Wiki can't be edited... needs approval

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Joined 2000
Paid Member

I will set up a "hack" that will update the database every minute to strip out these locked accounts. There is also a new (beta) version 3 of the wiki software they want us to try (up from our present version 2), I'll try installing that too.

If anyone knows of quality wiki software that integrates with a vBulletin user database, and preferably does WYSIWYG tables, do let me know (I believe there is presently a total of zero).
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Joined 2000
Paid Member
You're meant to be able to fix this waiting edit using the history tab, but there are "controls" which are totally nonfunctional in FF and IE. And this is the new version we paid good money to upgrade to... sigh... not even sure how to fix this, I'll add it as a priority to my todo list.
May I ask again about the moderation in the wikis...?

I understand that members under moderation have this status also when editing a wiki. But do the validation requests of these edits get notified to the moderators?
It seems that they take much longer...

Concrete case: we are working on this

"EMu 0404 modification wiki"
and one of the contributors is a guy who's under moderation. When he puts something on the wiki, it stays blocked for several days. In fact, last time I "reported" the guy to attract attention, but I don't want to bother the moderators in this way for each edit...

The posts to the forum don't stay pending all that long.
Does anything still need to be adjusted on the wiki functionality?



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