Wooden frame and veener wood with foam inside, would this work?

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I'm a newbie and considering a few cheap options for the enclosure of my soon to be made first loudspeakers ever. I've read about cardboard enclosures, kinda tempting but I'm curious about using just a light wooden frame, foam and veneer.

Could this work if you spray enough foam in the enclosure? (and what kind of foam is recommended by the way?)
We have been having a lot of fun using the Foam Core board from out local dollar store. The trick is to use it in instances where you don't have a pressure build up or large panels ie: large vented enclosures, spiral horns etc.

When you say spray are you talking expanding foam in a can sprayed inside a lightweight shell of an enclosure?
"When you say spray are you talking expanding foam in a can sprayed inside a lightweight shell of an enclosure?" Yes this is what I had in mind.

But I kind of changed my mind and I think going for some kind of plywood will not cost me more, it will be ugly for sure, but at least if I am happy with the result I still can veneer it later...

What you said about foamboard is interesting and I will be shipping some stuff by plane to me soon and I think I will use polyethylene to protect what I will be sending. As it will be kind of big I think I will be able to use the polyethylene plaques to make enclosures for my speakers (at least to give it a try!). Not the same kind of foam you were referring to but it might be worth a try (and anyway it's either that or throwing it away....).
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