonable XO is based on the actual acoustical output of the drivers, not the electrical filters alone. If you are aiming for, say, a LR8 acoustical XO (again, amplitude *and* phase) the electrical filters will be whatever it takes to shape the raw response of the drivers to that target and that will *never* be simple textbook XO filters.
Even with steep slopes your drivers need to have identical amplitude and phase response to about 2 octaves beyond either side the XO point when trying to use the simple 'electrical-only' approach. Amplitude may be easy to dial in, but phase is not.
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Varies from person to person.
See for yourself and try the Klippel test: Listening Test

I passed at -45dB and failed at -48dB so I'd say for me 0.5% is just about audible but I can't say for sure if it is my ears or my speakers that were the limiting factor.

Read Geddes research. It is not that simple and has been covered elsewhere. This is not a topic for this thread
The Klippel test is pretty clear.... though the speakers/headphones used in the test still play a role.
The playback level is one most important variable when it comes to the audibility of distortion with real music signals (read: multitone IMD, not single sine HD). If spreaker distortion is lower than the ear's own distortion at a given level (which is individual, of course), it's inaudible, as a rule of thumb.

Anybody ever listened to something like a flute (recorder) quartet live when you are close? Completely unlistenable because of high ear generated IMD, while the sources sure don't produce any IMD.
Don't underestimate what a room can cause (and hide) in our real world listening situations. (Not meaning to say you do, mentioning this as a general perspective :))
I do agree listening level (SPL) beeing a big factor to deal with. With the klippel test we can control that, and its back to the differences we can actually hear/pick up.
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Read Geddes research. It is not that simple and has been covered elsewhere. This is not a topic for this thread

May be, may be not but for the last nearly 30 years a speakers THD level has proven to be a so farpractically infallible predictor of how much I like it.
Regardless if I know THD levels before hearing it or after (most of the time it was after though).
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The Visaton is very impressive. Out-of-the-box very flat FR.

Here is the EQ i had to make to get a super-flat FR:

8000hz -3.3db Q3.5 Peak
17000hz +2.6db Q1.4 High-shelf
14500hz -1.5db Q5.4 peak

Seems manageable from 3khz but personnaly i'd go from +/- 4khz

Very efficient, pretty decent off-axis response, beautiful construction, reasonnable price for what it is. A great surprise.
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